i am python newbie,i try to connect to db2 use python,i find it on
python-db2 doc:
$ python
>>> import DB2
>>> conn = DB2.connect(dsn='sample', uid='db2inst1', pwd='ibmdb2')
>>> curs = conn.cursor()
but i don't know about dsn,
i think a way like py
Op 2005-01-13, hanz schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> So if I have a call with an expression that takes more than
>> one line, I should assign the expression to a variable and
>> use the variable in the call?
> Yes, that's sometimes a good practice and can clarify
> the cal
Paul Rubin wrote:
>> > Huh? Expressions are not statements except when they're "expression
>> > statements"? What kind of expression is not an expression statement?
>> any expression that is used in a content that is not an expression statement,
>> of course.
> Come on, that is vacuous. Th
Op 2005-01-13, Terry Reedy schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "Antoon Pardon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Op 2005-01-13, Fredrik Lundh schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Antoon Pardon wrote:
Well, it seems that Guido is wrong then. The documentation clearl
*damn* it :-) python rocks.
michael .oO (resetting c/c++/java crap collected over the years)
Pierre Barbier de Reuille a écrit :
Antoon Pardon a écrit :
Well I find this a confusing behaviour on python's part. The fact
that instance.field can mean something different, depending on
where in a statement you find it, makes the behaviour inconsistent.
I know people in general here are against
Thanks a lot! :-)
does anybody knows where I can get the DB interface cx_Oracle for
2.4 with win32.
> http://starship.python.net/crew/atuining/cx_Oracle/
Link is saved for some time.
yuzx wrote:
i try to connect to db2 use python,i find it on
python-db2 doc:
$ python
>>> import DB2
>>> conn = DB2.connect(dsn='sample', uid='db2inst1', pwd='ibmdb2')
>>> curs = conn.cursor()
but i don't know about dsn,
It's the host name. In a former project (using
Jeff Shannon wrote:
Chris Lasher wrote:
And besides, for long-term archiving purposes, I'd expect that zip et
al on a character-stream would provide significantly better
compression than a 4:1 packed format, and that zipping the packed
format wouldn't be all that much more efficient than zipping th
Problem solved. I was actually using scipy_distutils and not distutils,
without good reason. Changing setup.py to use distutils made the
problem go away.
Cory Davis wrote:
Hi all,
I have been successfully deploying my own python package with distutils
for some time now, but lately, with
rbt wrote:
> Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
>> Alex Stapleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Whenever I run python I get
>>> "Warning! you are running an untested version of Python."
>>> prepended to the start of any output on stdout.
>>> This is with Debian and python 2.3 (running t
Le 13 Jan 2005 21:58:36 -0800, mike kreiner a écrit :
> I am having trouble importing a module I created. I'm running PythonWin
> on Windows XP if that helps. I saved my module in a folder called
> my_scripts in the site-packages directory. I edited the python path to
> include the my_scripts folde
On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 04:41:45PM -0800, Robert Kern wrote:
Jeff Shannon wrote:
(Plus, if this format might be used for RNA sequences as well as DNA
sequences, you've got at least a fifth base to represent, which means
you need at least three bits per base, which means only two bases per
byte (
Op 2005-01-14, Fredrik Lundh schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Paul Rubin wrote:
>>> > Huh? Expressions are not statements except when they're "expression
>>> > statements"? What kind of expression is not an expression statement?
>>> any expression that is used in a content that is not an expr
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
I am currently using the datetime package, but I find that the design is
asymmetric. I would like to know why. Or perhaps I have misunderstood
how it should be used?
I can make a datetime easily enough
>>> datetime(2005, 1, 1)
datetime.datetime(2005, 1, 1, 0,
Antoon Pardon wrote:
No I am applying set logic. Any string that is in the set of
valid expressions is also in the set of valid statements.
