Aahz wrote:

> The idea is that we make www.python.org even more minimal than the
> current beta.python.org; it becomes a portal similar in simplicity to
> google.com (with a bit more explanation).  It would lead off to
> subdomains such as business.python.org, tech.python.org, help.python.org,
> and so on.  That would make it easy for people to bookmark a specific
> section that was appropriate for their needs.

+1  IMO, this is the best suggestion i've heard yet.  it seems like such a 
simple, clean, minimalist yet fully functional solution. and it seems to 
elegantly solve the suits vs developer issue.  for those who like fancy images 
on the home page, you could now have an image that clearly links to each 
subdomain.  you could even have a search on the home page that searches all the 
python subdomains.



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