Hmm, my while loop with "or" doesn't seem to work as I want it to... How do I tell the while loop to only accept "Y" or "y" or "N" or "n" input from the str(raw_input)?
Thank's in advance! Snippet of code: import os def buildfinder(): os.system("CLS") GameRoot = os.getenv("GAME_ROOT") + "\\" print "Do you want to use " + GameRoot + " as your source directory?" usr = str(raw_input('Y/N: ')) return usr #Runs the buildfinder function usrinp = buildfinder() def buildwhiler(): while usrinp != "y" or "Y" or "N" or "n": <<<<----PROBLEM print "Enter Y or N!" usr = str(raw_input('Y/N: ')) else: code continues --