According to Python's grammar, this is not the case. It requires a NEWLINE or
";" token on the end to turn the expression into a statement. Actually appending
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 16:50:56 -0500, Leif K-Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim Roberts wrote:
> > Stephen Thorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>I would actually like to see pychecker pick up conceptual errors like this:
> >>
> >>import datetime
> >>datetime.datetime(2005, 04,04)
> >
> >
> >
Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> no, expressions CAN BE USED as statements. that doesn't mean
>> that they ARE statements, unless you're applying belgian logic.
> No I am applying set logic. Any string that is in the set of
> valid expressions is also in the set of valid statements.
since you're arguin
Hello NG,
I have a wxPython application that does a lot of things. One of them,
in particular, I have doubts on how to implement it. Essentially, this part
of my application calls an external executable (an oil reservoir
simulator). What I would like to do, is to give the user the possibilit
while programing in Python, one can lookup syntax or info for keywords
or modules within Python.
In the command line, type
to get into the python interactive program. then type
>From there one can type any keyword or module name to find out the
syntax or info. Everything is self-co
Op 2005-01-14, Nick Coghlan schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> No I am applying set logic. Any string that is in the set of
>> valid expressions is also in the set of valid statements.
> According to Python's grammar, this is not the case. It requires a NEWLINE or
> ";" token
Clark C. Evans wrote:
> Hello. I was wondering if anyone has built a module that works with
> urllib2 to upload file content via POST multipart/form-data. I'm
> aware of ASPN 146306, however, I need to use urllib2 beacuse I'm
> using HTTP Digest over SSL.
> Cheers,
> Clark
There is an exampl
Fredrik> no, expressions CAN BE USED as statements. that doesn't mean
Fredrik> that they ARE statements, unless you're applying belgian logic.
Hmmm... I'd never heard the term "belgian logic" before. Googling provided
a few uses, but no formal definition (maybe it's a European phrase s
Op 2005-01-14, Fredrik Lundh schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>>> no, expressions CAN BE USED as statements. that doesn't mean
>>> that they ARE statements, unless you're applying belgian logic.
>> No I am applying set logic. Any string that is in the set of
>> valid expres
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 11:40:52 -0800, Jeff Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Bengt Richter wrote:
>> BTW, I'm sure you could write a generator that would take a file name
>> and oldbinstring and newbinstring as arguments, and read and yield nice
>> os-file-system-friendly disk-sector-multiple ch
Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
David Bear wrote:
How does one query the python environment, ie pythonhome
> pythonpath
also, are there any HOWTO's on keeping multiple versions of python
I think it is sufficiently trivial that none is needed. Just make sure
the distributions are installed
Skip Montanaro wrote:
> Fredrik> no, expressions CAN BE USED as statements. that doesn't
> Fredrik> that they ARE statements, unless you're applying belgian
> Hmmm... I'd never heard the term "belgian logic" before. Googling
> a few uses, but no formal definition (may
I have summarized the discussion about the usability of lists (and
and other mutable types) as dictionary keys and put it into the
Python wiki.URL: http://www.python.org/moin/DictionaryKeys.
This summary might be used as a reference should the 'mutable
dictionary keys' issue come up again in c.l.py
Hello guys,
I succeeded in convincing my CS teacher to use Python and Sqlite instead of
Microsoft Access to get started with databases.
We are working on a windows terminal server to which I have no admin access,
so I'd like to ask you which module is best suited to use Sqlite with Python
Peter Renzland wrote:
What is the simplest/fastest Python program to determine how many
IP addresses sum up to 666?
The simplest/fastest enumerator?
The simplest/fastest that determines which ones of them are home pages?
This seems to work although it could be made more efficient or elegant.
Nick Coghlan wrote:
as equivalent to:
def __use_stmt():
def _in_clause():
return _in_clause()
__use_stmt_args = {}
= __use_stmt()
del __use_stmt
The more I think about this return-based approach, the less I like it. It could
probably be made to work, but it just feels like
Xah Lee wrote:
> gmane is great! its renaming of newsgroups is quite a headache.
> i found that comp.lang.python corresponds to
> do you know which one corresponds to comp.lang.perl.misc?
