あうぇくろ writes:
Why does tpr('a')==tpr(1) return True?
Because tpr always returns the value None.
from typing import List
from types import FunctionType, LambdaType
def composite(*func: List[FunctionType]) -> LambdaType:
if len(func) < 2:
raise TypeError(f'composite expected over 2 arguments, but got {len(func)}')
if len(func) == 2:
return lambda *args, **kwargs: func[1](func[0](*args, **kwar
Op 23/09/2024 om 09:44 schreef Annada Behera via Python-list:
The "next-level math trick" Newton-Raphson has nothing to do with
functional programming. I have written solvers in purely iterative
What is your point. Any problem solved in a functional style can
also be solved
-Original Message-
From: Paul Rubin
Subject: Re: Beazley's Problem
Date: 09/24/2024 05:52:27 AM
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
>> def f_prime(x: float) -> float:
>> return 2*x
>You might enjoy implementing that with automatic differentiation (not
less where you are not allowed to store any state (current best
guess root).
-Original Message-
From: Paul Rubin
Subject: Re: Beazley's Problem
Date: 09/22/2024 01:49:50 AM
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
r...@zedat.fu-berlin.de (Stefan Ram) writes:
> It's hella rad to see y
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/__init__.py", line 23, in
(version_info, _mysql.version_info))
ImportError: this is MySQLdb version (1, 2, 5, 'final', 1), but _mysql is
version (1, 4, 6, 'final', 0)
I Googled this a lot, and saw many peop
On 27/02/2024 07:13, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
> Aside from using it to resized
> the window, is there no way to
> know the last value of the
> change for use in the program?
The last value would be the current width.
And you know how to get that as shown in
your configure function:
Ww = r
your handler.
How would that be done?
-Original Message-
From: Python-list
Behalf Of Thomas Passin via
Sent: Monday, February 26,
2024 8:34 AM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Problem resizing
a window and button placement
On 2/26/2024 6:02 AM, Steve GS
# Can I have concentric loops?
-Original Message-
From: Alan Gauld
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 4:04 AM
To: Steve GS ; python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: RE: Problem resizing a window and button placement
On 26/02/2024 07:56, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
Then ther
On 26/02/2024 11:02, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
> Although your code produces the value of Ww outside the function,
> I do not see how I can use the value of Ww unless I close the program.
You have to use a function that operates inside the mainloop.
Thats the nature of event driven programs
# Can I have concentric loops?
-Original Message-
From: Alan Gauld
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 4:04 AM
To: Steve GS ; python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: RE: Problem resizing a window and button placement
On 26/02/2024 07:56, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
> Th
On 26/02/2024 07:56, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
> Then there is that discovery
> element: Why is my original
> idea not working? I still
> cannot pass the value back
> from the function. What is
> different about this function
> that others would have given
> me the value?
There is nothing
unday, February 25,
2024 5:55 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Problem resizing
a window and button placement
On 2/25/2024 4:19 PM, Steve GS
via Python-list wrote:
> The fix was to write the
code that uses the width value
and to place it into the
function i
Ww Inside = <250>
Ww Inside = <249>
Ww Inside = <250>
Ww Outside =
Here is my result...
-Original Message-
From: Python-list
Behalf Of MRAB via Python-list
Sent: Sunday, February 25,
2024 6:40 PM
To: python-list@python.
On 2024-02-25 21:19, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
The fix was to write the code that uses the width value and to place it into
the function itself.
Kluge? Maybe but it works.
Mischief Managed.
As for the most recent suggestion, it fails for me:
ted in the function used here, and make it available to the code outside
the function.
-Original Message-
From: Alan Gauld
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2024 12:44 PM
To: Steve GS ; python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: RE: Problem resizing a window and button placement
On 25/02/2024
Steve GS ; python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: RE: Problem resizing a window and button placement
On 25/02/2024 03:58, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
import tkinter as tk
Ww = None
def on_configure(*args):
global Ww
Ww = root.winfo_width()
print("Ww Inside = <&quo
On 25/02/2024 03:58, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
import tkinter as tk
Ww = None
def on_configure(*args):
global Ww
Ww = root.winfo_width()
print("Ww Inside = <" + str(Ww) + ">")
root = tk.Tk()
root.bind('', on_configure)
print("Ww Outside = <" + str(Ww)
So, how do I use the width value in my code?
