Hi folks,
I'm pleased to announce the 0.5.0 release of psutil:
=== Major new features ===
- system users
- (Linux, Windows) process CPU affinity (get and set)
- (POSIX) process number of opened file descriptors.
- (Windows) process number of opened handles.
- psut
2012/6/27 Giampaolo Rodolà :
> Hi folks,
> I'm pleased to announce the 0.5.0 release of psutil:
> http://code.google.com/p/psutil/
> === Major new features ===
> - system users
> - (Linux, Windows) process CPU affinity (get and set)
> - (POSIX) process n
Hi folks,
I'm pleased to announce the 0.6.0 release of psutil:
This is one of the best releases so far as it addresses two important
issues: system memory functions management and permission errors
occurring on Windows and OSX.
=== Memory functions ===
Il 21 gennaio 2012 22:13, Erik Max Francis ha scritto:
> The real reason people still use the `while 1` construct, I would imagine,
> is just inertia or habit, rather than a conscious, defensive decision. If
> it's the latter, it's a case of being _way_ too defensive.
It's also because while 1 i
Il 23 gennaio 2012 20:12, Erik Max Francis ha scritto:
> Giampaolo Rodolà wrote:
>> Il 21 gennaio 2012 22:13, Erik Max Francis ha scritto:
>>> The real reason people still use the `while 1` construct, I would
>>> imagine,
I'm pleased to announce release 0.7.0 of Python FTP Server library (pyftpdlib).
=== About ===
Python FTP server library provides an high-level portable interface to
easily write asynchronous FTP/S servers with Python. pyftpdlib is
currently the most complet
Please file a bug on http://bugs.python.org/
--- Giampaolo
Il 21 febbraio 2012 10:31, Petite Abeille ha scritto:
> Hello,
> Looks like imaplib is case sensitive, even though the IMAP proto
Il 23 febbraio 2012 07:58, Plumo ha scritto:
> I want to download content asynchronously. This would be straightforward to
> do threaded or across processes, but difficult asynchronously so people seem
> to rely on external libraries (twisted / gevent / eventlet).
> (I would use gevent under d
Il 24 febbraio 2012 02:10, Plumo ha scritto:
> that example is excellent - best use of asynchat I have seen so far.
> I read through the python-dev archives and found the fundamental problem is
> no one maintains asnycore / asynchat.
Well, actually I do/did.
Point with asyncore/asynchat is tha
Il 28 febbraio 2012 22:47, Arnaud Delobelle ha scritto:
> On 28 February 2012 21:39, Mihai Badoiu wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Chris Rebert wrote:
>>> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Mihai Badoiu wrote:
>>> > I'm trying to compute the total CPU load of an external process an
Hi all,
I need to create an installer for Windows which should be able to
install a specific version of the Python interpreter (2.7) plus a set
a dependencies such as ipython, numpy, pandas, etc.
Basically this is the same thing Active State did for their Active
Python distribution: a single bundle
Hi all,
I'm currently working on 1.0.0 release of pyftpdlib module.
This new release will introduce some backward incompatible changes in
that certain APIs will no longer accept bytes but unicode.
While I'm at it, as part of this breackage I was contemplating the
possibility to rewrite my logging f
I've written this decorator to deprecate a function and (optionally)
provide a callable as replacement
def deprecated(repfun=None):
"""A decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated.
Optional repfun is a callable that will be called with the same args
Hi folks,
I'm pleased to announce the 0.3.0 release of psutil:
=== Major enhancements ===
* disk usage
* mounted disk partitions
* system per-cpu percentage utilization and times
* per-process terminal
* physical and virtual memory usage including percentage
=== N
I think he wants to attach to another process's stdin/stdout and
read/write from/to them.
I don't know if this is possible but it would be a great addition for psutil.
--- Giampaolo
2011/3/10 Miki Tebeka :
>> Is there any wa
I'm pleased to announce the 0.2.1 release of psutil:
=== About ===
psutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information
on running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory) in a
portable way by using Python, implementing many functionalitie
Please file a ticket on:
--- Giampaolo
2011/5/17 nirinA raseliarison :
> i think this has the same origin as the ftplib test failure.
