Ivan Voras wrote:
> Maybe the OP really wants a GUI builder.
> More than 5 years ago, i programmed in Visual Basic and Delphi and I
> still miss the wonderful ease of graphically creating the user interface
> in WYSIWYG mode. If you haven't tried it, you don't know what you're
> missing :)
Alex Martelli wrote:
> Alternatively, counting Google hits:
> rails python django 112,000
> rails python subway 81,600
> rails python turbogears 32,000
> This isn't exactly "buzz", of course, but it's SOME measure of "critical
> mass" -- and with django about equal t
Do Re Mi chel La Si Do wrote:
> Hi!
> See :
> http://www.activeperl.com/Products/Visual_Perl/?mp=1
Yes, they have discontinued it but there is Komodo,
or numerous other alternative IDES for python:
One good one not listed on tha
Gregory Petrosyan wrote:
> Hello all! Please enlighten me about optional typecheck:
> 1) Will it be available in Python 2.5?
> 2) Will it support things like
> def f(a: int | float)
> 3) Will it support interface checking like
> def g(a: BookInterface)
> or even mix like
> def k(a
tomazi75-nospam(at)gmail.com wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've a problem using urllib2 with a proxy which need authentication.
I don't have a way to test this myself but you can try the
suggestion at the bottom of this page:
Move your na
I'm trying to strip the html and other useless junk from a html page..
Id like to create something like an automated text editor, where it
takes the keywords from a txt file and removes them from the html page
(replace the words in the html page with blank space) I'm new to python
and could us
> I am newbie learning wxPython. I tried using GUI designer called
> wxGlade. When it generated code I couldnt get the same level of
> flexibility as writing the code by oneself.
> Any view on what you think about using GUI designer tools.
> Every help is appreciated.
> i used C too much and haven't used Python for a while...
> like in C, if we want an array of array of float, we use
> float a[200][500];
> now in Python, seems like we have to do something like
> a = [ [ ] ] * 200
> and then just use
> a[1].append(12.34)
as something.txt.
I would post the data but it's secret. I can post an example:
index.html (html page)
"Python has been an important part of Google since the
beginning, and remains so as the system grows and evolves.
-- Peter Norvig,
-- Peter Norvig,
finds = file("replace.txt")
lines = file("foo.txt", "r").readlines()
for line in lines:
for find in finds:
if find in line:
line.replace(find, "")
print lin
> 'Python has been an important part of Google since the
> beginning, and remains so as the system grows and evolves.
> '
> -- Peter Norvig,
> If instead of "htm2iso.se" you write ""=" you delete it and your output
> will be:
> 'C:\\PYTHON24\\lib', 'C:\\PYTHON24\\lib\\plat-win',
> 'C:\\PYTHON24\\lib\\lib-tk' (... etc)]
> Supposing it isn't there, add it:
> >>> sys.path.append ('/python/code/other_peoples_stuff')
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> alf wrote:
>> ok, let me clarify, by M$ I meant Micro$oft.
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#writewell
And by /F, you mean fuck off?
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Gert Cuykens wrote:
> > would it not be nice if you could assign decorators to attributes too ?
> > for example
> >
> > class C:
> > @staticattribute
> > data='hello'
> >
> > or
> >
> > class C:
> > @privateattribute
> > data='hello'
> and that would do w
see vb2py to help the conversion
or if you want to convert vb6 to vb.net instead, there are tools from
microsoft and others to help with that, such as:
or if
> Having read previous discussions on python-dev I think I'm not the only
> Python programmer who doesn't particularly like python's "self"
> parameter:
> class Foo:
> def bar(self, a,b):
> return a+b
> Foo().bar(1,2) => 3
> The main reason
Frithiof Andreas Jensen wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Having read previous discussions on python-dev I think I'm not the only
>> Python programmer who doesn't particularly like python's "self"
>> parameter:
> Ok, there might be five programmers and one
ziggy wrote:
> Just wondering if there is something out there like Jedit, but written
> in python ( not just supporting, but actually written in it.. )
> Nothing large like Stanzi's or Boa.. Just something quick and simple,
> with code completion, and a debugger..
No. The only editors with f
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> I am currently seeking for pythonic alternative for XML.
> A pretty obvious one is dicts and lists. What about (Q&D):
That's like JSON: http://www.json.org/example.html
Wolfgang Keller wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 07:50:56 +0100, greg wrote
> (in article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):
>> PyGUI is an experimental highly-Pythonic cross-platform
> How "experimental" (or useable for productivity applications) would you
> consider it compared to e.g.
bruno at modulix wrote:
> DH wrote:
>> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>>> I am currently seeking for pythonic alternative for XML.
>>> A pretty obvious one is dicts and lists. What about (Q&D):
>> That's like JSON: http://ww
Gregory Petrosyan wrote:
> Thanks for JSON. It's more clean&simple than XML, but my main idea is
> to remove any extra layer between Python and GUI. I want all GUI
> elements/data to be directly accessible from Python (without extra
> libraries).
Since JSON is just python dicts and lists, you don'
bruno at modulix wrote:
> DH wrote:
>> bruno at modulix wrote:
>>> DH wrote:
>>>> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>>>>> I am currently seeking for pythonic alternative for XML.
bruno at modulix wrote:
> rodmc wrote:
>> Is it possible to embed a Python application within Internet explorer?
> No. Nor in any other browser (except from Grail, but I think this
> doesn't count).
You can if you use IronPython. Of course it will only work with
Internet Explorer on windows.
> A few years ago I
> had an AI class where we had to use Lisp, and I absolutely hated it,
> having learned C++ a few years prior. They didn't teach Lisp at all
> and instead expected us to learn on our own.
CS classes haven't changed, I see.
> In learning Python I've re
Kaz Kylheku wrote:
> I've been reading the recent cross-posted flamewar, and read Guido's
> article where he posits that embedding multi-line lambdas in
> expressions is an unsolvable puzzle.
To say that multi-line lambda is an unsolvable problem is completely
absurd. Furthermore it has already b
Stelios Xanthakis wrote:
> It had to happen :)
> http://pyvm32.infogami.com/EPL
> Seriously, this is not so much about the whitespace as for the
> new features, which might interest people who are thinking about
> new features. More specifically, "methods" and the "$" operator
> are reall
uple days and though I've learned quite a lot I just
can't get past this access violation error.
I very grateful for anything that can be offered.
I am currently working out MagickWand and dcraw separately but am
having similar troubles with both resulting in either 'Wi
28 matches
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