I know I came after the battle. And I have just another sight on context
Simple Context Managment may look in Python 2.4.1 like this:
Synhronized example:
def Synhronised(lock,func):
pyparsing is very convenient to use. But I want to find some a py tool
to parse non-English strings. Does pyparsing support UNICODE strings?
If not, can someone tell me what py tool can do it? Thanks in advance.
> But it would be a nice enhancement to add the option for auto-emailing
> in case
> of trouble.
I like still like e-mail notices (it has a nice format we are used to as we use
to communicate other things, and you can parse the text easily)... but I
wonder: given the spam / virus induced se
as a relative newcomer to Python API programming I've got a problem:
To extend Python:
- there is an API C call to create a module
- there is also a API C call to create a method
- there is an API C call to create a Class instance
Now, I need to create a Class and fill it with Methods an
i have read
finding sublist
the problem was in a string to find if we have two substring non
overlapping of lenght al least 4
it was done by
Stephan wrote:
> Can the CSV module be coerced to read two line formats at once or am I
> better off using read and split?
Yes, it can:
import csv
import sys
reader = csv.reader(sys.stdin)
while True:
names = reader.next()
values = reader.next()
except StopIteratio
On 25/07/05, Diez B.Roggisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Varghjärta gmail.com> writes:
> > If I have "GUIClass":...
> > And start another thread and from that thread I want to call the
> > method "PaintSomething()" in "GUIClass" _in_ the same thread that
> > "GUIClass" lives in.
> There is
Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Thu, 04 Aug 2005 00:53:28 -0400, Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> declaimed
> the following in comp.lang.python:
>> No, it's not a discussion about estimates. The average household
>> in a G8 country has more computers that don't run W
Thanks i'll check it out. I'm not very good yet tho!
On 8/4/05, Stuart Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jon Hewer wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I'm pretty new to Python, and recently been working my way through
> > Dive Into Python, and I'm currently writing a really simple rss reader
> > purely to
could ildg wrote:
> pyparsing is very convenient to use. But I want to find some a py tool
> to parse non-English strings. Does pyparsing support UNICODE strings?
> If not, can someone tell me what py tool can do it? Thanks in advance.
Try it!
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
from pyparsing import Word
Tom Anderson wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, Peter Otten wrote:
>> Harald Massa wrote:
>>> Always go to bed exactly when you want to write the first lambda.
>> Eureka. The Twentieth Pythonic Thesis has finally surfaced.
> So what does it mean that i do much of my programming in bed?
I want to parse some Chinese words.
It seems that pyparsing doesn't work for me.
Thank you.
I have to use re directly, although it's harder, but it'll always work.
On 8/4/05, Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> could ildg wrote:
> > pyparsing is very convenient to use. But I want to find some
On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 22:08:25 +0200, Caleb Hattingh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Since you are on this topic, do you (or anyone else) have any type of
>> "code-completion" mode for python in emacs?
>> Thanks
>> -george
> For what its worth, Vim has a generic type of "code-completion" that us
Hi all,
I'm a programming dabbler trying learn Python, and I've got a few
Mainly: Where can I find a good open-source library or tutorial
(preferably free) that explains how to easily manipulate text in a
tKinter window? Basically, I want to be able to do anything that HTML
can do (or
kman3048 schrieb:
> Now, I need to create a Class and fill it with Methods and Variables.
> There are means to create (and attache) methods and variables.
> However, I have not found how to create a Class within a Module. Or do
import aModule
c = aClassGenerator()
ci = aMo
Hi Stefan,
> It seems as though all components basically have to do busy waiting now.
You are right - components are, for the most part, busy-waiting. Which
is not a good thing!
> So do you plan on including a kind of scheduler-aware blocking
> communication (like the `channels` of the `tasklets
OK, I make it.
It's right, it can work fine with unicode.
pyparsing is great.
On 8/4/05, could ildg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to parse some Chinese words.
> It seems that pyparsing doesn't work for me.
> Thank you.
> I have to use re directly, although it's harder, but it'll alwa
So what's you code?
and what's you system default encoding?
On 8/4/05, saddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello, but i can't run the script. could u told me what's the trick pls?
> here is the error output.
> D:\python\test>pyp
> sys:1: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xce' in file
I solved the problem. The reason was uncomplete email message
msg should be like this
timezone = ' %+03d%02d' % (-time.timezone/3600, time.timezone%3600)
MessageSubject="This is a subject"
BodyMessage="This is a body"
msg='From: '+fromaddr+' <'+fromaddr+'>\nTo:
'+toaddrs+'<'+toaddrs+'>\nDate: '+ t
kman3048 wrote:
> Hello,
> as a relative newcomer to Python API programming I've got a problem:
> To extend Python:
> - there is an API C call to create a module
> - there is also a API C call to create a method
> - there is an API C call to create a Class instance
> Now, I need to create
I tested his code in a file test2.py:
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from pyparsing import Word
text = "Καλημέρα, κόσμε!".decode('utf-8')
alphas = u''.join(unichr(x) for x in xrange(0x386, 0x3ce))
greet = Word(alphas) + u',' + Word(alphas) + u'!'
greeting = greet.parseString(text)
print greeting
"Alexander Eisenhuth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> ActivePython 2.4.1
> Windows XP
> I write a COM Server in VC++ 6.0 using ATL. So far so good. While I
> develop I got sometimes strange behaviour with makepy utility. Today
> again. :-(
> SyntaxError: invali
I think you just need do:
sh.Range(sh.Cells(4,1),sh.Cells(6,3)).Value =
Ooops! In case you're wondering who I am, I'm working
on Kamaelia with Michael Sparks at the BBC.
> I need to write a .cgi that will take the content of an https GET or
> POST and send it securely as email to an Outlook client.
> I think that OpenSSL is somewhere in this, but I'm not even sure how to
> create the right certificate, how to use it to encrypt mail and
> I need to write a .cgi that will take the content of an https GET or
> POST and send it securely as email to an Outlook client.
> I think that OpenSSL is somewhere in this, but I'm not even sure how to
> create the right certificate, how to use it to encrypt mail and h
Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
> I think you want this more common approach for mail encryption:
> server:
> https CGI form --> mail wrapper --> PGP encryption/signing --> send
> client:
> recieve mail --> pgp decryption/verification --> read
This would require an additional PGP-plugin for Outl
Steve Jorgensen wrote:
>I was working with a friend on a project Monday night, and tried to run a
>pyunit test from Eclipse, and nothing seemed to happen. We finally figured
>out that the test is doing exactly what it's supposed to do, but the pyunit
>output isn't making it to the Eclipse console
Mage wrote:
> Thank you, I will check this out. My company will switch to a jsp site.
Well I don't know your company and how many developers there are but I
know this; a manager telling me what tools to use to do my job is a bad
manager by definition because he should realize that the peopl
Michael Ströder wrote:
> Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
>>I think you want this more common approach for mail encryption:
>>https CGI form --> mail wrapper --> PGP encryption/signing --> send
>>recieve mail --> pgp decryption/verification --> read
> This would require a
I have a class measurement representing a physical measurement.
Different objects in this class represent laboratory equipment, which
might raise an exception (e.g. overtemperature).
In any case the equipment has to be switched off after the experiment,
since if a
power supply stays in the
Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
> Michael Ströder wrote:
>> Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
>>> I think you want this more common approach for mail encryption:
>>> server:
>>> https CGI form --> mail wrapper --> PGP encryption/signing --> send
>>> client:
>>> recieve mail --> pgp decryption/verific
I'd to use gauge component in the code below. I want to show
Queue.quantity in gauge (during running thread, every time when it
changed). I don't know which event i must use. I find some info about
Time event for gauge but don't understand how it works. Any
> Hello,
> I have a class measurement representing a physical measurement.
