call function of class instance with no assigned name?

2009-05-05 Thread George Oliver
hi, I'm a Python beginner with a basic question. I'm writing a game where I have keyboard input handling defined in one class, and command execution defined in another class. The keyboard handler class contains a dictionary that maps a key to a command string (like 'h': 'left') and the command hand

Re: call function of class instance with no assigned name?

2009-05-05 Thread George Oliver
On May 5, 9:01 am, Chris Rebert wrote: > On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 8:52 AM, George Oliver > wrote: > > I create instances of these classes in a list attached to a third, > > 'brain' class. > > You could exploit Python's dynamism by using the getattr() fu

Re: call function of class instance with no assigned name?

2009-05-05 Thread George Oliver
On May 5, 11:59 am, Dave Angel wrote: > 1) forget about getattr() unless you have hundreds of methods in your > map. The real question is why you need two maps. What good is the > "command string" doing you? Why not just map the keyvalues directly > into function objects? Thanks for the repl

Re: call function of class instance with no assigned name?

2009-05-05 Thread George Oliver
Thanks for the suggestions so far. I've taken the advice to keep things simple so currently I'm just creating one instance of the commandHandler and assigning it a name with command = commandHandler (). This makes it easy to call it from any of the other handlers, and I think this will work for wha

Re: call function of class instance with no assigned name?

2009-05-06 Thread George Oliver
On May 6, 3:07 pm, Carl Banks wrote: > I'm going to guess that you want the keyboardHandler to call method of > commandHandler. There's no reason for commandHandler to be a handler > at all then: keyboardHandler is already handling it. Thanks Carl, you've got it right and your following exampl

Re: Learning Python in a group

2008-06-22 Thread George Oliver
On Jun 22, 3:43 am, "Jonathan Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm looking to learn Python (as my first programming language) and I'm > pretty sure I'd be more successful doing this with a group of other > people. hi Jon, I'm in the same situation as you and think a co-op method o

2D online multiplayer framework?

2008-06-28 Thread George Oliver
I'm looking for a framework to support a 2D online real-time multiplayer game (rugby league football with a lo-fi pixel look). The GameProgramming page at the Python wiki had some suggestions but so far nothing looks that promising, does anyone have some recommendations? It would be ideal to play

Re: 2D online multiplayer framework?

2008-06-28 Thread George Oliver
On Jun 28, 9:04 am, Gary Herron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Pyglet is my favorite: > > Twisted might be fine for the "online multiplayer" parts, but really if > you want a 2D/3D real-time game, start with a game framework. > > Gary Herron Thanks Cédric and Gary for the s

sending input to an embedded application

2008-07-12 Thread George Oliver
hi, I'm a novice programmer trying to better define a hobby project I'm thinking of. What I would like to do is take a program and embed it or put it within a Python-run GUI, using the GUI just to capture and send input to the application, and display the ouput. Specifically I want to use a Pytho

looking for Python live code reloading IDEs

2010-01-22 Thread George Oliver
hi, I'm wondering if there are any Python programming environments that enable live code reloading, for example something like the Scheme- based impromptu (but also meant for any kind of Python program, not just audio/visual generation). Currently I do this directly in my editor (for game developm

Re: Newsgroup for beginners

2009-11-16 Thread George Oliver
On Nov 16, 8:35 am, Terry Reedy wrote: > mrholtsr wrote: > > Is there a Python newsgroup for those who are strictly beginners at > > programming and python? > > gmane.comp.python.tutor, which I believe mirrors the tutor-list There also is a beginner's forum at http://www.python

requirements in writing an email/rss/usenet client?

2010-08-08 Thread George Oliver
hi, I'd like to know what to consider when writing an email/rss/usenet client. Apologies for such a broad question, but I've never attempted a project of this scope and I'm currently feeling out the requirements. My target is something like a gui-based mutt (I use a Windows OS btw), with influenc

interactive fiction in Python?

2009-07-15 Thread George Oliver
hi, I'm just curious who might be working on interactive fiction modules in the style of Inform or TADS for Python. I've seen a few threads on this list [1] (among many that mention IF tangentially), and there are old projects like PUB and PAWS. There are some newer potential projects such as Curve