Gregory Bond wrote:
> Thanks Peter, that's a big help.
You're welcome.
> I can solve my problem now, but I'm chasing this further in the name of
> education, because it seems there is some deep magic happening here that
> I don't understand.
Python resorts to deep magic only when it's inevitabl
Peter Otten wrote:
> You are on the right track with staticmethod, but you have to apply it to
> fn:
> ... fn = staticmethod(foo)
Thanks Peter, that's a big help.
I can solve my problem now, but I'm chasing this further in the name of
education, because it seems there is some deep ma
Gregory Bond wrote:
> I'm building a class hierarchy that needs to keep as a class variable a
> reference to a (non-member) function, so that different subclasses can
> use different generator functions. But it seems Python is treating the
> function as a member function because the reference to
I'm building a class hierarchy that needs to keep as a class variable a
reference to a (non-member) function, so that different subclasses can
use different generator functions. But it seems Python is treating the
function as a member function because the reference to it is in class