Hi everyone. I'm new to Python and wxPython. I've got a form I use to
calculate the Sq In of a leather project.
I'm using python 3.9.13 and wxPython 4.20
I'm having the following issues:
1) When I come into the form, no grid cell has the focus set - I start
typing and nothing happens. I have to click the cell.
If I hit Tab or Enter, the OnKeyDown fires, but does not move to the
appropriate cell - it does nothing but run the update and move off of
the current cell.
The action I'm trying to make is this
ENTER KEY: Always go down 1 row and to col 0
TAB, if Col 0 Move to Col 1 on same row, if Col 1 go to Row +1, Col 0
I also need to have what3ever cell it is supposed to land on to get the
focus so I can just type.
Currently I have to click in each cell I want/need to add.
There could be up to 20 pieces of leather with differing sizes, so in
order to accurately calculate the Sq In, I need to get all the
measurements in.
The form, one of several tabs, comes up and does everything else I've
coded for great. Just no navigation.
Can anyone assist? Here is the module with the form
Module Name : alwsqin.py
Author : Chris Anderson
Create Date : 03/10/2023
Description : This module contains the Sq In/MM/CM of leather used
This file is Copyright Anderson Leather Works (c) 2023
/# File Last Update and Person/
/# Imports/
/#from Imports/
/from/alwlogic /import/leather_sqin
Name : LeatherSqInPanel
Author : Chris Anderson
Create Date : 02/23/2023
Description : Panel for the 'Leather Sq In Calculator
in Leatherworking Cost Estimator app
dbTableName /=/'None'
/def/__init__(self, parent):
wx.Panel.__init__(/self/, parent)
/self/.ls /=/leather_sqin
/self/.grid /=/wx.grid.Grid(/self/, size/=/(600, 515))
/self/.grid.CreateGrid(30, 6)
/# Set column labels/
/self/.grid.SetColLabelValue(0, "Length")
/self/.grid.SetColLabelValue(1, "Width")
/self/.grid.SetColLabelValue(2, "Total")
/self/.grid.SetColLabelValue(3, "Grand Total")
/self/.grid.SetColLabelValue(4, "Type")
/self/.grid.SetColLabelValue(5, "Select Calc Method")
/for/col /in/range(/self/.grid.GetNumberCols()):
/# Set dropdown choices for column 5, row 0/
types /=/["Sq In", "Sq Cm", "Sq Mm"]
/self/.type_dropdown /=/wx.ComboBox(/self/.grid, choices/=/types,
/self/.type_editor /=/wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor(choices/=/types)
/self/.grid.SetCellEditor(0, 5, /self/.type_editor)
/self/.grid.SetCellRenderer(0, 5, wx.grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer())
/# Set initial value for Type column/
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(0, 5, types[0])
/# Make Total and Grand Total cells read-only/
/for/i /in/range(/self/.grid.GetNumberRows()):
/self/.grid.SetReadOnly(i, 2)
/self/.grid.SetReadOnly(i, 3)
/# Set Type column values/
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(0, 4, "Sq In")
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(1, 4, "Sq Cm")
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(2, 4, "Sq Mm")
/# Populate grid with data from LeatherSqIn object/
/for/i, row /in/enumerate(/self/.ls.get_data()):
/for/j, val /in/enumerate(row):
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(i, j, str(val))
/if/j /==/0: /# Check if first column/
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(i, j/+/1, "Sq In") /# Set default value for
column 2/
/if/i /==/0/and/j /==/5:
/self/.grid.SetCellEditor(i, j,
wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor(choices/=/["Sq In", "Sq Cm", "Sq Mm"]))
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(i, j, str(val))
/# Calculate totals and grand total/
/for/i, row /in/enumerate(/self/.ls.get_data()):
grandTotal /=/0.0
total /=/0.0
/self/.ls.calculate_grand_total(grandTotal, total)
/# Bind events/
/self/.grid.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGED, /self/.OnCellChange)
/self/.grid.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, /self/.OnKeyDown) /# Bind the key down
/# Add grid and button sizers to top sizer/
sizer /=/wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
sizer.Add(/self/.grid, 1, wx.ALL)
/# Set grid line width for last column to 0/
/# Set grid cursor and focus/
/# Select cell R0C0 and set focus/
wx.CallAfter(/self/.grid.SetGridCursor, 0, 0)
wx.CallAfter(/self/.grid.MakeCellVisible, 0, 0)
/def//OnCellChange/(self, event):
print("OnCellChange called")
row, col /=/event.GetRow(), event.GetCol()
value /=//self/.grid.GetCellValue(row, col)
/# update total for the row/
/if/col /==/0/or/col /==/1:
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(row, 2,
/f/'{/self/.ls.calc_sqin(float(/self/.grid.GetCellValue(row, 0)),
float(/self/.grid.GetCellValue(row, 1)))}')
/# update grand total/
grandTotal /=/0.0
/for/row /in/range(1, /self/.grid.GetNumberRows()):
grandTotal /=//self/.ls.calculate_grand_total(grandTotal,
/self/.grid.GetCellValue(row, 2))
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(0, 3, /f/'{grandTotal/:.2f/}')
/# handle key events/
/if/isinstance(event, wx.grid.GridEvent) /and/event.GetEventType()
print("Key event captured")
keycode /=/event.GetKeyCode()
/if/keycode /==/wx.WXK_TAB:
print("OnCellChange:TAB called")
/if/col /==/0:
/self/.grid.SetGridCursor(row, col/-/1)
/self/.grid.SetGridCursor(row, col/+/1)
/self/.grid.SetGridCursor(row/+/1, 0)
/elif/keycode /==/wx.WXK_RETURN:
print("OnCellChange:Enter called")
/self/.grid.SetGridCursor(row/+/1, 0)
/# update dropdown options for type column/
/if/col /==/5/and/row /==/0:
/# update the total and grand total when the dropdown is changed/
length /=/float(/self/.grid.GetCellValue(row, 0))
width /=/float(/self/.grid.GetCellValue(row, 1))
type_ /=//self/.grid.GetCellValue(row, 5)
sqin /=//self/.ls.calc_sqin(length, width, type_)
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(row, 2, /f/'{sqin/:.2f/}')
grandTotal /=/0.0
/for/row /in/range(1, /self/.grid.GetNumberRows()):
/self/.grid.GetCellValue(row, 2))
/self/.grid.SetCellValue(0, 3, /f/'{grandTotal/:.2f/}')
/def//OnClearButtonClick/(self, event):
/def//OnKeyDown/(self, event):
print("Key was hit")
keyCode /=/event.GetKeyCode()
row, col /=//self/.grid.GetGridCursorRow(),
/if/keyCode /==/wx.WXK_RETURN:
/# If ENTER is pressed, move to next row, column 0/
/if/row /<//self/.grid.GetNumberRows() /-/1:
/self/.grid.SetGridCursor(row /+/1, 0)
/elif/keyCode /==/wx.WXK_TAB:
/# If TAB is pressed, move to the next column or row/
/if/col /==/0:
/# If on column 0, move to column 1/
/self/.grid.SetGridCursor(row, col /+/1)
/elif/col /==/1:
/# If on column 1, move to next row, column 0/
/if/row /<//self/.grid.GetNumberRows() /-/1:
/self/.grid.SetGridCursor(row /+/1, 0)
/# If on any other column, move to next row, column 0/
/if/row /<//self/.grid.GetNumberRows() /-/1:
/self/.grid.SetGridCursor(row /+/1, 0)
/def//OnQuitButtonClick/(self, event):