Handling more zodb databases with zeo

2005-06-24 Thread Almad
read. Thank You for help, -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart [:: http://www.almad.net/ ::] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Python on WWW - beginners question: what to choose?

2005-02-07 Thread Almad
s. I'm not interested in calling of pages (page.py/function or page.py?args), I will use mod_rewrite anyway. Is there anything what will satisfy my requirements, or I must write it? :) Or I'm looking on this problem from bad shape and re-inventing wheel? Thanks for advises (and sorry f

Re: Python on WWW - beginners question: what to choose?

2005-02-07 Thread Almad
Dan Perl wrote: > Have you looked at these links? > http://www.python.org/pycon/papers/framework/web.html > Dan Thank You, I haven't found this one...exactly what I was looking for. -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart [:: http://www.almad.net/ ::] [:: The stars are constant

Re: Python on WWW - beginners question: what to choose?

2005-02-07 Thread Almad
run virtual hosts (no "sandboxing" as specified by me in (1)). This is described by my (unreplied) message: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=6460778&forum_id=10008 > -jjr -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart [:: http://www.almad.net/ ::] [:: The stars are cons

Re: OT: why are LAMP sites slow?

2005-02-07 Thread Almad
formatting whole page, but when you have table data, you have to use tables. Don't you? -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart [:: http://www.almad.net/ ::] [:: Humans are too complicated to be described with words. ::] [:: PGP/GNUPg key: http://www.almad.net/download/pubkey.asc ::] -- http://mai

ZoDB's capabilities

2005-02-28 Thread Almad
Or, please tell me if you knew some better odbms engine ^_^ Thanks, -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart [:: http://www.almad.net/ ::] [:: Humans are too complicated to be described with words. ::] [:: PGP/GNUPg key: http://www.almad.net/download/pubkey.asc ::] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: ZoDB's capabilities

2005-03-01 Thread Almad
t; You should probably look at Plone. It is CMS already built on > top of Zope. Might safe you a LOT of work. I've looked on Plone, I don't want it. My CMS will be somehow very specific, and I prefer to learn from my programming. > Larry Bates -- Lukas "Almad" Linha

IndexedCatalog and ZEO

2005-03-06 Thread Almad
good, when I use from ZEO import ClientStorage then ZEO is internally using FileStorage, so no IndexedCatalog is used. Anyone knews, how to use IndexedCatalog with ZEO, or do I have to "patch" ZEO for myself (or run this one thread)? Thanks, -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart

Re: IndexedCatalog and ZEO

2005-03-07 Thread Almad
Leif K-Brooks wrote: > from IndexedCatalog.Shelf import Shelf > shelf = Shelf(('localhost', 1234), [Class1, Class2]) Thanks, that is what I was searching for. -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart [:: http://www.almad.net/ ::] [:: Humans are too complicated to be described wit

Re: IndexedCatalog and ZEO

2005-03-07 Thread Almad
n't successfull. Is is any way to do that? Thank You, -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart [:: http://www.almad.net/ ::] [:: Humans are too complicated to be described with words. ::] [:: PGP/GNUPg key: http://www.almad.net/download/pubkey.asc ::] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Multiple calls to logging.config.fileConfig

2006-10-05 Thread Almad
nfig.py", line 143, in fileConfig llist.remove("root") If I'll set only web as logger, I'll get standard NoSectionFound exception. Any idea how to fix this? It seems that I have to write custom parser merging all files and config logging directly from code, but

Python crushing on kinterbasdb connect @ FreeBSD

2006-11-04 Thread Almad
Abort trap (core dumped) I installed kinterbasdb manually while I need 3.2 version for DBClass and latest in ports is 3.1; could this be the problem? (rest of system is from ports) Thank You for any advice, Almad -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Problem with XML-RPC not mounted in /

2006-11-06 Thread Almad
t;guest") raises 500, as client is correctly hitting /main/register_ip, but NOT sending "guest" argument. I'm probably missing something obvious, so where should problem be? Is it not possible for XML-RPC to live not in / ? Thank You for advices, Almad -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: Problem with XML-RPC not mounted in /

