Re: Python 2.6 and Sqlite3 - Slow

2012-08-27 Thread Bryan
don't know where your 17 seconds is going. -Bryan --

Re: Python 2.6 and Sqlite3 - Slow

2012-08-27 Thread Bryan
n a few weeks. We'd use some open-source tools, WireShark among them, plus some Microsoft tools for which we might have to pay, plus the SQLite3 project's C library. With that investment I'd bet we could diagnose, but not cure. -Bryan --

Re: tornado.web ioloop add_timeout eats CPU

2012-09-03 Thread Bryan
fix? I'm not a Tornado user; I don't have a patch. Obviously Laszlo's polling strategy is not performing, and the solution is to adopt the event-driven approach that epoll and Tornado do well. -Bryan --

Re: sockets,threads and interupts

2012-09-05 Thread Bryan
bably unwise" according to Linux man page on close(2). Do you really need to worry about it? If your process is being forcibly terminated you probably cannot do anything better than the OS will do by default. -Bryan --

Re: simple client data base

2012-09-06 Thread Bryan
;re reading about lists, tuples, and dictionary data? Great, but other home accounting businesses have their client databases automatically synced with their smart-phones and their time-charging and their invoicing. -Bryan --

Re: simple client data base

2012-09-09 Thread Bryan
Mark R Rivet wrote: > Well I have to say that this is most discouraging. Sorry to to be a drag, but the thread needed a bit a realism. --

Re: Standard Asynchronous Python

2012-09-09 Thread Bryan
the edge on asynchronous facilities but Python treats Windows like a Unix wanna-be. -Bryan --

Re: Beginner Q: What does the double underscore __ mean?

2012-09-09 Thread Bryan
pecial within the particular class. To the Python language it's just another name, but the authors of the class have coded it to look up that name and do something interesting with the associated value. -Bryan --

Re: Standard Asynchronous Python

2012-09-15 Thread Bryan
eads. Dustin, I hope you carry on with your plan. I request, please, report back here what you find. As law professor James Duane said in pre- introduction of police officer George Bruch, "I'm sure [you'll] have a lot to teach all of us, including myself." -Bryan --

PyWart fixed mostly, was: Re: Python Gotcha's?

2013-01-22 Thread Bryan
ot;, should work on Unix. And everywhere it runs it should respect shebang lines that name itself. The modern shebang line ought to be "#!/usr/bin/env py -3" (but it's not yet so don't use it). The other big idea in supporting multiple Pythons is virtual environmen

Re: Python as a default shell, replacement of bash, sh, cmd ?

2012-02-18 Thread Bryan
SherjilOzair wrote: > Has it been considered to add shell features > to python, such that it can be used as a > default shell, as a replacement for bash, etc. I think yes, but rather than become a shell, Python makes easy programming a shell that can execute Python code. The tendency has been to e

Re: multithreading

2012-04-07 Thread Bryan
global variabel. It could be a class for which users can make any number of instances. Third, there are cases where you want a single global. Most of the time I'd recommend warning users about threading assumptions. -Bryan --

Re: multithreading

2012-04-07 Thread Bryan
threading' will fail. There's a standard library module dummy_threading which offers fake versions of the facilities in threading. It suggests: try: import threading as _threading except ImportError: import dummy_threading as _threading --Bryan --

Re: multithreading

2012-04-08 Thread Bryan
mports like any other competent module. The tricky part doesn't start until you actually use its facilities. -Bryan --

Re: Python Gotcha's?

2012-04-14 Thread Bryan
o I'm as much blame as anyone. Something to keep in mind for Python 4. -Bryan --

Re: Python Gotcha's?

2012-04-15 Thread Bryan
Steven D'Aprano wrote: > Bryan wrote: > > Python 3(K) likes to use the same '.py' file extension as its > > incompatible predecessors, > > And so it should. We disagree. Not surprising in a "gotcha's" thread. > > and in some/many/most

Whither paramiko?

2012-04-15 Thread Bryan
the stated reason why paramiko did not yet play with Python 3. Even more recently, PyCrypto has gone green on the Python 3 Wall of Shame. Anyone know recent news on the status of paramiko? Thanks, -Bryan --

Re: Python Gotcha's?

