yes i did hear about sqlobject but as u said it doesn't support oracle
yet. Thanx
Thanx for the links , i loved the "monty lingua" module
u gave me before.
U've made a point and i have seen that approach in the above article.
But i was curious about creating python classes and code on fly. The
only way i could do it was by using exec function. Is there a standard
way of doing it. What are the plus points of such kind
Godwin wrote:
> I think its possible with python as it is called a dynamic
> language.
Certainly, but what's really the point with these classes?
If they are completely generated from tables, they won't
have different behaviour anyway, just a different chunk
of attributes to fetch, save and update
ORM: Several to choose from:
Godwin wrote:
> But the funny fact is that i want this class to be dynamically
> generated at run
> time simply from a table name string.
The thing you are looking for is called an "object-relational mapper".
try SQLObject
This is mainly intended to work the other way
Dear Pythoneer,
I'm thinking of making a class out of an rdbms table name(let's
say oracle).
I can dynamically query the column names and their datatypes from
oracle. So at runtime can i create a class object that creates a class
for example employee with methods that can manipulate that table