> Python 3.2.1rc1 (default, May 17 2011, 22:01:34)
> [GCC
There's no point in posting this here.
Use the bug tracker: http://bugs.python.org/
--- Giampaolo
2011/5/17 nirinA raseliarison :
> ==
> FAIL: test_failures_
You mean the registered function return value or the process return code?
In the first case you can do something such as:
import atexit
def cleanup():
def actual_function():
return something
ret = actual_function()
# do something with ret
Hi folks,
I'm pleased to announce the 0.4.0 release of psutil:
=== About ===
psutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information
on all running processes and system utilization (CPU, disk, memory,
network) in a portable way by using Python, impleme
Hi folks,
I'm pleased to announce the 0.2.0 release of pysendfile:
=== About ===
This is a python interface to sendfile(2) system call available on
most UNIX systems.
sendfile(2) provides a "zero-copy" way of copying data from one file
descriptor to another (a
Hi there guys,
After 1 year of development and refinements I'm pleased to announce a
release of pyftpdlib which appears to be the fastest FTP server out
there (on UNIX at least)! See:
1.0.0 release introduces serious improvements amongst which pyt
Hi there folks,
I'm pleased to announce the 0.7.0 release of psutil:
This is mainly a bugfix release addressing a couple of high priority
issues on Linux and FreeBSD.
Complete list of bugfixes and enhancements is here:
I'm pleased to announce release 0.2.0 of Python FTP Server library
=== About ===
Python FTP server library provides an high-level portable interface to
easily write asynchronous FTP servers with Python.
Based on asyncore framework pyftpdlib is
I heard that python 2.6 will include full "server-side SSL
support" (whatever this means).
Is it true?
On 3 Ott, 14:37, Bruno Desthuilliers
> Paul Rubin a écrit :
> > brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>Does anyone else feel that unittesting is too much work? Not in
> >>general, just the official unittest module for small to medium sized
> >>projects?
> > Yeah, unit
2010/11/24 Raymond Hettinger :
> I'm writing-up more guidance on how to use super() and would like to
> point at some real-world Python examples of cooperative multiple
> inheritance.
> Google searches take me to old papers for C++ and Eiffel, but that
> don't seem to be relevant to most Python p
Starting from Python 2.7, yes:
--- Giampaolo
2010/12/23 Octavian Rasnita :
> Can this lib also work with ftps?
> Thanks.
> Octavian
> - Original Mes
The solution proposed on stackoverflow:
from ftplib import FTP
site = FTP('my_proxy')
msg = site.login('anonymous at ftp.download.com', 'password')
...can not work.
The "anonymous at ftp.download.com" part is pure fiction.
Nothing like that has ever been me
The standard FTP protocol does not supporty any kind of proxy-ing
feature natively.
The only closest thing to the concept of a "proxy" we can find in the
FTP protocol is the site-to-site transfer feature:
...but it's something different.
I'm pleased to announce release 0.6.0 of Python FTP Server library (pyftpdlib).
=== About ===
Python FTP server library provides an high-level portable interface to
easily write asynchronous FTP/S servers with Python. Based on asyncore
framework pyftpdlib i
community, you have failed yourself! :(
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
This is nonsense and you are clearly a troll. =)
--- Giampaolo Rodolà
wxPython is not suitable for inclusion for many reasons.
One reason is that it is a *huge* library which requires a lot of
constant work (bugfixing, documentation, lots of commits, etc...)
which cannot weight on python development.
Keeping the two worlds separated is better for both of them,
> It might be true, however I have seen some modules that say that are ment for
> Python 2.5, for 2.6 or for 2.7, so there seem to be differences between these
> versions also.
Python cares *a lot* about maintaining backward compatibiilty between
all major versions.
This is so true that I manage
2011/1/26 rantingrick :
> I just installed Python 3,0 on my machine. I cannot use 3.0
> exclusively yet however i was interested in just poking around and
> acquiring a taste if you will. I was happy to find that the new
> Tkinter module names now follow convention and are placed correctly...
