I configure my logging on application startup like that:
logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT, filename = logfile)
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
In one module of my application I want a logge
> p.s. Is Python seeing a lot of use at Ubisoft or is this just for personal
> interest (or
> perhaps both)?
We do use Python a fair bit, mostly for build systems and data mining, but also
because it's the built-in script language for Motionbuilder.
Florian Lindner wrote:
I configure my logging on application startup like that:
logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT, filename = logfile)
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
In one module of my a
On 05/13/2012 11:27 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> Stefan, you appear to have a lot to do with Cython. It would be polite
> to mention this when replying.
Why? Do you think this is some sort of weird conflict of interest? As
anyone who follows this list for several years would know, Cython is a
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:36 AM, Michael Torrie wrote:
> On 05/13/2012 11:27 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
>> Stefan, you appear to have a lot to do with Cython. It would be polite
>> to mention this when replying.
> Why? Do you think this is some sort of weird conflict of interest? As
> anyone wh
Brand-new to Python (that's a warning, folks)
Trying to write a routine to import a CSV file into a SQL Server
table. To ensure that I convert the data from the CSV appropriately,
I"m executing a query that gives me the schema (data column names,
data types and sizes) from the target table.
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 2:01 AM, Steve Sawyer wrote:
> Brand-new to Python (that's a warning, folks)
It's one we're familiar with :) Welcome!
> Trying to write a routine to import a CSV file into a SQL Server
> table. To ensure that I convert the data from the CSV appropriately,
> I"m executing
Steve Sawyer wrote:
Brand-new to Python (that's a warning, folks)
Trying to write a routine to import a CSV file into a SQL Server
table. To ensure that I convert the data from the CSV appropriately,
I"m executing a query that gives me the schema (data column names,
data types and sizes) from th
In Steve Sawyer
> What I think I want to do is to construct a dictionary using the
> column names as the index value, and a list containing the various
> attributes (data type, lenghth, precision).
If you're using just the column name as the dictionary key, make sure
there are no dupli
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:
> Firstly, __slots__ is a tuple.
I object: conceptually, the "slots" of a class are set in stone, but
the `__slots__` attribute of a class object is just an attribute, and
any iterable (as long as it yields valid identifier names) can be used
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Jean-Daniel
>> Since you say "intervals" in plural here, I assume that they can overlap?
> Yes,
> For instance, there are the following intervals :
> [[1, 10],
> [4, 7],
> [6, 15],
> [11, 17]]
> asking for the intervals including 5, the returned valu
Am 12.05.2012 14:17, schrieb Jean-Daniel:
> Hello,
> I have a long list of n date intervals that gets added or suppressed
> intervals regularly. I am looking for a fast way to find the intervals
> containing a given date, without having to check all intervals (less
> than O(n)).
> Do you know
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 7:02 AM, J. Mwebaze wrote:
> During object instantiaton, i would like to use the specific class, that
> corresponds to the version of the class that was used to create the object.
I don't understand; "the version of the class that was used to create"
**what** object? We'
Hi there,
I would like to prepare a bunch of info text widgets to be displayed in
Toplevel windows at the user's command (when ever he needs directions).
I know how to remove and restore widgets without destroying them in
between. The problem with a Toplevel is that it is a master that comes
and g
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 5:02 AM, J. Mwebaze wrote:
> I have a bunch of objects of the same type. Each object has a version
> attribute and this refers to source code that was used to make the object.
> SouceCode is maintained in separate files. eg.
> myclass_01.py, myclass_02.py, myclass_03.py,
Thanks, John.
>What are you trying that isn't working?
Typical newbie trick - trying to make things more complicated than
they are. I didn't realize that syntax would establish the key/value
pairs of the dictionary - I thought that would only allow you to
establish the value to correspond to a spe
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 5:09 AM, Steve Sawyer wrote:
> Thanks - now, given my query that returns the table structure, this
> works fine:
> table_dict = {}
> table_specs = cursor.execute(query_string)
> for row in table_specs:
> row_dict = {}
> row_dict['type'] = row.DataType
Hi there
I'm tying to investigate a bit of a weird problem here. Basically, I've just
upgraded Python (from 2.7.2 -> 2.7.3) by way of an OS upgrade (Ubuntu), and now
all the tracebacks I'm getting sent from my web app are looking like this:
As you can see, Django is co
> I am going to learn python for some plot issues. which book or sources, do
> you recommend please?
The tutorial is pretty good if you already know how to program.
I also heard a lot of good things on "Python Essential Reference".
