Folks, I am migrating to Python after a 20+ year career writing IDL programs exclusively. I have a really simple question that I can't find the answer to in any of the books and tutorials I have been reading to get up to speed.
I have two programs. The first is in a file I named def pwd(): import os print os.getcwd() The second is in a file I named import os print os.getcwd() Here is my question. I am using the Spyder IDE to run these programs. If I type these commands, I get exactly what I want, the name of my current directory: >>>from file_utils import pwd >>>pwd() C:\Users\coyote\pyscripts But, if I "run" the script by selecting the "Run" option from the IDE menu, the directory is printed *twice* in the output window. Why is that? Thanks! Cheers, David --