> Different objects in this class represent laboratory equipment, which
> might raise an exception (e.g. overtemperature).
> In any case the equipment has to be switched off after the experime
James Kew schrieb:
> "Alexander Eisenhuth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>ActivePython 2.4.1
>>Windows XP
>>I write a COM Server in VC++ 6.0 using ATL. So far so good. While I
>>develop I got sometimes strange behaviour with makepy utility. Today
>>again. :-(
Does anyone have embedded a python interpreter on a proprietary hardware ?
I have a home made hardware running a home made OS. C is used as programming
language. I'd like to add a python interpreter to my system.
Any guidelines ?
Hello Benjamin,
What would happen if an exception was thrown in the middle of setup()?
tearDown could not handle this case without having a list of the
objects already constructed (Or I would have to rely on the automatic
call to __del__, if it is reliable).
There is still some problem:
> Your own feature request for setUpOnce() and tearDownOnce() is
> trivially coded using a global or class variable to restrict running to
> a single occasion. If that seems unpleasant, then encapsulate the
> logic in a subclass of TestCase, in a decorator, or in a metaclass.
Ok, you can have a s
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Stephan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>I'm fairly new to python and am working on parsing some delimited text
>files. I noticed that there's a nice CSV reading/writing module
>included in the libraries.
>My data files however, are odd in that they are composed of lin
I am new to this list, and maybe this is a stupid question, but I
can't seem to find _any_ kind of answer anywhere.
What I want to do is the following:
I want to insert a class variable into a class upon definition and
actually use it during definition.
Manually, that is possible, e.g.:
I have encountered some problems with PyGTK only when I was trying to
install a PyGTK version that was different from the installed GTK+
version. When those both versions were the same, I had no problems at
(Another problem with PyGTK is that it's installation is somewhat more
complicated tha
I am using windows Qt3.3.4 and want to verify the selected file path on
pressing the OK button of File Dialog. After checking I don't want to
close the QFileDialog.
Can anyone tell me how to stop closing the FileDialog after checking
the file path on pressing ok button.
Jan-Ole Esleben wrote:
> class Meta(type):
> def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
> d['classvar'] = []
> return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, d)
The problem is that __new__ is called upon object construction, not
class definition, but you're trying to set the class variables at
I am using ant to run junit to run a java class that uses
a PythonInterpreter to execute a script. The script
complains about a "ImportError: cannot import name ..."
despite the fact that junit, on behalf of ant -v
pretends to be using exactly the right classpath.
Obviously the classpath does
> i have read
> finding sublist
> http://groups.google.it/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/50b09a0aca285256/5156ada81fc9358a?hl=it#5156ada81fc9358a
> the problem was in a string to find if we have two substring non
> overlapping of lenght al least 4
> it
I thought __new__ was called upon construction of the _class_ object
that "Meta" is the type of. Then it would be available at the time of
the definition of my class. Or am I mistaken?
2005/8/4, Christopher Subich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Jan-Ole Esleben wrote:
> > class Meta(type):
> > def _
Jan-Ole Esleben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi!
> I am new to this list, and maybe this is a stupid question, but I
> can't seem to find _any_ kind of answer anywhere.
> What I want to do is the following:
> I want to insert a class variable into a class upon definition and
> actually use it
Christopher Subich wrote:
> Jan-Ole Esleben wrote:
>> class Meta(type):
>> def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
>> d['classvar'] = []
>> return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, d)
> The problem is that __new__ is called upon object construction, not
> class definition, but you're try
Yes, that works, but it is unfortunately not an option (at least not a
good one).
Is there no way to create a class variable that exists during
definition of the class? (I cannot imagine there isn't, since
technically it's possible and manually it can be done...)
> classvar is defined AFTER
Mage Wrote:
I would be surprised if there were more than five python jobs in my
country but have to look around.