On Monday, May 7, 2012 6:13:28 AM UTC-7, dinkyp...@gmail.com wrote:
> Below is a test script that shows one way I've dealt with this issue in the
> past by reformatting paragraphs to remove embedded line breaks. YMMV.
> import re, textile
> ...
Wow. Thank you. This works. I'm trying to fig
I'm trying to reverse-engineer some pretty complex code. One thing that would
help me a lot is if I could instrument a key class, so that I'd get a report of
when and how each method was called and any properties or attributes were
accessed during a typical run.
I could do this relatively easil
> i have not banned anything, or even alluded to it, whatsoever. i asked that
> one specific mail not be commented upon
OK, sorry if I misunderstood, but that's still suppression in my book.
> reading your accounts strewn about is interesting, what exactly are *your*
> motives?
My motives ar
On May 10, 9:31 am, Mahendra wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am learning to use python script for running ABAQUS
> (commerical finite element program). I am having a bug in the
> following chunk of code and am not sure what it is. I have three loops
> in my code. The first two loops work fine.
On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 7:13:54 AM UTC-7, Miki Tebeka wrote:
> > I am going to learn python for some plot issues. which book or sources, do
> > you recommend please?
> The tutorial is pretty good if you already know how to program.
> I also heard a lot of good things on "Python Essential Referen
On May 10, 12:07 pm, ks wrote:
> Hi All,
> From within one Python program, I would like to invoke three other
> Python programs. Usually I would use the subprocess module to invoke
> these sequentially. I now have a use case in which I must invoke the
> first one (not wait for it to complete), t
Dear all,
I am learning to use python script for running ABAQUS
(commerical finite element program). I am having a bug in the
following chunk of code and am not sure what it is. I have three loops
in my code. The first two loops work fine. The third loop is a
combination of loop 1 and l
fuck you dude
This may get you started (warning: not really tested).
$ echo instr.py
from warnings import warn
oget = object.__getattribute__
tget = type.__getattribute__
class Instr(object):
class __metaclass__(type):
def __getattribute__(cls, name):
clsname = tget(cls, '__na
Hi All,
>From within one Python program, I would like to invoke three other
Python programs. Usually I would use the subprocess module to invoke
these sequentially. I now have a use case in which I must invoke the
first one (not wait for it to complete), then invoke the second
(similarly not wait
Im a newbie to automation testing.Im using python scripting in
selenium to automate a website.
Now im facing a difficulty in clicking a submenu item.I have 5 buttons
in the main menu.I am able to click each of the menu button using
On May 11, 8:04 am, Jaroslav Dobrek wrote:
> Hello,
> I wrote the following code for using egrep on many large files:
> MY_DIR = '/my/path/to/dir'
> FILES = os.listdir(MY_DIR)
> def grep(regex):
> i = 0
> l = len(FILES)
> output = []
> while i < l:
> command = "egrep
I wrote the following code for using egrep on many large files:
MY_DIR = '/my/path/to/dir'
FILES = os.listdir(MY_DIR)
def grep(regex):
i = 0
l = len(FILES)
output = []
while i < l:
command = "egrep " + '"' + regex + '" ' + MY_DIR + '/' +
result = s
I am migrating to Python after a 20+ year career writing IDL programs
exclusively. I have a really simple question that I can't find the answer to in
any of the books and tutorials I have been reading to get up to speed.
I have two programs. The first is in a file I named file_utils.py:
Sorry, for code-historical reasons this was unnecessarily complicated.
Should be:
MY_DIR = '/my/path/to/dir'
FILES = os.listdir(MY_DIR)
def grep(regex):
output = []
for f in FILES:
command = "egrep " + '"' + regex + '" ' + MY_DIR + '/' + f
result = subprocess.getoutput(c
Is there any way to specify the end of line character to use in file.readline()
I would like to use '\r\n' as the end of line and allow either \r or \n by
itself within the line.
On May 10, 4:58 am, d.po...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 7:13:54 AM UTC-7, Miki Tebeka wrote:
> > > I am going to learn python for some plot issues. which book or sources,
> > > do you recommend please?
> > The tutorial is pretty good if you already know how to program.
> > I also
I have some Pickled data, which is stored on disk, and it is about 100 MB in
When my python program is executed, the picked data is loaded using the cPickle
module, and all that works fine.
If I execute the python multiple times using python main.py for example, each
python process will
On Friday, May 11, 2012 5:25:20 PM UTC+2, Coyote wrote:
> I am migrating to Python after a 20+ year career writing IDL programs
> exclusively. I have a really simple question that I can't find the answer to
> in any of the books and tutorials I have been reading to get up to speed.
Welcome here
You can try running Python's web server on the folder (python -m
SimpleHTTPServer) and point Scrapy to it.
On Monday, May 7, 2012 4:57:22 AM UTC-3, nbw wrote:
> Hi everyone, I'm new to Python (loving it!) and Scrapy. I have a
> question I just can't seem to get my head around. I can get a simple
Maarten writes:
> I do recommend you read http://docs.python.org/howto/doanddont.html as a
> starting point to avoid learning some bad habits, especially on importing.
> You probably already found
> https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~jbattat/computer/python/science/idl-numpy.html
Yikes! I'm sure tha
On May 11, 11:25 am, Coyote wrote:
> Folks,
> I am migrating to Python after a 20+ year career writing IDL programs
> exclusively. I have a really simple question that I can't find the answer to
> in any of the books and tutorials I have been reading to get up to speed.
> I have two programs
I am frustrated to see %d not working in my Python 2.7 re.search, like
this example:
>>> (re.search('%d', "asdfdsf78asdfdf")).group(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
\d works fine:
>>> (re.search('\d+', "asdfd
CM writes:
> I don't know Spyder IDE, but I don't think this should happen; could
> there just be a simple mistake? Because you first refer to the .py
> file as 'file_utils.py' but then you refer to the file as
> 'pwd.py'...which is also the name of your function. Room for
> confusion...so could
sys.version --> '2.6 (r26:66714, Feb 21 2009, 02:16:04) \n[GCC 4.3.2
[gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291]]
I thought this script would be very lean and fast, but with a large
value for n (like 15), it uses 26G of virtural memory, and things
start to crumble.
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''write a file o
> How can I make it so, all new python process share this data, so it is only
> loaded a single time into memory?
You can have one process as server and client ask for parts of data.
You might be able to do something smart with mmap but I can't think of a way.
I Linux systems, if you first load t
On Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:06:47 AM UTC-5, james hedley wrote:
> > i have not banned anything, or even alluded to it, whatsoever. i asked that
> > one specific mail not be commented upon
> OK, sorry if I misunderstood, but that's still suppression in my book.
James, how can you realistically
I am building a project requiring high performance and scalability, entailing:
• Role-based authentication with API-key licensing to access data of specific
• "Easily" configurable getters and setters to create APIs accessing the
From my experience while NoSQL databases are very fast and scalable, there is
lack of _good_ support for popular frameworks. I've try with django and
mongoengine, but results was poor. In my company we're building now large
api-driven application with django and postgresql as a base. Django
On Friday, May 11, 2012 11:58:01 AM UTC-7, vacu wrote:
> I am frustrated to see %d not working in my Python 2.7 re.search, like
> this example:
> >>> (re.search('%d', "asdfdsf78asdfdf")).group(0)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 1, in
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object
Noob alert: writing my first Python class library.
I have a straightforward class called Utility that lives in Utility.py.
I'm trying to get a handle on best practices for fleshing out a library. As
such, I've done the following for starters:
def __str__(self):
return str(type(self))
I searched for widgets used for PLC automation or lab instrumentation
like gauges, led's etc. in the net, but didn't found anything because
of those massive link spam sites. In the case there isn't any
solution, with which toolkit would it be easiest to build gauges?
On Monday, 14 May 2012 17:01:49 UTC+1, Steve Sawyer wrote:
> Brand-new to Python (that's a warning, folks)
> Trying to write a routine to import a CSV file into a SQL Server
> table. To ensure that I convert the data from the CSV appropriately,
> I"m executing a query that gives me the schema (
Hi everyone,
I know this question has been asked thousands of times, but in my case
I have an additional requirement to be satisfied. I need to handle
substrings in the form 'string with spaces':'another string with
spaces' as a single token; I mean, if I have this string:
s ="This is a 'simple te
On 10/05/2012 10:58, d.po...@gmail.com wrote:
On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 7:13:54 AM UTC-7, Miki Tebeka wrote:
I am going to learn python for some plot issues. which book or sources, do you
recommend please?
The tutorial is pretty good if you already know how to program.
I also heard a lot of go
On Monday, 14 May 2012 01:50:23 UTC+1, TommyVee wrote:
> I have a very simple XML document that I need to "walk", and I'm using
> xml.dom.minidom. No attributes, just lots of nested tags and associated
> values. All I'm looking to do is iterate through each of the highest
> sibling nodes, che
On 05/11/12 13:58, vacu wrote:
> I am frustrated to see %d not working in my Python 2.7 re.search, like
> this example:
(re.search('%d', "asdfdsf78asdfdf")).group(0)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 1, in
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
On May 14, 2012 7:06 PM, "vacu" wrote:
> I am frustrated to see %d not working in my Python 2.7 re.search, like
> this example:
> >>> (re.search('%d', "asdfdsf78asdfdf")).group(0)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 1, in
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Bob Grommes wrote:
> Noob alert: writing my first Python class library.
> I have a straightforward class called Utility that lives in Utility.py.
> I'm trying to get a handle on best practices for fleshing out a library. As
> such, I've done the following fo
On 12/05/2012 08:10, anth...@xtfx.me wrote:
On Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:06:47 AM UTC-5, james hedley wrote:
My nose and my stomach give me a very strong feeling that something is
very, very wrong with the pyjamas project. I've personally never used
it, but given the adverse publicity I would
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Bob Grommes wrote:
> Noob alert: writing my first Python class library.
> I have a straightforward class called Utility that lives in Utility.py.
> I'm trying to get a handle on best practices for fleshing out a library. As
> such, I've done the following fo
Thanks Tim, it is my mis-understanding of usage of %d in Python. After
reading it carefully, it should be used in re.scan.
The reason I made this dump mistake is because I got a script from our
expert and I am totally new on Python, before reading your
email, I hadn't a doubt it is wrong usage and
"james hedley" wrote in message
On Monday, 14 May 2012 01:50:23 UTC+1, TommyVee wrote:
I have a very simple XML document that I need to "walk", and I'm using
xml.dom.minidom. No attributes, just lots of nested tags and as
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 3:29 PM, gry wrote:
> sys.version --> '2.6 (r26:66714, Feb 21 2009, 02:16:04) \n[GCC 4.3.2
> [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291]]
> I thought this script would be very lean and fast, but with a large
> value for n (like 15), it uses 26G of virtural memory, and things
> sta
On 05/13/12 16:14, Massi wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I know this question has been asked thousands of times, but in my case
> I have an additional requirement to be satisfied. I need to handle
> substrings in the form 'string with spaces':'another string with
> spaces' as a single token; I mean, if I h
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 7:29 AM, gry wrote:
> f = open(sys.argv[1], 'w')
What are you passing as the file name argument? Could that device be
the cause of your memory usage spike?
On 05/14/2012 07:38 PM, Chris Kaynor wrote:
> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Bob Grommes wrote:
>> The rule is that, if two objects return different results from
>> __hash__, they should never compare equal. The opposite rule also
>> holds true: if two objects compare equal, they should
On May 14, 5:11 am, Bob Grommes wrote:
> Obviously there is some sort of default implementation of __hash__()
> at work and my implementation of _eq_() has somehow broken it.
> Can anyone explain what's going on?
It looks like this has changed between Python 2 and 3:
"If a class does not define
Am 13.05.2012 21:11, schrieb Bob Grommes:
> Noob alert: writing my first Python class library.
> I have a straightforward class called Utility that lives in Utility.py.
> I'm trying to get a handle on best practices for fleshing out a library. As
> such, I've done the following for starters
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Coyote wrote:
> I've been playing around with a couple of IDEs because I liked the one I used
> with IDL and I wanted to use something similar for Python. The IDLDE was an
> Eclipse variant, but I've tried installing Eclipse before for something else
> and I'm p
On 15/05/12 12:18, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Coyote wrote:
I've been playing around with a couple of IDEs because I liked the one I used
with IDL and I wanted to use something similar for Python. The IDLDE was an
Eclipse variant, but I've tried installing Eclipse
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 7:50 PM, Christian Heimes wrote:
> Am 13.05.2012 21:11, schrieb Bob Grommes:
>> Noob alert: writing my first Python class library.
>> I have a straightforward class called Utility that lives in Utility.py.
>> I'm trying to get a handle on best practices for fleshing o
TommyVee, 15.05.2012 01:51:
> Confused? That's an understatement. Part of the problem is that it's been
> a long time since I learned DOM and now I'm trying to cram to get this
> program done.
Thus my recommendation to use ElementTree. Why go the complicated route
when you can just get your code
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Jason wrote:
> Is there any way to specify the end of line character to use in
> file.readline() ?
> I would like to use '\r\n' as the end of line and allow either \r or \n by
> itself within the line.
In Python 3 you can pass the argument newline='\r\n' to th
73 matches
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