no, its an extern IP adress. For my needs the server and the client
must be on different machines. But I opened the port and it worked.
Thanks anyway :)
Marco Aschwanden wrote:
> > server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("",
> > 22999))
> Could it be that x
> server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("",
> 22999))
Could it be that stands for ''? If so... rename
it to 'localhost'. If you bind a port to it will be found only
on the same machine.
thanx for the hint :)! I ran a port scan and it turned out, that the
port was realy closed.
Thanx again!
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
> Please go to the machine where you php program resides, and check if the
> server is not blocked by firewall rules. For example, do
> telnet
Stefka írta:
> Hi all,
> I try to implement a python xml-rpc server and call it from a php
> client. If the server and the client are on the same machine
> (localhost) the communication between them is just fine. When I start
> the server on a different host I don't get an answer.
Please go
Hi all,
I try to implement a python xml-rpc server and call it from a php
client. If the server and the client are on the same machine
(localhost) the communication between them is just fine. When I start
the server on a different host I don't get an answer.
What is missing there?? I tried also to