I Reply:
It's not quite that bad in Arkansas (USA), but when I was hired to help
start a new IT department I insisted on using Python and my employer
agreed to try it. I now have over
1.I have installed and running a plone Intranet site,
I have registerd users on it. I want to get list of all registerd users
on a page. how I should move towards getting it / scripting it in my
index_html page ?
I am just a frontend user of plone.
2.How to start creating small database drive
$ python
Python 2.4.1 (#1, May 16 2005, 15:19:29)
[GCC 4.0.0 20050512 (Red Hat 4.0.0-5)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import codecs
>>> codecs.lookup('ascii')
(, ,
, )
>>> codecs.lookup('mbcs')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ""
How can I use Python to get the HTML source for a webpage that is
already loaded into Firefox? So far, all I've seen is reference to
building Mozilla and XPCOM, but if there's any other way, I want to
know. I already tried
import win32com.client
mb = win32com.client.Dispatch('MOZILLACONTROLLib.App
Jan-Ole Esleben wrote:
>Yes, that works, but it is unfortunately not an option (at least not a
>good one).
>Is there no way to create a class variable that exists during
>definition of the class? (I cannot imagine there isn't, since
>technically it's possible and manually it can be done...)
nico wrote:
> Does anyone have embedded a python interpreter on a proprietary hardware ?
Yes, http://www.cybertec.com.au/microcore.htm
> I have a home made hardware running a home made OS. C is used as programming
> language. I'd like to add a python interpreter to my system.
> Any guidelines
Hi again,
No you're right there isn't a mod.mod I want this to be evaluated from
for mod in modules:
a = mod.mod()
to this.
for mod in modules:
a = example1.example1()
for mod in modules:
a = example2.example2()
I found my problem it wasn't this piece of the problem it was
However if you want a working example go here..
Chris Johns a écrit :
> nico wrote:
>> Does anyone have embedded a python interpreter on a proprietary
>> hardware ?
> Yes, http://www.cybertec.com.au/microcore.htm
>> I have a home made hardware running a home made OS. C is used as
>> programming
>> language. I'd like to add a pyt
but in general is there a way to include in a re, in this example
something like...matches iff p , and q in which p==q[::-1] ? A way to
putting a small part of code of python in re? Thanx for your many helps
"a manager telling me what tools to use to do my job is a bad
manager by definition because he should realize that the people who
know what tools to use are the peope who use the tools*."
I'm sorry, this doesn't make much sense to me. In an ideal world where
all developers are all knowing and
I don't know what 'tactis' is, but 'mbcs' is not a portable character set name.
It's a special character set name on win32, which refers to some system-specific
multibyte character set.
I don't think these "failures" are a Python bug.
Description: PGP signature
While I try to install python arise an error:
I type
checking for g++ ... no
checking for gcc ... gcc
checking for C++ compiler default output file name ... configure: error:
C++ compiler cannot create executables
See 'config.log' for more details.
config.log is
This file
Belyh G.P. wrote:
OS - Debian GNU/Linux 3.1
>While I try to install python arise an error:
>I type
> ./configure
>checking for g++ ... no
>checking for gcc ... gcc
>checking for C++ compiler default output file name ... configure: error:
>C++ compiler cannot create executables
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I don't know what 'tactis' is, but 'mbcs' is not a portable character set
> name.
> It's a special character set name on win32, which refers to some
> system-specific
> multibyte character set.
> I don't think these "failures" are
Belyh G.P. wrote:
>Belyh G.P. wrote:
>OS - Debian GNU/Linux 3.1
Sorry forgor "Hi all!" :)
rh0dium wrote:
> for mod in modules:
> a = mod.mod()
> a.run()
Puzzle: If mod.mod did what you expect, what would a.run have to do to
maintain consistency?
There would be no way to determine the name of the module bound to the mod
variable, but fortunately the Python developers foresaw y
Thank you all for these interesting examples and methods!
Supposing I want to use DictReader to bring in the CSV lines and tie
them to field names, (again, with alternating lines having different
fields), should I use two two DictReaders as in Christopher's example
or is there a better way?