2006-11-06 Thread Almad
Just FYI, this is bug in CP filter machinery, xmlrpc filter do not apply recursively so do not dispatch reuqest. Quick fix is to xmlrpcfilter.on not only on /ws, but also on /ws/main Regards, Almad -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Inconsistency in dictionary behaviour: dict(dict) not calling __setitem__

2006-12-12 Thread Almad
ng and better approach is needed? Or should this be considered as minor bug in Python? (tried this only in 2.4 so far) Thank You, Almad -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: Inconsistency in dictionary behaviour: dict(dict) not calling __setitem__

2006-12-14 Thread Almad
Thanks to everybody for replies, I'm now satisfied ^_^ Almad -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

sha-2 and sha-512 bindings

2005-05-04 Thread Almad
Hi, is there any python bindings for sha-2 or sha-512? Pycrypto seems to have only sha-1 bindings and I can't see any other package on net... Thanks, -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart [:: http://www.almad.net/ ::] [:: Humans are too complicated to be described with words. ::] [:

handling more databases with ZEO

2005-05-06 Thread Almad
Hello, I'm using zodb with zeo and I want to connect to more databases from my application. On server side, it's no problem, I just set up second filestorage: path /var/www/databases/zodb/almad-net.fs path /var/www/databases/zodb/azilla.fs However, I dunno how


2005-06-08 Thread Almad
Hello, is there any way how to generate GUI form from given XML Schema? I mean, any lib which can do it? I think it's usable for "gui editing" of XML File. Google give me only completed standalone programs or non-python solutions. Thanks, -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart

ZCatalog for standalone Zodb?

2005-06-14 Thread Almad
Hello, is ZCatalog available for standalone zodb? As far as I read tutorial, the relation to zope is obvious. I knew there is IndexedCatalog, but its not developed any more...and without indexing, oodbms are unusable for cms, imo. Thank You, -- Lukas "Almad" Linhar

Re: ZCatalog for standalone Zodb?

2005-06-14 Thread Almad
hink it is not > orphaned. As developers on #async told me, they are not using IC for their product any more. So, They will fix reported bugs, but not adding new features. > HTH, > Thomas Thanks, -- Lukas "Almad" Linhart [:: http://www.almad.net/ ::] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Regression testing with Python

2007-06-05 Thread Almad
t either failing nor green status). Is there a simple way to do this? Or, how do You build Your Selenium testsuites and integrate them into main suite? Thank You, Almad -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

PIL thumbnails unreasonably large

2006-05-10 Thread Almad
but strangely, prev one is around 200 kb. How do I change this? I tried to play with various quality settings, but with no effect. img thumbnail is supposed to be < 10 kb... Thank You, Almad -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: PIL thumbnails unreasonably large

2006-05-10 Thread Almad
Forgot to add: I'm using PIL 1.1.5 with Python 2.4, expected on both Gentoo Linux and Windows XP. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: PIL thumbnails unreasonably large

2006-05-11 Thread Almad
Thank You! That helped. Somehow obvious when you pointed out, but...*phew*. Almad -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

FTP filename escaping

2006-05-11 Thread Almad
I hoped for some ftplib.quote(), urllib.quote() or quote_plus() is not functional either. Is there such a function in stdlib or do I have to read through specification and write it? Thank You, Almad -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: FTP filename escaping

2006-05-11 Thread Almad
OK, after some investigation...problem is in non-latin characters in filenames on ftp. Yes, users should be killed for this, but I would like to handle it somehow... I can't figure out how it's handled by protocol, ftplib seems to just strip those characters... Thank You, Almad

Python and TSAPI / TAPI

2006-03-29 Thread Almad
there anybody experienced with python-tsapi communication? I'd like to wrap C tsapi calls in python (as I do not want to write C wrapper, it's a long time since I wrote something in C), is there anybody who want to help me? Regards, Lukas "Almad" Linhart http://www.almad.net