> e
2011/1/28 Raymond Hettinger :
> I hoping a new trend will start with dev's putting direct
> source code links in their documentation:
> http://rhettinger.wordpress.com/2011/01/28/open-your-source-more/
> I'm looking for more examples of projects that routinely
> link their docs back into relav
So what you're actually telling is that Python won't survive another
10 years because:
- IDLE is it's default editor
- idlelib directory is the first place you should look every time you
need an inspiration on how code should be written
- code in idlelib directory sucks
That's an interesting poin
2011/1/31 rantingrick :
> In an ideal world it should be the first place you look when wanting
> to learn how to build medium sized GUI projects with the built-in
> Tkinter module.
I wouldn't do that, and thankfully in the *real* world what is
considered more important usually gets more attention.
Just out of curiosity, is WMI able to list the TCP and UDP connections
opened by a process or by the OS?
We'll have to do this for psutil (http://code.google.com/p/psutil) and
we guess it's not gonna be easy.
--- Giampaolo
You can easily avoid this by setting a lower timeout when calling
asyncore.loop(), like 1 second or less (for example, Twisted uses
0.001 secs).
Actually there's no reason for asyncore to have such a high default
timeout (30 seconds).
I think this should be signaled on the bug tracker.
--- Giampao
2010/5/7 Antoine Pitrou :
> Le Fri, 07 May 2010 16:36:44 +0200, Giampaolo Rodolà a écrit :
>> You can easily avoid this by setting a lower timeout when calling
>> asyncore.loop(), like 1 second or less (for example, Twisted uses 0.001
>> secs).
>> Actually there'
2010/5/7 Antoine Pitrou :
> Le Fri, 07 May 2010 21:55:15 +0200, Giampaolo Rodolà a écrit :
>> Of course, but 30 seconds look a little bit too much to me, also because
>> (I might be wrong here) I noticed that a smaller timeout seems to result
>> in better performances.
2010/5/8 Antoine Pitrou :
> On Sat, 8 May 2010 13:47:53 +0200
> Giampaolo Rodolà wrote:
>> Assuming loop() function does something like this:
>> ...
>> select.select(r, w, e, timeout)
>> scheduler() # checks for scheduled calls to be
There's no reason for such a thing.
You can just make "import module" in your test and if something goes
wrong that will be treated as any other test failure.
--- Giampaolo
2010/5/11 John Maclean :
> is there a way to test that a
2010/5/12 Gabriel Genellina :
> open() in Python 3 does a lot of things; it's like a mix of codecs.open() +
> builtin open() + os.fdopen() from 2.x all merged together. It does different
> things depending on the type and quantity of its arguments, and even returns
> objects of different types.
2010/5/16 Chris Rebert :
> On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 10:50 AM, AON LAZIO wrote:
>> Hi,
>>How can I set up global variables for the entire python applications?
>> Like I can call and set this variables in any .py files.
>>Think of it as a global variable in a single .py file but this is for t
2010/5/19 pilgrim773 :
> Hello I am new to Python programming. I need a write a script which
> will delete files from a FTP server after they have reached a certain
> age, like 7 days for example. I have prepared this code below, but I
> get an error message:
> The system cannot find the path speci
2010/5/25 Michele Simionato :
> On May 25, 10:42 am, "kak...@gmail.com" wrote:
>> Hi to all,
>> i'm creating a command line application using asyncore and cmd. At
>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>> import socket
>> args = sys.argv[1:]
>> if not args:
>> print "Usage: %s que
2010/5/25 Michele Simionato :
> On May 25, 12:03 pm, Giampaolo Rodolà wrote:
>> Too bad cmdloop() doesn't provide an argument to return immediately.
>> Why don't you submit this patch on the bug tracker?
