On 25/07/05, Diez B.Roggisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Varghjärta <varghjarta <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > If I have "GUIClass":...
> > And start another thread and from that thread I want to call the
> > method "PaintSomething()" in "GUIClass" _in_ the same thread that
> > "GUIClass" lives in.
> There is no such thing in python, or any programming language for that matter.

Not exactly sure what you mean, what would you call the ability to
sort of, push a method call onto a thread like Invoke() in C# for
Even if underneath the clean surface it posts the call into the
message loop it gets the job done.

> However, in GUIs there is usually some so called event-loop. And for the
> task you have in mind you need a way to insert a custom event into that loop
> that will be executed the next time that gui thread is idle.
> Qt uses QCustomEvents for this. Swing has it's SwingUtilities.invokeLater
> http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/misc/threads.html#invokeLater
> and others have different means. So - whatever GUI you use,
> it depends on that what to do.

Yeah, I've been playing around with WX and find it to be the best GUI
layer for python, I belive it has some way of dealing with it.

But lets say i'm not using a GUI. Or rather, for example in my
WxPython application I have classes which needs to perform time
consuming operations. I would _really_ not want to include lots of
WX-stuff in an otherwise purely python class. I don't like mixing GUI
code with other code, it feels very dirty.

How would a python programmer(more experienced then I currently am) solve this?

Should I implement some kind of message-loop-system in the class which
the different threads "posts" to, and then the class(which is in the
right thread) deals with any events "posted"?

I'm spoiled from C# having everything delivered to me, so I'm confused
as to how much I need to implement myself. Thinking perhaps there was
some cute special python command I could use to do it for me :)

P.S. Currently traveling far from home(but still I have programming on
me brain), sorry for the delayed reply.

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