2012-04-15 Thread Bryan
raries to catch up. Of course they can, as I am, but the gotchas are really annoying. With minor versions its not a big deal if most users simply wait to do an upgrade. -Bryan --

Re: Python Gotcha's?

2012-04-15 Thread Bryan
se they both use the same file extension. -- --Bryan --

Re: Framework for a beginner

2012-04-17 Thread Bryan
han the purpose-built automatic table-generators of Django and Web2Py. Then there are the less than full-stack frameworks and libraries. But this post is probably too long already. -- --Bryan --

Re: Framework for a beginner

2012-04-17 Thread Bryan
Roy Smith wrote: > Bryan wrote: > > Django has emphasized backwards compatibility with the > > down-side that, last I heard, there was no plan to move to Python 3. > > Hardly.  See Ah, I'm behind the times again

Re: Framework for a beginner

2012-04-20 Thread Bryan
e in one short thread: Last I heard -- please correct me if I'm wrong -- Web2py had no plan for to move to Python 3. -Bryan --

number of python users

2005-09-26 Thread Bryan
is there a rough estimate somewhere that shows currently how many python 1.5 vs 2.2 vs 2.3 vs 2.4 users there are? have a majority moved to 2.4? or are they still using 2.3? etc... thanks, bryan --

Re: number of python users

2005-09-26 Thread Bryan
Fredrik Lundh wrote: > Bryan wrote: > >>is there a rough estimate somewhere that shows currently how many python 1.5 >>vs >>2.2 vs 2.3 vs 2.4 users there are? have a majority moved to 2.4? or are they >>still using 2.3? etc... > > > Here are curren

bizarro world (was Re: Python Doc Problem Example: sort() (reprise))

2005-10-11 Thread Bryan
Xah Lee wrote: > Addendum, 200510 > > Here's further example of Python's extreme low quality of > documentation. In particular, what follows focuses on the bad writing > skill aspect, and comments on some language design and quality issues > of Python. > >>From the Official Python documentation o

Re: bizarro world (was Re: Python Doc Problem Example: sort() (reprise))

2005-10-11 Thread Bryan
mr. xah... would you be willing to give a lecture at pycon 2006? i'm sure you would draw a huge crowd and a lot of people would like to meet you in person... thanks. --

Re: tuple versus list

2005-10-16 Thread Bryan
s a structure, use a tuple. if you view it a sequence, use a list. in this example, i view it as a stucture, so i would use (width, height) as a tuple. bryan --

Re: tuple versus list

2005-10-17 Thread Bryan
(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...]. to me, it doesn't matter if you want to modify a point. if you do then create a new one, but don't make it a list just to make it modifiable. bryan --

Re: Python vs Ruby

2005-10-19 Thread Bryan
ion. therefore, python was the obvious choice for me. bryan --

Re: Python vs Ruby

2005-10-19 Thread Bryan
e" not "cale". nothing like a hot bowl of tofu kale soup while reading the recipes in the "python cookbook". bryan --

python -m pdb questions

2005-10-21 Thread Bryan
always get not in sys.path What am I missing? Or is pdb fubar? Suse93 btw. thanks, Bryan --

Re: Python vs Ruby

2005-10-21 Thread Bryan
is claim seems pretty dubious to me. i would not say sion's ratio of 5:1 is dubious. for what it's worth, i've written i pretty complex program in jython over the last year. jython compiles to java source code and the number of generated java lines to the jython lines is 4:1. bryan --

Re: Python as Guido Intended

2005-11-25 Thread Bryan
> > i agree with you... pyrex should be part of the python distribution :) bryan --

Re: what would you like to see in a 2nd edition Nutshell?

2005-01-01 Thread Bryan
ny gui toolkits, and instead use that space for more core funcionality. thanks, bryan --

Re: PyCon Preliminary Program Announced!

2005-01-20 Thread Bryan
can anyone tell me how the talks work? there are between 9 and 12 talks for each time slot. do all talks start at the same time? or are there just four talks at a time and the columns show what talks are in a given room? is it easy to go to the talks you want? thanks, bryan -- http

Re: The next Xah-lee post contest

2005-01-30 Thread Bryan
Eric Pederson wrote: From: Arthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Not sure how Xah got himself into all this. One can easily see that Java programmers are geeks who secretly wanted to make the football team and are now trying to conform, ignoring their language's critical lack of Prolog syntax. Python c

Re: Regarding exception handling

2005-01-30 Thread Bryan
nt only gets executed if and only if the opening of the resource doesn't raise an exception. it has nothing to do with exception handling. in the previous 2 examples s = ... was placed inside the try/finally, but if an exception occures and s doesn't get bound to an object, then s.