>> ---
>> Giampaolohttp://code.google.com
I know, the title doesn't say much, but I had no better ideas. =)
I have a class within a serie of redundant methods, which looks like this:
class MixedAuthorizer:
def __init__(self, *args):
# expected a list of class instances
self.authorizers = args
def get_home(self, u
2010/5/28 Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de>:
> Giampaolo Rodolà wrote:
>> I know, the title doesn't say much, but I had no better ideas. =)
>> I have a class within a serie of redundant methods, which looks like this:
>> class MixedAutho
RAW sockets are not recommended for doing such kind of things.
It is a lot easier and portable using libpcap.
Python has a lot of libpcap bindings you can use (pcapy, pypcap, etc...).
Just google for it.
--- Giampaolo
2010/6/6 ca
This is an interesting subject.
> - Your location - country, state or city, whatever you care to provide
Turin, Italy
> - Your focus - Product Development (web sites/apps), Education, R&D/Science,
> IT/Sys Admin, etc
Web development based on Zope, Grok and Plone
> - Your company size
2010/6/10 Leon :
> Hi, there,
> I'm trying to read the source code of python.
> I read around, and am kind of lost, so where to start?
> Any comments are welcomed, thanks in advance.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
If you're interested in understanding Python interna
In every dispatcher instance of your application I recommend to
override handle_error as follows:
class A(asyncore.dispatcher)
def handle_error(self):
This will print a common traceback message instead of the compact one
provided by asyncore which provides a lot less informat
I have a class which looks like the one below.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to "wrap" all my method calls and
attribute lookups into a "proxy" method which translates certain
exceptions into others.
The code below *apparently* works: the original method is called but
for some reason the "ex
2010/6/12 David Zaslavsky :
> Hi,
> The problem is that when you make this call:
>> proc.cmdline()
> there are really two steps involved. First you are accessing proc.cmdline,
> then you are calling it. You could think of it as this:
> func = proc.cmdline
> func()
> __getattribute__ is able to
There's no need to use taskill.exe;
keep a reference of the subprocess.Popen() object around and use its
kill() method instead.
--- Giampaolo
2010/6/21 shanti bhushan :
> On Jun 21, 10:41 am, shanti bhushan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I w
2010/7/6 David Cournapeau :
>> Or is there no change at the C level? That would make things easy.
> There are quite a few, but outside of the big pain point of
> strings/byte/unicode which is present at python level as well, a lot
> of the issues are not so big (and even simpler to deal with). F
2010/7/7 durumdara :
> Hi!
> I have an environment under Python 2.6 (WinXP). That is based on PIL,
> wxPython/PyWin32.
> In the project's pages I see official installer for only PyWin32.
> I don't know that PIL or wxPython supports Python 3 or not. May with
> some trick these packages are wor
2010/7/8 Michele Simionato :
> On Jul 7, 10:55 pm, Carl Banks wrote:
>> On Jul 7, 1:31 am, Paul McGuire wrote:
>> > I just
>> > couldn't get through on the python-dev list that I couldn't just
>> > upgrade my code to 2.6 and then use 2to3 to keep in step across the
>> > 2-3 chasm, as this would l
2010/8/4 Hallvard B Furuseth :
> Is there an equivalent of zipfile.py for .7z archives?
> I have one which extracts an archive member by running 7z e -so,
> but that's a *slow* way to read one file at a time.
> Google found me some python interfaces to lzma, but apparently they
> only handle sing
On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 06:30:15 -0700, Martin Landa wrote:
> is there a way how to send command from python script to the shell
> (known id) from which the python script has been called?
By using psutil (http://code.google.com/p/psutil/):
giampa...@ubuntu:~$ python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2
Sorry I realize now that you wrote "how to send a command to the
shell" and not "how to kill the shell".
In this case I don't know exactly what you mean.
--- Giampaolo
2010/10/14 Giampaolo
2010/11/1 :
> Hello all,
> I'm happy to announce the release of pyOpenSSL 0.11. The primary change
> from the last release is that Python 3.2 is now supported. Python 2.4
> through Python 2.7 are still supported as well. This release also fixes a
> handful of bugs in error handling code. It
I'm pleased to announce the 0.2.0 release of psutil:
=== About ===
psutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information
on running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory) in a
portable way by using Python, implementing many functionalitie
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