-Original Message-
From: Python-list On Behalf
Of MRAB via Python-list
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2024 10:36 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Problem resizing a window and button placement
On 2024-02-25 02:51, Steve GS wrote
The print statement in the
function prints.
Does that not mean that the
function is being called?
-Original Message-
From: Python-list
Behalf Of Thomas Passin via
Sent: Saturday, February 24,
2024 10:39 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Problem resizing
On 2024-02-25 02:51, Steve GS wrote:
import tkinter as tk
#global Ww Neither global helps
def on_configure(*args):
# print(args)
#global Ww Neither global helps
Ww = root.winfo_width()
print("WwInside = <" + str(Ww) + ">")
root = tk.Tk()
root.bind('', on_configure)
r you, as others have written.
-Original Message-
From: Python-list
Behalf Of MRAB via Python-list
Sent: Saturday, February 24,
2024 7:49 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Problem resizing
a window and button placement
On 2024-02-25 00:33, Steve GS
via Pyth
print("WwOutside = <" +
str(Ww) + ">")
#NameError: name 'Ww' is not
-Original Message-
From: Python-list
Behalf Of MRAB via Python-list
Sent: Saturday, February 24,
2024 7:49 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Problem r
a short example that shows the problem.
as Passin via
Sent: Saturday, February 24,
2024 8:40 AM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Problem resizing
a window and button placement
On 2/24/2024 3:20 AM, Steve GS
via Python-list wrote:
> Yes, I ran that elegantly
> simple code. The print
> statement reports the X,
On 2024-02-24, MRAB via Python-list wrote:
> On 2024-02-24 01:14, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
>> Python, Tkinter: How do I determine if a window has been resized? I
>> want to locate buttons vertically along the right border and need
>> to know the new width. The buttons are to move with the
ry between languages.
So close..
-Original Message-
From: Barry
Sent: Saturday, February 24,
2024 3:04 AM
To: Steve GS
Subject: Re: Problem resizing
a window and button placement
On 24 Feb 2024, at 04:36,
Steve GS via Python-list
Subject: Re: Problem resizing
a window and button placement
> On 24 Feb 2024, at 04:36,
Steve GS via Python-list
> How do I extract the values
> from args?
You can look up the args in
You can run the example code
MRAB prov
> On 24 Feb 2024, at 04:36, Steve GS via Python-list
> wrote:
> How do I extract the values
> from args?
You can look up the args in documentation.
You can run the example code MRAB provided and see what is printed to learn
what is in the args.
How do I extract the values
from args?
-Original Message-
From: Python-list
Behalf Of MRAB via Python-list
Sent: Friday, February 23,
2024 9:27 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Problem resizing
a window and button placement
On 2024-02-24 01:14, Steve GS
via Python-list
On 2024-02-24 01:14, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
Python, Tkinter: How do I
determine if a window has been
resized? I want to locate
buttons vertically along the
right border and need to know
the new width. The buttons are
to move with the change of
location of the right-side
Bind an
Python, Tkinter: How do I
determine if a window has been
resized? I want to locate
buttons vertically along the
right border and need to know
the new width. The buttons are
to move with the change of
location of the right-side
I sent a similar reply in private to someone who may not be listening as their
mind is made up. This points to a serious problem with people not testing
hypotheses adequately.
Perhaps for homework, we can assign a request for a Python program that creates
a random sample of quite a few
On 12/12/23 21:22, Steve GS wrote:
With all these suggestions on
how to fix it, no one seems to
answer why it fails only when
entering a two-digit number.
One and three work fine when
comparing with str values. It
is interesting that the
leading 0 on a two digit
worked. Still, one digit and
Op 12/12/2023 om 9:22 schreef Steve GS via Python-list:
With all these suggestions on
how to fix it, no one seems to
answer why it fails only when
entering a two-digit number.