Re: Regarding exception handling

2005-01-30 Thread Bryan
Dan Perl wrote: "Bryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] IMO, that is not the reason for the try/finally statement and it is not redundant. the try/finally statement guarantees the resource is closed and the try/finally statement only gets execute

Re: Regarding exception handling

2005-01-30 Thread Bryan
Fredrik Lundh wrote: "Bryan" wrote the above is not the same. make the a = ... raise an exception and you'll see the difference. s = ... # a = 1/0 s.close() as you can see, s.close() will never be called. also, in this example, i intentionally didn't put the extra try/e

Re: Where are list methods documented?

2005-02-01 Thread Bryan
modules index page open and i always wished there was an explicit link to lists, tuples, dict, set, etc. maybe these explicit links could be at the top of the __builtins__ page. bryan --

Re: PyGTK or wxPython (not a flame war) on Windows

2005-07-24 Thread Bryan
to see wx included in the standard distrubution. bryan --

os._exit vs. sys.exit

2005-07-28 Thread Bryan
Quick question: Why does os._exit called from a Python Timer kill the whole process while sys.exit does not? On Suse. Bryan --

Re: os._exit vs. sys.exit

2005-07-29 Thread Bryan
arifications. One more question, can I catch this exception in my main thread and then do another sys.exit() to kill the whole process? Apparently sys.exit() allows the program to clean up resources and exit gracefully, while os._exit() is rather abrupt. Bryan --

Re: Python Light Revisted?

2005-08-22 Thread Bryan
ng it up. > > regards > Steve steve, are you thinking about moveable python? bryan --

Re: C#3.0 and lambdas

2005-09-19 Thread Bryan
gt; can write > > a, (b ,c) = 1, (2,3) > > I'd like to write > > def foo(a, (b,c)): > ... > > foo(1, (2,3)) > > too. > > Diez exactly... consistency is the most important thing here. i use this style all the time. i will be very disappointed to find this removed from python. i'm +1 for keeping it. bryan --

Re: python2.4 generator expression > python2.3 list expression

2005-02-21 Thread Bryan
ange it to '0'). i tried c &= c - 1 but i'm not getting the least significant or rightmost bit reset to zero. am i misunderstanding something? >>> 2 & 1 # 2 = 0x10; reset right most would be 0x10 0 >>> 10 & 9 # 10 = 0x1010; reset right most would be 0x1010 8 bryan --

Re: python2.4 generator expression > python2.3 list expression

2005-02-21 Thread Bryan
Duncan Booth wrote: Bryan wrote: is to reset the rightmost (less significant) '1' bit of a number (ie change it to '0'). i tried c &= c - 1 but i'm not getting the least significant or rightmost bit reset to zero. am i misunderstanding something? 2 & 1 # 2

Re: [perl-python] generic equivalence partition

2005-02-24 Thread Bryan this is the first thing that came to my mind. i'm sure there are more clever ways to do this. elements = [['x', 'x', 'x', '1'], ['x', 'x', 'x', '2'], ['x', 'x', 'x', '2'], ['x', 'x', 'x', '2'], ['x', 'x', 'x', '3'], ['x', 'x', 'x', '4'], ['x', 'x', 'x', '5'], ['x', 'x', 'x', '5']] pos = {} for i, element in enumerate(elements): pos.setdefault(element[-1], []).append(i+1) p = pos.values() p.sort() [[1], [2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7, 8]] bryan --

Re: code for Computer Language Shootout

2005-03-18 Thread Bryan
i:i+60] couldn't you change the above for loop to: print wraptext.fill(seq, 60) bryan def main(): seq = [] for line in sys.stdin: if line[0] in ';>': show(''.join(seq)) print line, del seq[:] else:

determine os language

2005-03-19 Thread Bryan
is there a way to determine the operating system's language? i can't seem to find a method that returns the value. thanks, bryan --

