
I'm currently starting with Python as a language for writing websites. I
must say that I'm overwhelmed by the number of choices I have (mod_python
with publisher, Vampire, mps, Spyce), cgi, fcgi, Webware, Zope,
Plone, ...). 

Isn't there any article in style "this suite use this style of programming
and is good for this type of applications"? 

I've tried mod_python.publisher and Spyce so far (and looked on few others,
as mps, Vampire and Cheerypy). I'm currently giving Spyce the biggest
chance...however, I'm not very satisfied with "in-line" coding (PSP-style)
as I do not want to program this way and I think it must have some
performance impact...but session.auto, request and response modules are big
I'm satisfied with concept of mps, however It's fine that author hate
writing HTML, but I want to; or better, I want to use Cheetah Templates - i
think they are better for bigger sites (then homepage) as the one I want to

Well...what exactly I'm looking for? 

1) No module importing problem. In ideal case, specify directory, so I can
just import my_module, my_another_module...but that has to be "sandboxed"
for each apache virtual host. I would like to avoid interference between
sites I'm hosting. 

2) Pooling. I want to have "pool" for data, which are shared between
sites/request, f. e. database connection. However, for some sites I would
like to have "kernel" module, which will be loaded in RAM, so sites must
not grab data from database (f. e. number of users online). However, this
could be solved by running system daemon on server...but it's not the ideal
solution, IMHO. 

3) I'm not looking for framework so much complex as Zope or Plone is. My
site is specific with some original ideas, which are not reusable on other
sites, so I want to write it "from scratch". Additionally, I like to knew
code of the sites on web - f. e. using Cheetah don't bother me (it's not
directly on web), but using Phorum or phpBB yes. 

I'm not interested in calling of pages (page.py/function or page.py?args), I
will use mod_rewrite anyway. 

Is there anything what will satisfy my requirements, or I must write it? :)
Or I'm looking on this problem from bad shape and re-inventing wheel?

Thanks for advises (and sorry for long post for those who don't like it), 

Lukas "Almad" Linhart
[:: http://www.almad.net/ ::]
[:: PGP/GNUPg key: http://www.almad.net/download/pubkey.asc ::]

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