Hmm, my while loop with "or" doesn't seem to work as I want it to...
How do I tell the while loop to only accept "Y" or "y" or "N" or "n"
input from the str(raw_input)?
Thank's in advance!
Snippet of code:
import os
def buildfinder():
GameRoot = os.getenv("GAME_ROOT") +
I must be doing something wrong here because I'm getting all these
missing .dll messages after installing PyQT. This is what I've done (no
step excluded):
1. Fresh installation of Python25
2. I run the PyQt-gpl-4.1.1-Py2.5-Qt4.2.2.exe file which should include
3. I run the qt-win-opens
Hello everyone!
I have a piece of code that looks like this:
if len(BuildList) > 0:
print "The script found %d game directories:" % len(BuildList)
num = 0
for i in BuildList:
print str(num) +" " + i
num = num + 1
print "Select a build numbe