One and three work fine when
comparing with str values. It
is interesting that the
leading 0 on a two digit
worked. Stil
now more of a
curiosity as I did use the
integer comparisons.
-Original Message-
From: Python-list
Behalf Of dn via Python-list
Sent: Sunday, December 10,
2023 12:53 AM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: A problem with
str VS int.
On 10/12/23 15:42, Steve GS
via Python-list
On 10/12/23 15:42, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
If I enter a one-digit input or a three-digit number, the code works but if I
enter a two digit number, the if statement fails and the else condition
tsReading = input(" Enter the " + Brand + " test strip reading: ")
On 12/9/2023 9:42 PM, Steve GS via Python-list wrote:
If I enter a one-digit input or a three-digit number, the code works but if I
enter a two digit number, the if statement fails and the else condition
tsReading = input(" Enter the " + Brand + " test strip reading: ")
user can enter any text, they might enter ".01" or "hello" or al kinds of
If you converted to numbers and tested whether it failed, ...
-Original Message-
From: Python-list On
Behalf Of Steve GS via Python-list
Sent: Saturday, December 9, 2023 9:42 PM
To: pyth
If I enter a one-digit input or a three-digit number, the code works but if I
enter a two digit number, the if statement fails and the else condition
tsReading = input(" Enter the " + Brand + " test strip reading: ")
if tsReading == "": tsReading = "0"
Stefan Ram wrote:
> Chris Green writes:
> >I have to say this seems very non-pythonesque to me, the 'obvious'
> >default simply doesn't work right, and I really can't think of a case
> >where the missing comma would make any sense at all.
> |6.15 Expression lists
> ...
> |an expression list co
On 11/24/2023 4:49 PM, Rimu Atkinson via Python-list wrote:
I really can't think of a case
where the missing comma would make any sense at all.
That is pretty tricky, yes.
The comma means it's a tuple. Without the comma, it's just a string with
parenthesis around it, which is a string.
On 11/24/23 14:10, Chris Green via Python-list wrote:
Chris Green wrote:
This is driving me crazy, I'm running this code:-
OK, I've found what's wrong:-
cr.execute(sql, ('%' + "2023-11" + '%'))
should be:-
cr.execute(sql, ('%' + x + '%',) )
I have to say this seems very
Am 24.11.2023 um 22:49 schrieb Rimu Atkinson via Python-list:
I really can't think of a case
where the missing comma would make any sense at all.
That is pretty tricky, yes.
The comma means it's a tuple. Without the comma, it's just a string with
parenthesis around it, which is a strin
Chris Green wrote:
> This is driving me crazy, I'm running this code:-
OK, I've found what's wrong:-
> cr.execute(sql, ('%' + "2023-11" + '%'))
should be:-
cr.execute(sql, ('%' + x + '%',) )
I have to say this seems very non-pythonesque to me, the 'obvious'
default simply doesn'
This is driving me crazy, I'm running this code:-
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Show the electric fence history, default to last 24 hours
import sqlite3
import datetime
import sys
today = datetime.datetime.now()
I really can't think of a case
where the missing comma would make any sense at all.
That is pretty tricky, yes.
The comma means it's a tuple. Without the comma, it's just a string with
parenthesis around it, which is a string.
PyDev console: starting.
Python 3.9.15 (main, Oct 28 2022
On 2023-05-08 23:02:18 +0200, jak wrote:
> Peter J. Holzer ha scritto:
> > On 2023-05-06 16:27:04 +0200, jak wrote:
> > > Chris Green ha scritto:
> > > > Chris Green wrote:
> > > > > A bit more information, msg.get("subject", "unknown") does return a
> > > > > string, as follows:-
> > > > >
> > >
On 2023-05-06 16:27:04 +0200, jak wrote:
> Chris Green ha scritto:
> > Chris Green wrote:
> > > A bit more information, msg.get("subject", "unknown") does return a
> > > string, as follows:-
> > >
> > > Subject:
> > > =?utf-8?Q?aka_Marne_=C3=A0_la_Sa=C3=B4ne_(Waterways_Continental_Europe)?=
ng for that I won't get any
false positives.