Stephan wrote:
> Thank you all for these interesting examples and methods!
You're welcome.
> Supposing I want to use DictReader to bring in the CSV lines and tie
> them to field names, (again, with alternating lines having different
> fields), should I use two two DictReaders as in Christopher's
Thanks! It's a bit icky, yes, but I've been so wrapped up in
complicated thinking that I didn't see this. It's actually quite an
OK solution (I need it because I have an internal representation for
method interfaces that needs to be saved somewhere without the user
having to worry about it, and wi
Peter Otten wrote:
> rh0dium wrote:
> > for mod in modules:
> > a = mod.mod()
> > a.run()
> Puzzle: If mod.mod did what you expect, what would a.run have to do to
> maintain consistency?
I thought that once a = example.example the class is then loaded.
Since my framework defines a pyt
> Here's some code that gives a cut-copy-paste pop-up window on all Entry
> widgets
> in an application.
> This code is released into the public domain.
> Jeff Epler
> #
Terry Reedy wrote:
> "Michael Sparks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> def updater(interval, message):
>> t = time.time():
>> while 1:
>> if time.time() - t > interval:
>> print message
>yield None # add this
Yes. (I can't beli
On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 03:59:01PM +0100, Richard Brodie wrote:
> I suppose, for consistency, it should ideally raise LookupError, though
Maybe so. If that was the poster's point, then I completely missed it.
Description: PGP signature
Michael Ströder wrote:
>>>This would require an additional PGP-plugin for Outlook. Outlook can
>>>decrypt S/MIME messages out-of-the-box.
>>Yes indeed, although I personaly find pgp a bit more elegant your
>>solution would be the best for the OP.
> Whether S/MIME or PGP is used depends very mu
> Hello Benjamin,
> What would happen if an exception was thrown in the middle of setup()?
> tearDown could not handle this case without having a list of the
> objects already constructed (Or I would have to rely on the automatic
> call to __del__, if it is reliable).
Here's an example...
import sys
print "Original:", sys.argv
for arg in sys.argv:
arg = arg.strip('-\x93\x96') # add chars here you want to strip
print "Stripped:", arg
Can't help you with #1 as I don't use Plone anymore. I prefer using
plain Zope and building my site around that. There's not much that
Plone adds for me, besides a skin.
As for 2, I do have some experience doing that. First, create a ZSQL
statement that does something like this:
select * from da
Please explain in more detail exactly what your problem was using the
method you described. We can help you, but most would be hard pressed
to write your code for you.
On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 10:49:36 -0500, Paul Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My company is involved in the development of many data marts and
>> data-warehouses, and I currently looking into migrating our old set of
>> tools (written in Korn) to a new, more dynami
> My questions are:
> 1) under normal conditions (no exceptions) is there a guarantee, that
> __del__ of
> all instruments is called at the end of measurement()?
> 2) if an exception is thrown, will all instruments be deleted if the
> error
> occurs in run() ?
> (only the instru
[Sylvain Thénault]
> I'm pleased to announce a new release of PyLint.
Bonjour Sylvain. J'ai la compulsion de dire bonjour, et merci! (On
peut me tutoyer sans problème.)
Ce logiciel `pylint', que je viens d'installer et d'essayer pour la
première fois ce matin (donc, j'écris encore sur l'effet
"falcon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> def Synhronised(lock,func):
> lock=Lock()
> def Some():
borges2003xx yahoo.it yahoo.it> writes:
> but in general is there a way to include in a re, in this example
> something like...matches iff p , and q in which p==q[::-1] ? A way to
> putting a small part of code of python in re? Thanx for your many helps
What you are after is a parser - there
does anyone have sample code for parsting an html file to get contents
of a td field to write to a mysql db? even if you have everything but
the mysql db part ill take it.
yaffa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> does anyone have sample code for parsting an html file to get contents
> of a td field to write to a mysql db? even if you have everything but
> the mysql db part ill take it.
