>Without the traceback for the first error
Hello Peter...
There was no traceback to the first error - in none of the cases the
error appeared was a traceback present.
I just found the error - the configuration of pygtk mentioned right in
the middle somewhere that the atk version wasn't up-to-date
> After installing python 2.4.1 (previous version 2.3.4), and installing
> pygtk 2.6.2, I get the following error message (almost with any program
> I try to run):
> ImportError: could not import atk
> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PythonCAD/Interface/Gtk/g
Hello people.
After installing python 2.4.1 (previous version 2.3.4), and installing
pygtk 2.6.2, I get the following error message (almost with any program
I try to run):
ImportError: could not import atk
Trying to start PythonCAD, I also get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lo