Sorry for the noise everyone, it's a typical case of explaining the
problem shows one how to fix it! :-)
This is probably what you need:
import email.header
raw_subj =
ugh string that I'm searching for that I won't get any
false positives.
Sorry for the noise everyone, it's a typical case of explaining the
problem shows one how to fix it! :-)
Chris Green
A bit more information, msg.get("subject", "unknown") does return a
string, as follows:-
So it's the 'searchTxt in msg.get("subject", "unknown")' that's
failing. I.e. for some reason 'in' isn't working when th
Chris Green ha scritto:
I have a custom mail filter in python that uses the mailbox package to
open a mail message and give me access to the headers.
So I have the following code to open each mail message:-
# Read the message from standard input and make a message object from
I have a custom mail filter in python that uses the mailbox package to
open a mail message and give me access to the headers.
So I have the following code to open each mail message:-
# Read the message from standard input and make a message object from it
msg = mailb
Den 2023-04-13 skrev MRAB :
> On 2023-04-13 19:41, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Anyone had success running this example?
>> https://tinyurl.com/yhhyc9r
>> As far as I know I have an up-to-date matplotlib installed. Pip has
>> nothing more modern to offer me.
> All I can say is that it works for
On 2023-04-13 19:41, Martin Schöön wrote:
Anyone had success running this example?
When I try I get this error:
"TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'transform'"
This is for the line
"m = MarkerStyle(SUCESS_SYMBOLS[mood], transform=t)"
On 4/13/2023 2:41 PM, Martin Schöön wrote:
Anyone had success running this example?
When I try I get this error:
"TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'transform'"
This is for the line
"m = MarkerStyle(SUCESS_SYMBOLS[mood], transform=t)"
Anyone had success running this example?
When I try I get this error:
"TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'transform'"
This is for the line
"m = MarkerStyle(SUCESS_SYMBOLS[mood], transform=t)"
Yes, I know, I could dive into the documentation
have said in the hopes it might be even more
clear that way.
Python has an internal search path that it uses to find the module when
you ask to "import". If a module is not found, that means it's not in
the search path ("it's always a path problem"). You installed it
Pranav Bhardwaj wrote at 2023-4-3 22:13 +0530:
>Why can't I able to use python libraries such as numpy, nudenet, playsound,
>pandas, etc in my python 3.11.2. It always through the error "import
>'numpy' or any other libraries could not be resolved".
The "libraries" you speak of are extensions (i.e
On 4/3/2023 12:43 PM, Pranav Bhardwaj wrote:
Why can't I able to use python libraries such as numpy, nudenet, playsound,
pandas, etc in my python 3.11.2. It always through the error "import
'numpy' or any other libraries could not be resolved".
You need to realize that no one can help you witho
> On 3 Apr 2023, at 17:46, Pranav Bhardwaj wrote:
> Why can't I able to use python libraries such as numpy, nudenet, playsound,
> pandas, etc in my python 3.11.2. It always through the error "import
> 'numpy' or any other libraries could not be resolved".
You need to provide enough details
Why can't I able to use python libraries such as numpy, nudenet, playsound,
pandas, etc in my python 3.11.2. It always through the error "import
'numpy' or any other libraries could not be resolved".
Why can't I able to use python libraries such as numpy, nudenet, playsound,
in python 3.11.2
I believe your problem is __rsub__, not __sub__.
When you havethen that
uses the "r" version of the operators.
In your __rsub__ (used when you have - ) you instead return
- which is backwards.
Notice how the final return should also be -4,95 and not the +4,95 it's
The class Betragswert is used for numerical values as string or integer
and for additions and subtraction.
If on the left side is '0' the result of a subtraction is wrong.
* b1 = Betragswert(500)
b2 = 0 + b1
b3 = 0 - b1
b4 = 5 + b1
b5 = 5 - b1*
print(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) show
Rob Cliffe via Python-list
Date: Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 2:12 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Packing Problem
*** Attention: This is an external email. Use caution responding, opening
attachments or clicking on links. ***
Slightly improved version (deals with multiple charac
On 3/10/23 15:15, Chris wrote:
Hi everyone. I'm new to Python and wxPython. I've got a form I use to
calculate the Sq In of a leather project.