> there's no .misc or .general...
> --
> i thought there a strick like preceding
John Thingstad wrote:
> --
> huygens lands on titan
> Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
I bet it didn't...
Craig Ringer schrieb:
And then we have iteration
(generator expressions, list comprehensions, for loops, ...?) over
(sequences, iterators, generators)
Just sequences and iterators. Generators are functions which return
iterators. Sequences and iterators provide two ways to build
Xah Lee wrote:
Note: this post is from the Perl-Python a-day mailing list at
to subscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
So why duplicate the posts by posting them to the newsgroups?
Now that you've advertised the mailing list (and thank you,
Is there any way to build the python executable statically and
still be able to load modules built as shared libraries?
I'm trying to run python scripts on a stripped down FreeBSD (4.9)
machine which has no shared system libraries so I want to link it
statically against libc et al, but it would be
Peter Hansen wrote:
Lucas Raab wrote:
I have the statement: "typedef unsigned long int word32" and later
on: "word32 b[3]" referencing the third bit of the integer.
If that's really exactly what you have, then you actually have
something defining an array of three unsigned long integers
Lucas Raab wrote:
> Sorry, the third "byte" is what I meant. As for code samples, I hope the
> following will work:
> typedef unsigned long int word32 ;
> void mu(word32 *a)
> {
> int i ;
> word32 b[3] ;
> b[0] = b[1] = b[2] = 0 ;
> for( i=0 ; i<32 ; i++ )
> {
> b[0] <<= 1 ; b[1]
Michael Goettsche wrote:
> I succeeded in convincing my CS teacher to use Python and Sqlite
instead of
> Microsoft Access to get started with databases.
> We are working on a windows terminal server to which I have no admin
> so I'd like to ask you which module is best suited to use Sqlit
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 00:08:09 GMT, rumours say that [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bengt
Richter) might have written:
>As I'm sure you know, with 2.4's generator expressions you
>don't have to build the temporary list.
>Which could be important if 'something'
>is (or generates) a huge sequence.
> for i
[Aki Niimura]
> I started to use pickle to store the latest user settings for the tool
> I wrote. It writes out a pickled text file when it terminates and it
> restores the settings when it starts.
> I guess DOS text format is creating this problem.
> My question is "Is there any elegant
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Michael Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter Renzland wrote:
> > What is the simplest/fastest Python program to determine how many
> > IP addresses sum up to 666?
> >
> > The simplest/fastest enumerator?
> >
> > The simplest/fastest that determines which on
Ricardo Bugalho wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for the information. But what I was really looking for was
> informaion on when and why Python started doing it (previously, it
> always used sys.getdefaultencoding()))
I don't have access to any other version except 2.2 at the moment but I
believe it happene
On 13 Jan 2005 20:36:19 -0800, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
># My problem is that I want to create a
># class, but the variables aren't known
># all at once. So, I use a dictionary to
># store the values in temporarily.
># Then when I have a complete set, I want to
># ini
Yogesh Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> one more question to add:
> Is there a way to have 2 local copies of python interpreter ?
> Yogesh Sharma wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have following setup:
>> OS Linux Fedora Core 3
>> Python 2.3.4
>> How can I embed two python interpreters in one C++ progr
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 11:16:59 +
Michael Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> from socket import gethostbyaddr, herror
> for a in xrange(256):
> if a < 666-255*3:
> continue
> for b in xrange(256):
> if a+b < 666-255*2:
> continue
> for c in x
Hi all,
I'm a Python newbie and I'm trying to add to my C++ program a limited
support for scripts written in python.
In particular, I'd like to load user scripts written in python, list all the
he defined in the script file and then call them.
To begin I wrote into my C++ program (co
On Friday 14 January 2005 14:56, Kartic wrote:
> I posted this morning but I don't know what happened to my post!
> In any case, PySqlite is the distribution I have used and is available
> at pysqlite.org.
> I believe there is another module called APSW (Another Python Sqlite
> Wrapper) avail
Skip Montanaro wrote:
> Fredrik> no, expressions CAN BE USED as statements. that doesn't mean
> Fredrik> that they ARE statements, unless you're applying belgian
> logic.
> Hmmm... I'd never heard the term "belgian logic" before. Googling
> provided a few uses, but no formal d
Yes, my examle here is a tiny part of a larger more complex issue. My
application is an DOM XML parser that is reading attributes one at a
time. My class that I am creating is used elsewhere and must have
certain arguments for those uses to continue working. So, I seem to be
left with creating an i
I am working on a project in Python, and I"m
looking into the possibiliy of writing some of the
project"s modules in Java. Given that a large part of
the code is already written in Python, using the
standard libraries and several extension modules, I
trying to gauge the
Op 2005-01-14, Peter Maas schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have summarized the discussion about the usability of lists (and
> and other mutable types) as dictionary keys and put it into the
> Python wiki.URL: http://www.python.org/moin/DictionaryKeys.
> This summary might be used as a reference s
Nelson Minar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Could someone help me get started using XPath or XQuery in Python?
I figured this out. Thanks for the help, John! Examples below.
I used this exercise as an opportunity to get something off my chest
about XML and Python - it's kind of a mess! More here:
Tim Jarman wrote:
> IANA French person, but I believe that Belgians are traditionally
> regarded as stupid in French culture, so "Belgian logic" would be
> similar to "Irish logic" for an English person. (Feel free to insert
> your own cultural stereotypes as required. :)
On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 04:01:13PM +0100, Francesco Montorsi wrote:
> PyObject *list = PyObject_Dir(m_pGlobals);
> if (!list || PyList_Check(list) == FALSE)
> return;
> for (int i=0,max=PyList_Size(list); i
> PyObject *elem = PyList_GetItem(list, i);
> if (PyCallable_Check(elem) !=
F. Petitjean wrote:
Le 13 Jan 2005 21:58:36 -0800, mike kreiner a écrit :
I am having trouble importing a module I created. I'm running PythonWin
on Windows XP if that helps. I saved my module in a folder called
my_scripts in the site-packages directory. I edited the python path to
include the my_s
Joachim Boomberschloss wrote:
the code is already written in Python, using the
standard libraries and several extension modules
One thing to keep in mind is that Jython does not
integrate CPython, instead it "understands" python code
directly. So if you have a C extension that works with python
Tim Peters wrote:
[Martin MOKREJÅ]
I gave up the theoretical approach. Practically, I might need up
to store maybe those 1E15 keys.
We should work on our multiplication skills here . You don't
have enough disk space to store 1E15 keys. If your keys were just one
byte each, you would need to
[Martin MOKREJÅ]
> This comm(1) approach doesn't work for me. It somehow fails to
> detect common entries when the offset is too big.
> file 1:
> A
> F
> G
> I
> K
> M
> N
> R
> V
> AA
> AI
> FG
> FR
> GF
> GI
> GR
> IG
> IK
> IN
> IV
> KI
> MA
> NG
> RA
> RI
> VF
Xah Lee wrote:
> -
> for perl syntax lookup, use perldoc in the command line. For example:
> perldoc perl
Wrong. That command will give you a high-level overview of Perl but tell you
nothing about the syntax.
To lookup the Perl syntax you would have to use
perldoc perls
Tim Peters wrote:
[Martin MOKREJÅ]
This comm(1) approach doesn't work for me. It somehow fails to
detect common entries when the offset is too big.
I'll repeat:
As I mentioned before, if you store keys in sorted text files ...
Those files aren't in sorted order, so of course `comm` can't do
Skip Montanaro wrote:
Fredrik> no, expressions CAN BE USED as statements. that doesn't mean
Fredrik> that they ARE statements, unless you're applying belgian logic.
Hmmm... I'd never heard the term "belgian logic" before. Googling provided
a few uses, but no formal definition (maybe it's
Antoon Pardon wrote:
Op 2005-01-13, hanz schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Antoon Pardon wrote:
So if I have a call with an expression that takes more than
one line, I should assign the expression to a variable and
use the variable in the call?
Yes, that's sometimes a good practice and can clarify
the c
Antoon Pardon wrote:
IMO we have a: dogs are mamals kind of relationship in Python.
I see what you mean, but I don't think it's true.
Every expression can be used where a statement is expected.
(And this can be worded as: every expression is a statement.)
Not really. An expression statement is a st
Venkat B wrote:
Hi folks,
I'm looking build a CGI-capable SSL-enabled web-server around Python 2.4 on
It is to handle ~25 hits possibly arriving "at once". Content is non-static
and built by the execution of py cgi-scripts talking to a few backend
1) I was wondering if anyone has
Nick Coghlan wrote:
> > Is
> > this something to do with system modules being singletons?
> They aren't singletons in the GoF design pattern sense. However,
Python's import
> machinery operates in such a way that it takes effort to get multiple
version of
> the same module into memory at the sa
Bengt Richter wrote:
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 09:16:40 -0500, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Any statement of the form
for i in [x for x in something]:
can be rewritten as
for i in something:
Note that this doesn't mean you never want to iterate over a list
comprehension. It's the
Op 2005-01-14, Roel Schroeven schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> IMO we have a: dogs are mamals kind of relationship in Python.
> I see what you mean, but I don't think it's true.
>> Every expression can be used where a statement is expected.
>> (And this can be worded as: e
> Your file probably need to (a) be in the cgi-bin, not public_html,
> be flagged executable ("chmod a+x file.py"), and (c) begin with the
> line: '#!/usr/bin/env python'
> If the server doesn't provide you with CGI (or, strongly preferable,
> SCGI or mod_python), you're probably out of luck.
"Fuzzyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Xah Lee wrote:
>> gmane is great!
> I guess that most people use google to post to newsgroups is that they
> don't have nntp access.
Anyone with a normal internet connection has nntp access. What some do not
get from t
Antoon Pardon wrote:
> Well IMO I have explained clearly that I understood this in a set
> logical sense in my first response.
what does "first" mean on your planet?
"Peter Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
I have summarized the discussion about the usability of lists (and
and other mutable types) as dictionary keys and put it into the
Python wiki.URL: http://www.python.org/moin/DictionaryKeys.
This summary might be used as a re
It is possible, though possibly painful, to call java modules from
CPython using JNI. This is more difficult than Jython integration, but
probably required if you want to keep using your extension modules.
The JNI tutorial is available at
Ricardo Bugalho wrote:
thanks for the information. But what I was really looking for was
informaion on when and why Python started doing it (previously, it always
used sys.getdefaultencoding())) and why it was done only for 'print' when
stdout is a terminal instead of always.
It does that since 2.
Rickard Lind wrote:
Is there any way to build the python executable statically and
still be able to load modules built as shared libraries?
I'm not what "build statically" means; if you talking about
building a statically linked interpreter binary - then no,
this is not possible. At a minimum, you
can someone please give me some info regarding subject
please advice
Brane wrote:
> can someone please give me some info regarding subject
Ask a broad question...
Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
Your file probably need to (a) be in the cgi-bin, not public_html,
be flagged executable ("chmod a+x file.py"), and (c) begin with the
line: '#!/usr/bin/env python'
If the server doesn't provide you with CGI (or, strongly preferable,
SCGI or mod_python), you're probably
Tim Peters wrote:
Yes: regardless of platform, always open files used for pickles in
binary mode. That is, pass "rb" to open() when reading a pickle file,
and "wb" to open() when writing a pickle file. Then your pickle files
will work unchanged on all platforms. The same is true of files
How about this?
(I haven't used it myself)
Thx Rob.
yes i know it's related to search path, but i don't know how to set it in a
practical way (beside hard coding).
my concern is, if i want to create a custom module/library, i don't know
what py file will import it and where the working directory should be.
sometime like my example, even i
[Irmen de Jong]
> I've been wondering why there even is the choice between binary mode
> and text mode. Why can't we just do away with the 'text mode' ?