Re: determine os language

2005-03-19 Thread Bryan
Bryan wrote: is there a way to determine the operating system's language? i can't seem to find a method that returns the value. thanks, bryan found it myself, thanks... >>> import locale >>> locale.getdefaultlocale() ('en_US', 'cp1252') >>> --

Re: Versioning Libraries

2004-12-02 Thread Bryan
, 3, 3) True >>> sys.hex_version Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'hex_version' bryan --

deferred decorator

2004-12-07 Thread Bryan
attr__ or the new __getattribute__ methods. does anyone know how to port this recipe to the new class style? thanks, bryan --

Re: deferred decorator

2004-12-08 Thread Bryan
Nick Coghlan wrote: Bryan wrote: i'm also curious if it's possible to write this recipe using the new class style for the Deffered appears you can nolonger delegate all attributes including special methods to the contained object by using the __getattr__ or the new __geta

collaborative text editor

2005-03-28 Thread Bryan
olest things i've ever seen :) thanks, bryan --

Re: Programming Language for Systems Administrator

2005-04-13 Thread Bryan
27;t speak to that, but i've never experienced an IO hang related to perforce. bryan --

Re: socketserver question

2012-01-08 Thread Bryan
untested) is to relax being single-threader for just a bit. import thread thread.start_new_thread(server.shutdown, ()) -- --Bryan --

Re: Hash stability

2012-01-15 Thread Bryan
Chris Angelico wrote: > Suggestion: Create a subclass of dict, the SecureDict or something, > which could either perturb the hashes or even use a proper > cryptographic hash function; normal dictionaries can continue to use > the current algorithm. The description in Objects/dictnotes.txt > suggest

Implementing Tuples with Named Items

2006-01-09 Thread Bryan
ates to 2 in this case. how does itemgetter (and property) know what tuple to use? in my itemgetter sample, the tuple is passed to itemgetter so it's obvious to see what's going on. but in the supertup example, it isn't obvious to me. thanks, bryan --


2006-07-12 Thread Bryan
is it possible to get the list of search results from the search box from wxPython's wxHtmlHelpControl without it displaying GUI? i don't see an obvious way to do this. thanks, bryan --

Re: wxHtmlHelpController

2006-07-12 Thread Bryan
Bryan wrote: > is it possible to get the list of search results from the search box from > wxPython's wxHtmlHelpControl without it displaying GUI? i don't see an > obvious > way to do this. > > thanks, > > bryan > i meant wxPython's wxHtmlHelpCont

Re: newbie graphing recommendations ?

2006-07-15 Thread Bryan
ading if possible to give it a really attractive look. also, do you know if a pygame windows can be embedded in a wxPython app? thanks, bryan --

Re: Any pyChart experts lend a hand?

2006-07-17 Thread Bryan
, 30), ("ao", 40)] ar = area.T(size=(300,300), legend=legend.T(), x_grid_style = None, y_grid_style = None) plot = pie_plot.T(data=data, arc_offsets=[0,10,0,10], shadow = (2, -2, fill_style.gray50), label_offset = 25, arrow_style = arrow.a3) ar.add_plot(plot) ar.draw() bryan --


2006-08-18 Thread Bryan
mod_python: Py_Initialize() succeeded PyThreadState_Swap(NULL) failed sucess case when apache doesn't load mod_python: Py_Initialize() succeeded PyThreadState_Swap(NULL) succeeded thanks, bryan --- mod_xxx --- Py_Initialize(); if (Py_IsInitialized()) { log("Py_In

Re: PyThreadState_Swap(NULL)

2006-08-19 Thread Bryan
Jack Diederich wrote: > On Fri, Aug 18, 2006 at 02:21:40PM -0700, Bryan wrote: >> i've written a program that uses python c api code that lives in a >> shared library that is loaded by a custom apache module (mod_xxx). this >> python c api code all works correctly

Re: PyThreadState_Swap(NULL)

2006-08-20 Thread Bryan
(); interpreter = PyThreadState_Swap(NULL); what could another library do to make this fail? and is there anything i can do to make this work in all situations? thanks, bryan --

callback cashing python

2006-10-18 Thread Bryan
ck code in PyGILState_Ensure(), PyEval_SaveThread() without success. does anyone know what i have to do to the c callback to prevent python from crashing? thanks, bryan static void process_method(session *session) { PyObject *py_obj_session = NULL; PyObject *py_mod_foo