I'm using python 3.9.13 and wxPython 4.20
I'm having the following issues:
1) When I come into the form, no grid cell has the focus set - I start
Hi everyone. I'm new to Python and wxPython. I've got a form I use to
calculate the Sq In of a leather project.
I'm using python 3.9.13 and wxPython 4.20
I'm having the following issues:
1) When I come into the form, no grid cell has the focus set - I start
typing and nothing happens. I have t
: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Packing Problem
*** Attention: This is an external email. Use caution responding, opening
attachments or clicking on links. ***
Slightly improved version (deals with multiple characters together
instead of one at a time):
# Pack.py
def Pack(Words):
Slightly improved version (deals with multiple characters together
instead of one at a time):
# Pack.py
def Pack(Words):
if not Words:
return ''
# The method is to build up the result by adding letters at the
# and working forward, and by adding letters at the end,
I found Hen Hanna's "packing" problem to be an intriguing one: Given a
list of words:
find a string (in general non-unique) as short as possible which
contains the letters of
> On 22 Dec 2022, at 17:09, Patrick EGLOFF wrote:
> Hi all,
> I use Python 3.10.9 and Pyserial 3.5 on a Win10 machine.
> I'm sending datas via an USB port to a device that accept commands in the
> form of : cmd;
> The device receives and reacts to the commands sent, and it should repl
Hi all,
I use Python 3.10.9 and Pyserial 3.5 on a Win10 machine.
I'm sending datas via an USB port to a device that accept commands in the
form of : cmd;
The device receives and reacts to the commands sent, and it should reply
with an ACK of the same kind.
But looking with a COM port sniffer, n
On 12/17/22 15:45, Anne wrote:
>I tried several times to install and use python for youtube views with Tor
>using Youtube tutorials but I keep getting error after error. Please help
>regards Dimpho
Given the lack of any information in your post, I can only assume you're
problem in a way they can help with. It's not clear what you're
trying to do, and "I keep getting error after error" doesn't give anyone
any information to work with.
I tried several times to install and use python for youtube views with Tor
using Youtube tutorials but I keep getting error after error. Please help
regards Dimpho
With all that "p"-alliteration, it must be a Pppresentation with the
virtual-Auckland branch of NZPUG!
Wed 19 Oct,
1800 for 1830 ~ 2030 NZDT
0500, 0530, and 0730 UTC+13 resp
by web-conference
Nathan Smith had an 'itch' caused by a problem related to the game of
#Try using, it's save in json format of the website:
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = "https://www.empireonline.com/movies/features/best-movies-2/";
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
data = json.loads(soup.select_one("#__NEXT_DATA__").
On Wed, 14 Sep 2022 11:42:39 +0200, "carlharrison"
declaimed the following:
>I am working on a PC with windows 10 and use Eset internet security. I have
>tried downloading python 3.10.7 for windows. Using a tutorial I see that a
>checkbox should appear called "Add python 3/7 to path" but this do
Hello and welcome,
Sadly I don't know about Eset internet security, or why you do not get the
choice of letting the installer do that, but you could try to add Python
manually to your PATH like it is described in
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-add-python-to-windows-path/ .
But maybe som
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am working on a PC with windows 10 and use Eset internet security. I have
tried downloading python 3.10.7 for windows. Using a tutorial I see that a
checkbox should appear called "Add python 3/7 to path" but this does not
appear whichever version I try to download. I wondered
On Thu, 18 Aug 2022 12:17:25 -0600, David at Booomer
declaimed the following:
>I did count but hadn’t noticed this argument list before you mentioned it.
>However, I still don’t see any of these argument names in the Executable list
>or anywhere else.
It's your responsibility to pr
Thank you!