> What does it do, anyways? At least, if it does something, I'm sure
> that it isn't something that can be done in Python itself if
> really requi
Fuzzyman wrote:
> I guess that most people use google to post to newsgroups is that they
> don't have nntp access. Telling htem to use a newsreader is facetious
> and unhelpful.
if you have internet access, you have NNTP access. gmane.org provides access
to more than 6,500 mailing lists via NNTP
Antoon Pardon wrote:
Op 2005-01-14, Roel Schroeven schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Antoon Pardon wrote:
IMO we have a: dogs are mamals kind of relationship in Python.
I see what you mean, but I don't think it's true.
Every expression can be used where a statement is expected.
(And this can be worded
I didn't fully think through my application before posting my
question. Async com port routines to handle com port interrups
only work well if one has access to the low level operating
system. In that case the receive buffer interrupt would cause
a jump to an interrupt service routine.. I don't bel
yuzx wrote:
anyone can help me ?
this might help:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Istvan Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Joachim Boomberschloss wrote:
>> the code is already written in Python, using the
>> standard libraries and several extension modules
>One thing to keep in mind is that Jython does not
>integrate CPython, instead it "u
Simon Brunning wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 16:50:56 -0500, Leif K-Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Tim Roberts wrote:
>> > Stephen Thorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> >>I would actually like to see pychecker pick up conceptual errors like this:
>> >>
>> >>import datetime
>> >>datetime.da
Bengt Richter wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 08:18:25 -0500, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> In Mythical Future Python I would like to be able to use any base in
>>> integer literals, which would be better. Example random syntax:
>>> flags= 2x00011010101
Jürgen Exner wrote:
Why don't you just stop posting this nonsense?
He will, fairly soon. I'm suspecting that the original
intent behind these posts was to stir up a perl vs python
flamewar. That is unlikely to materialize since the
poster does not seem to understand neither of these
It's me wrote:
> Sorry if my question was a little "lazy" and yes, I was asking about the
> "lazy evaluation". :=)
> I am surprised about this (and this can be dangerous, I guess).
> If this is true, I would run into trouble real quick if I do a:
> (1/x,1.0e99)[x==0]
> and that's not g
Irmen de Jong wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
> > Yes: regardless of platform, always open files used for pickles in
> > binary mode. That is, pass "rb" to open() when reading a pickle
> > and "wb" to open() when writing a pickle file. Then your pickle
> > will work unchanged on all pla
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Fuzzyman wrote:
>> I guess that most people use google to post to newsgroups is that they
>> don't have nntp access. Telling htem to use a newsreader is facetious
>> and unhelpful.
Most people use Gooja to post because th
> In Mythical Future Python I would like to be able to use any base in
> integer literals, which would be better. Example random syntax:
> flags= 2x00011010101001
> umask= 8x664
> answer= 10x42
> addr= 16x0E84 # 16x == 0x
> gunk= 36x8H6Z9A0X
I'd prefer using the
Tim Peters wrote:
That differences may exist is reflected in the C
standard, and the rules for text-mode files are more restrictive than
most people would believe.
Apparently. Because I know only about the Unix <-> Windows difference
(windows converts \r\n <--> \n when using 'r' mode, right).
So it
A search on google gave me this library, I haven't tested it though:
Brane wrote:
can someone please give me some info regarding subject
From Windows machine: http://adodbapi.sourceforge.net/
From elsewhere: FreeTDS + unixODBC + mxODBC is one of possible solutions.
Jarek Zgoda
http://jpa.berlios.de/ | http://www.zgodowie.org/
Forgive my ignorance, but what does using mmap do for the script? My
guess is that it improves performance, but I'm not sure how. I read the
module documentation and the module appears to be a way to read out
information from memory (RAM maybe?).
I'd like to save one Tkinter Canvas in order to use it on another
Canvas later. The problem is that it gets saved as EPS but it needs to
be GIF to be reuseable. How can I convert that format?
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