On 11/4/2013 7:23 PM, Travis Griggs wrote:

On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Travis Griggs <travisgri...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm playing with a BeagleBone Black running the angstrom distro. Of course, 
stock python is 2.7, I'd rather use python3. There isn't a python3 package 
available for angstrom. So I downloaded the source and compiled. It seemed to 
work pretty well. I used the basic approach outlined in the REAMDE:

make test
make install

Now, I want to repeat the process, but be a little more judicious about what 
all is compiled. For example, I don't really need tk stuff (in fact, it just 
kept telling me it wasn't there). And there's probably a number of other 
modules/libraries in the kitchen sink known as the stock install, that I could 
forgo on a tiny little computer like this.

I see, looking at ./configure --help | less, that I could provide 
--disable-FEATURE and --without-PACKAGE directives to my ./configure 
invocation. But what I don't see is how to generate a list of what 
FEATURES/PACKAGES I could put there for consideration of omission. Is there 
some magic juju that generates that?

Should I have asked this question on python-dev instead? Not currently 
subscribed thereā€¦ but would if that would generate more informed responses.

pydev is for concrete discussion of developing future CPython releases.
Questions about using current releases belong here. If you cannot get an answer after a week, because no one knows or can get the answer, then there might be a case for improving something.

Terry Jan Reedy


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