Re: callback crashing python

2006-10-19 Thread Bryan
Bryan wrote: > hi, > > i have a multithreaded c server that calls process_method in a different > c thread per each call. process_method calls a python function bar in > module foo. function bar calls back into c. i've removed all the type > error handling and

python thread state

2006-10-23 Thread Bryan
te_New wipes out, or rather gives you a new global dictionary, because i lost all my global variables. the article assumes you have one c thread per python thread state, but i want multiple c threads per python thread state. Is there a c api function that will associate a c thread without resettin

Re: how is python not the same as java?

2006-11-11 Thread Bryan
between jar files containing .class files and zip files containing .pyc files. bryan --

Re: Open Source Charting Tool

2006-06-05 Thread Bryan
Harry George wrote: > See pygdchart > > this looks pretty nice. i don't see in the docs if and how it can be integrated with other gui toolkits such wxpython. :( bryan --


2006-06-07 Thread Bryan
of these language-x-isms that people on this list have seen. i think it would be helpful to both the new java-to-python developer and python developers in general to be aware of these. just an idea. feel free to discuss any language-x-isms, not necessarily just java-isms. bryan -- http://ma


2006-06-12 Thread Bryan
es/software_hardware/numarray this page says, "NumPy derives from the old Numeric code base and can be used as a replacement for Numeric." i looked at the matplotlib examples today and if i remember correctly, the examples didn't use numarray. so

Re: numeric/numpy/numarray

2006-06-13 Thread Bryan
Simon Percivall wrote: > Bryan wrote: >> hi, >> >> what is the difference among numeric, numpy and numarray? i'm going to start >> using matplotlib soon and i'm not sure which one i should use. >> >> >> this page says, "Numarray is a re-

Re: numeric/numpy/numarray

2006-06-13 Thread Bryan
Ben Sizer wrote: > Bryan wrote: > >> at the end of that page, it says: >> >> "Numarray is another implementation of an arrayobject for Python written >> after >> Numeric and before NumPy. Sponsors of numarray have indicated they will be >> moving t

Re: language design question

2006-07-09 Thread Bryan
ese methods in base class object that everything subclasses? then you wouldn't have to reimplement these methods on your class either, right? i'm not arguing for one method or the other. just curious about the difference. bryan --

Re: language design question

2006-07-10 Thread Bryan
Fredrik Lundh wrote: > Bryan wrote: > >> could you get the same result by putting these methods in base > > class object that everything subclasses? > > and how do you make sure that everything subclasses this base class ? > > > in this hypothetical case,

Re: language design question

2006-07-11 Thread Bryan
Fredrik Lundh wrote: > "Bryan" wrote: > >>> and how do you make sure that everything subclasses this base class ? >> in this hypothetical case, i was assuming len() would be put in object and >> every >> class subclasses object implicitly or explicitly

downloading eggs

2006-09-10 Thread Bryan
ds against that script but it didn't work. i'm using setuptools-0.6c2 if that is helpful to anyone. thanks, bryan --

Re: stock quotes

2006-09-13 Thread Bryan
color = 'red' percent = 100 * float(change) / (float(trade) - float(change)) data.append('";>%s%s (%s / %.2f%%)' % (symbol, symbol, color, trade, change, percent)) return '%s' % ''.j

Re: xmlrpc with Basic Auth

2006-09-15 Thread Bryan
on2.3/", line 1293, in __init__ > raise IOError, "unsupported XML-RPC protocol" > IOError: unsupported XML-RPC protocol > > I know that I am using it incorrectly. Does the basic authentication support > in xmlrpclib mean something else than I take

saving an exception

2006-10-02 Thread Bryan
anyway to fix this? thanks, bryan --


2006-11-29 Thread Bryan
would be like. i know python is currently using buildbot... are there any differences or simplifications in the processes using buildbot? thanks, bryan --

alternate language

2006-12-10 Thread Bryan
don't require any of these features, but extra browny points for any of the following: interactive interpreter batteries included can integrate with c compiles to native code can use a gui toolkit such as wx doesn't take 60 hour weeks over years to master thanks, bryan -- http://

Re: Who is for? (was Re: New website ?)

