Hi folks,
I'm pleased to announce the 0.2.0 release of pysendfile:

=== About ===

This is a python interface to sendfile(2) system call available on
most UNIX systems.
sendfile(2) provides a "zero-copy" way of copying data from one file
descriptor to another (a socket). The phrase "zero-copy" refers to the
fact that all of the copying of data between the two descriptors is
done entirely by the kernel, with no copying of data into userspace
buffers, resuting in file transfers being from 2x to 3x faster.
Basically, any application sending files over the network can take
advantage of it. HTTP and FTP servers are a typical example.

=== Supported platforms ===

* Linux
* Mac OSX
* FreeBSD
* Dragon Fly BSD
* Sun OS
* AIX (not properly tested)

=== Supported python versions ===

>From 2.5 to 3.3.

=== Links ===

* Home page: http://code.google.com/p/pysendfile
* Source tarball: http://pysendfile.googlecode.com/files/pysendfile-0.2.0.tar.gz

--- Giampaolo Rodola'

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