Re: Compiling Python3 for BeagleBone Black (Angstrom distro)

2013-11-05 Thread Amirouche Boubekki
Use this Add the list of modules you want to disable and redo make 2013/11/5 Travis Griggs > > On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Travis Griggs wrote: > > > I'm playing with a BeagleBone Black running the angstrom distro. Of > course, stock

Re: Compiling Python3 for BeagleBone Black (Angstrom distro)

2013-11-04 Thread Terry Reedy
On 11/4/2013 7:23 PM, Travis Griggs wrote: On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Travis Griggs wrote: I'm playing with a BeagleBone Black running the angstrom distro. Of course, stock python is 2.7, I'd rather use python3. There isn't a python3 package available for angstrom. So I downloaded the sour

Re: Compiling Python3 for BeagleBone Black (Angstrom distro)

2013-11-04 Thread Travis Griggs
On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Travis Griggs wrote: > I'm playing with a BeagleBone Black running the angstrom distro. Of course, > stock python is 2.7, I'd rather use python3. There isn't a python3 package > available for angstrom. So I downloaded the source and compiled. It seemed to > work pr

Re: Compiling Python3 for BeagleBone Black (Angstrom distro)

2013-11-04 Thread Amirouche Boubekki
Hi Travis, I see, looking at ./configure --help | less, that I could provide > --disable-FEATURE and --without-PACKAGE directives to my ./configure > invocation. But what I don't see is how to generate a list of what > FEATURES/PACKAGES I could put there for consideration of omission. Is there > s

Compiling Python3 for BeagleBone Black (Angstrom distro)

2013-11-04 Thread Travis Griggs
I'm playing with a BeagleBone Black running the angstrom distro. Of course, stock python is 2.7, I'd rather use python3. There isn't a python3 package available for angstrom. So I downloaded the source and compiled. It seemed to work pretty well. I used the basic approach outlined in the REAMDE: