On Friday 14 January 2005 14:56, Kartic wrote:
> I posted this morning but I don't know what happened to my post!
> In any case, PySqlite is the distribution I have used and is available
> at pysqlite.org.
> I believe there is another module called APSW (Another Python Sqlite
> Wrapper) available, that I stumbled upon just today, after reading your
> post. Home page : http://www.rogerbinns.com/apsw.html
> Please read the section "pysqlite differences" to see which one you
> want to install.
> As for installation, it should be as simple as downloading the win32
> binaries for your Python distro and executing it. I do not have admin
> rights on my Win2K PC at work, but it installed and worked just fine.
> So, you should not have any problem. You will not have to install
> anything additional other the python-sqlite module itself.
> Good choice on selecting Sqlite..I love it and hope you will enjoy it
> too!
> Thanks,
> --Kartic
Hi Kartic,

thanks for your answer. I've installed PySqlite on my system at home and will 
look into the docs now. I think it's good for our purposes. 

  • ... Michael Goettsche
    • ... Michel Claveau - abstraction m�ta-galactique non triviale en fuite perp�tuelle.

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