Dear Pythoneer, I'm thinking of making a class out of an rdbms table name(let's say oracle). I can dynamically query the column names and their datatypes from oracle. So at runtime can i create a class object that creates a class for example employee with methods that can manipulate that table. For example :
class Employee(object): def insert(self,**kwds): "should insert values into the table based on column and value pairs supplied" def update(self,**kwds): "should update the table" def delete(self,where): "should delete a row" def select(self,*cols,where) "should retrieve results based on columns and where clause" But the funny fact is that i want this class to be dynamically generated at run time simply from a table name string. "Yes i want to create Eve out of Adams' rib". I think its possible with python as it is called a dynamic language. Would u let me on this python secret? --