发件人: subin<mailto:subtitle.i...@gmail.com>
发送时间: 2022年8月19日 8:02
收件人: python-list@python.org<mailto:python-list@python.org>
主题: Re: Problem using cx_Freeze
Hope you had a good time.
On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 10:19 PM Peter J. Holzer wrote:
> On 2022-08-17 12:09:14
Thank you!
从 Windows 版邮件<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>发送
发件人: Dan Stromberg<mailto:drsali...@gmail.com>
发送时间: 2022年8月19日 8:35
收件人: Python List<mailto:python-list@python.org>
主题: Re: setup.py + cython == chicken and the egg problem
On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 2:0
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.
发件人: Chris Angelico<mailto:ros...@gmail.com>
发送时间: 2022年8月19日 8:39
收件人: python-list@python.org<mailto:python-list@python.org>
主题: Re: Problem using cx_Freeze > auto-py-to-exe
On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 at 10:07, Grant Edwards wrote:
On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 at 10:07, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2022-08-18, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 at 05:05, Grant Edwards
> > wrote:
> >> On 2022-08-18, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >>
> >> > It's one of the frustrations with JSON, since that format doesn't
> >> > allow the traili
it at install
> time. This requires a C compiler, but I'm OK with that.
> BTW, the pure python version works fine, and the cython version works too
> as long as you preinstall cython - but I don't want users to have to know
> that :)
For the actual chicken-and-eg
On 2022-08-18, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 at 05:05, Grant Edwards wrote:
>> On 2022-08-18, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> > It's one of the frustrations with JSON, since that format doesn't
>> > allow the trailing comma :)
>> Yep, that's a constant, low-level pain for all the C
> >
> "gtrail.py","main.py","matchingstring.py","producelatex.py","readfile.py",
> > "separete.py","speak.py",
> > )
> [...]
> > I am/was worried about
On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 at 05:05, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2022-08-18, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 at 04:19, David at Booomer wrote:
> >
> >> The trailing , does make commenting out arguments easier but
> >> unexpected coming from ‘older’ languages. ;-)
> >
> > It's one of the f
On 2022-08-18, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 at 04:19, David at Booomer wrote:
>> The trailing , does make commenting out arguments easier but
>> unexpected coming from ‘older’ languages. ;-)
> It's one of the frustrations with JSON, since that format doesn't
> allow the trailin
On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 at 04:19, David at Booomer wrote:
> > This is really common in modern programming languages (read: programming
> > languages younger than 30 years or so), because it makes it much more
> > convenient to extend/shorten/reorder a list. Otherwise you alway have to
> > remember add
r suggestions Dennis. This was the first time I saw the
possibility of creating a python executable.
Then I searched for ‘python executable’ and found auto-py-to-exe and
pyinstaller which I must/might explore later. First tries ran into PyQt4 to
PyQt5 conversions. Good start at
On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 3:05 PM Dan Stromberg wrote:
> I commented out those too lines, but I'm still getting errors. They seem
>> to stem from:
>> $ "/home/dstromberg/venv/pyx-treap-testing/bin/python3",
>> ["/home/dstromberg/venv/pyx-treap-testing/bin/python3",
>> "/home/dstromberg/venv/pyx-tr
>> successfully.
>> >?? exit code: 1
>> >> [3 lines of output]
>> >Looking in indexes: https://test.pypi.org/simple/
>> >ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement
>> > setuptools (from versions: none)
> "separete.py","speak.py",
> )
> I am/was worried about the trailing ‘,' after ',"speak.py”,’ <- but
> deleting it or moving it after th
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement
> > setuptools (from versions: none)
> >ERROR: No matching distribution found for setuptools
> >[end of output]
> >
> >note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a
> > prob
On Wed, 17 Aug 2022 12:09:14 -0600, David at Booomer
declaimed the following:
> "prjui.py","Maiui.py","about.py","dict.py","geometry.py","getEquation.py",
> "gtrail.py","main.py","matchingstring.py","producelatex.py","readfile.py
mention of adding self which is in these lines already. Previously I
had search for __init__() which returned no lines due to the closing ).
I had visited the page you provided
but didn’t noticed the 11 plus self as 12
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