2006-01-22 Thread Bryan
egantly solve the suits vs developer issue. for those who like fancy images on the home page, you could now have an image that clearly links to each subdomain. you could even have a search on the home page that searches all the python subdomains. bryan --

Re: Which IDE is recommended?

2005-05-02 Thread Bryan
tocompletion feature you talk, and I think this feature is very > important. Where it is? > > Daniel > i saw this message too and i've been using it for the last couple days, but i don't see the class/functions browser you are talking about. where is it??? thanks, bryan --

Re: New Python regex Doc

2005-05-05 Thread Bryan
i have never found these interpreters to be anything but very robust and *IT IS SUITABLE* as trial'n'error pad for real-world programming. the above comment can possible only be made by someone who doesn't actually use it for real world programming. bryan --

How to reset sys.exec_prefix?

2007-08-08 Thread Bryan
Somehow on my linux box I scrood things up and I lost my python path info. If I check sys.exec_prefix or sys.prefix it shows '/usr/local/', where it should show '/usr/'. Is there a config file somewhere that I can change to fix this, or do I need to do a rebuild/reinstall? Hope not. Thanks, B

Re: How to reset sys.exec_prefix?

2007-08-08 Thread Bryan
Bryan wrote: > Somehow on my linux box I scrood things up and I lost my python path info. > > If I check sys.exec_prefix or sys.prefix it shows '/usr/local/', where > it should show '/usr/'. > > Is there a config file somewhere that I can change to fix

Simple python iteration question

2007-08-14 Thread Bryan
Hi, I just started with python, and have a for loop question In c++ (or a number of other languages) I can do this: for (int i=0, j=0; i < i_len, j< j_len; ++i, ++j) {} If I have this in python: l = ['a', 'b', 'c'] I want to get the value and also an iterator: for i,v in len(l), l: pri

Re: python strings

2006-05-03 Thread Bryan
>>>> s[0] == chr(0) > True > > - -- Gerhard this works too :) >>> s = '\x001' >>> s[0] == chr(0) True >>> s = '\x00abc' >>> s[0] == chr(0) True i think it would be more clear not to use 3 digits for this example si

Re: stripping unwanted chars from string

2006-05-03 Thread Bryan
> >>> keepchars = set(alphabet + alphabet.upper() + '1234567890-.') or >>> keepchars = set(string.letters + string.digits + '-.') bryan --

lines of code per functional point

2006-05-09 Thread Bryan
lue for python, but i did find other sites that show java and c++ at 53 LOC/FP which is the same as this document. is it safe to assume that python's value would be similar to perl's value of 21 ? thanks, bryan --


2006-05-11 Thread Bryan
does anyone know if matplotlib is robust enough to use in a commercial application? are there any existing commercial or popular open source programs that use it? thanks, bryan --

Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-14 Thread Bryan
Xah Lee wrote: > Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code > > Xah Lee, 2006-05-13 > > In coding a computer program, there's often the choices of tabs or > spaces for code indentation. There is a large amount of confusion about > which is better. It has become what's known as “religious war” — > a heated


2006-05-22 Thread Bryan
, (2, ), (3, )] >>> list(m[0][1]) [] >>> thanks, bryan --

Re: groupby

2006-05-22 Thread Bryan
George Sakkis wrote: > Bryan wrote: > >> can some explain why in the 2nd example, m doesn't print the list [1, 1, 1] >> which i had expected? >> >> >> >>> for k, g in groupby([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]): >> ... print k, list(g) >>

Re: graphs and charts

2006-05-24 Thread Bryan
example 9. does biggles integrate well wxPython? if so, do you have an example of how to add it to a wxPython panel? thanks, bryan --

Upgrading standard library module

2009-02-13 Thread Bryan
s for the formencode library. It is kind of scary upgrading my Python server install without being sure all my libraries will work. Experiences?? Bryan --

Re: Upgrading standard library module

2009-02-13 Thread Bryan
On Feb 13, 1:52 pm, Jason Scheirer wrote: > On Feb 13, 12:42 pm, Bryan wrote: > > > I have a Python v2.5.2 server running and I found some undesirable > > behavior in the xmlrpclib module that is included with that version of > > Python.  The xmlrpclib version that is

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   >