I usually use Expat XML parser to extract the field.
On 4 Aug 2005 11:54:38 -0700, yaffa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> does anyone have sample code for parsting an html file to get contents
> of a td field to write to a mysql db? even if you have everything but
> the mysql db part ill take it.
Do you want something like this?
In [1]: x = "someth
Below is a simple code snippet showing a Tkinter Window bearing a
canvas and 2 connected scrollbars (Vertical & Horizontal). Works fine.
When you shrink/resize the window the scrollbars adjust accordingly.
However, what I really want to happen is that the area of the canvas
that the scrollbars
We are in the process of standardizing ~10 Linux servers on Lineox 4.x,
which is a variant of RedHat Enterprise server I'm told. Part of that
process is to standardize python.
The baseline install includes python 2.3 which is adequate, but I would like
to standardize on 2.4.1, because it is the l
yaffa wrote:
> does anyone have sample code for parsting an html file to get contents
> of a td field to write to a mysql db? even if you have everything but
> the mysql db part ill take it.
I had a similar problem when trying to compile Python 2.4.1 on AIX. The
configure script complained about not finding 'cc_r'. I simply did 'ln
-s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc_r' and that solved my problem. You may
consider doing the same for cclplus.
On Thu, 2005-08-04 at 01:04 -0400, Mike Meyer wrote:
> Right. Let's go back to the original question: What's the app I use on
> Unix that acts like py2exe on Windows and py2app on Unix?
> Any archiving system can be coerced into collecting all the parts
> together. None of them do it automatica
Thanks for your help guys! That cleared some stuff up for me. Now I
just have to wait for the sysadmin to get back from his vacation, bah.
Casey Hawthorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is there a way to determine -- when parsing -- if a word contains a
> builtin name or other imported system module name?
> Like "iskeyword" determines if a word is a keyword!
Look in the keyword module; there is actually an "iskeyword" function
I am trying to build an editable ListCtrl_edit via TextEditMixin.
It displays o.k. and I can edit the first field with this is the code piece:
class VokabelListCtrl(wxListCtrl,
def __init_
Sells, Fred wrote:
> We are in the process of standardizing ~10 Linux servers on Lineox 4.x,
> which is a variant of RedHat Enterprise server I'm told. Part of that
> process is to standardize python.
> The baseline install includes python 2.3 which is adequate, but I would like
> to standardiz
Given a and b, two equal length lists of integers, I want c to be
[a1-b1, a2-b2, ... , an-bn]. I can do something like:
c = [0] * len(a)
for ndx, item in enumerate(a):
c[ndx] = item - b[ndx]
But I'm wondering if there's a better way, perhaps that avoids a loop?
(I seem to recall fro
"Terrance N. Phillip" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Given a and b, two equal length lists of integers, I want c to be
> [a1-b1, a2-b2, ... , an-bn].
c = [a[i] - b[i] for i in xrange(len(a))]
> I assume some system tools must use them, even if I don't. I don't know if
> I can just copy all this into the 2.4 site-packages (deleting .pyc and .pyo)
> and get what I need.
Copying pure python site-packages from python23 to python24 should be
safe, but the binaries (.so) will not work becau
Terrance N. Phillip wrote:
> Given a and b, two equal length lists of integers, I want c to be
> [a1-b1, a2-b2, ... , an-bn]. I can do something like:
> c = [0] * len(a)
> for ndx, item in enumerate(a):
> c[ndx] = item - b[ndx]
> But I'm wondering if there's a better way, perhaps that av
I propose 3 solutions. If someone have time to waste, he can make a
benchmark to know which is the fastest and give us the results on the
Solution 1:
import itertools
c = [a_i-b_i for a_i, b_i in itertools.izip(a, b)]
Solution 2:
c = map(operator.sub, a, b)
#"map" will be removed
1 - 100 of 131 matches
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