> > > Instance methods make the most sense. A static method makes sense too
> > > *but* I can see how a class method not only does what a static method
> > > does but how a class method *also* gets the cls reference for free.
> > I don't understand the last part - but I certainly agree on the "in
> > Instance methods make the most sense. A static method makes sense too
> > *but* I can see how a class method not only does what a static method
> > does but how a class method *also* gets the cls reference for free.
> I don't understand the last part - but I certainly agree on the "instance
> > An instance method works on the instance
> > A Static method is basically a function nested within a class object
> > A class method is overkill?
> If anything, a static method is overkill...
> class Foo:
> def register(cls, listener):
> cls.LISTENERS.append(
I remember learning closures in Python and thought it was the dumbest
idea ever. Why use a closure when Python is fully object oriented? I
didn't grasp the power/reason for them until I started learning
JavaScript and then BAM, I understood them.
Just a little while ago, I had a fear of decorators
> I know you're looking for "one-on-one" help, direction, and/or
> tutelage, but since you've not received an answer (yet), here's some
> general info...
> For Decorators, have a gander at:
> http://www.ddj.com/web-development/184406073;jsessionid=QCNTPTSNXZP2W...
> http://www.ibm.com/develo
I will pay anyone for a face-to-face tutoring in the Orlando Florida
area. I will pay $20.00 per hour (minimum 2 hours needed). What I need
are lessons in Decorators and Class methods. If I can walk away with
at least 5 lessons taught in both subjects I will be happy to offer an
additional $20.00.
I spent some time working on a skill resume, the kind of resume
college students put together and realized, I am not in college and
everything I learned was self-taught. Of course I would like some real
world achievements but don't consider throw-away code an achievement
and am failing to really se
> > I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Add a single page to the
> > installer and on it, have 3 radio buttons. The choices could be "add to
> > path (recommended)", "add to path with version", "do not add to path
> > (not recommended)".
> Please submit a patch to sf.net/projects/pytho
Ben Sizer wrote:
> I've installed several different versions of Python across several
> different versions of MS Windows, and not a single time was the Python
> directory or the Scripts subdirectory added to the PATH environment
> variable.
I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Add a sing
Ben Sizer wrote:
> I've installed several different versions of Python across several
> different versions of MS Windows, and not a single time was the Python
> directory or the Scripts subdirectory added to the PATH environment
> variable. Every time, I've had to go through and add this by hand,
I need to thank you all for your suggestions and recommendations. I am
ultimately aiming to work in Python, PostgreSQL and Django and this
link http://www.sqlalchemy.org/news.myt#item_3 sort of made my day :)
I really appreciate all of your feedback and will go through Fredrik's
links as soon as I
Hello all,
I've studied Python and studied PostgreSQL. What is the absolute next
best step to take to merge these two finely together? I've heard of
SQLAlchemy and some others but before I dive in, I would really like
the opinion of those who tried it and other toolkits.
My main concern is, I wou
John Henry wrote:
> I believe the standard dictionary should be amened to allow the use of
> case insensitive keys - as an option. I found some work done by others
> to do that at:
> http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/283455
> but the problem with that approach is that th
> I want to verify that three parameters can all be converted into
> integers, but I don't want to modify the parameters themselves.
You can twist and tweak this version OR completely redo it. In this
version a list of the conversions are returned *but* if you want to
only check if such a conversi
> kodos does look good but I do not have the pyqt (maybe I am slightly
> off) interface to use it on my system.. with another graphic interface
> it would be a must try software.
on Ubuntu 6.06, the repos have this 'gtk2-engines-gtk-qt' and it makes
QT apps look really awesome on Gnome. Not sure
> > Has anyone tried this thing..
> > http://www.regular-expressions.info/regexbuddy.html
I use kodos http://kodos.sourceforge.net/. I firmly agree using a tool
like this to learn regular expressions will not only save you a
ridiculous amount of time spent on trial and error *but* it's really
JAG CHAN wrote:
> Friends,
> As I had written earlier, I am trying to learn Python.
> I chose IDLE as an editor to learn Python.
> Now I find that it is an online editor.
> It is not possible for me to be always on online while learning.
> Kindly suggest me a suitable editor (for Windows XP) which
MooMaster Wrote:
> I'm trying to develop a little script that does some string
> manipulation. I have some few hundred strings that currently look like
> this:
> cond(a,b,c)
> and I want them to look like this:
> cond(c,a,b)
I zoned out on your question and created a very simple flipper.
vbgunz wrote:
> > Why does code.InteractiveConsole support command history on Windows, but
> > not in a Gnome terminal (all I get is ^[[A^[[B)? Or does it not support
> > history at all, and the Windows console is implementing it's own? Is
> > there any way to get
> Why does code.InteractiveConsole support command history on Windows, but
> not in a Gnome terminal (all I get is ^[[A^[[B)? Or does it not support
> history at all, and the Windows console is implementing it's own? Is
> there any way to get command history working with InteractiveConsole on
> Lin
> > Is there some easy way to split a line, keeping together double-quoted
> > strings?
> import re
> rex = re.compile(r'(".*?"|\S)')
> sub = 'a b c "d e"'
> res = [x for x in re.split(rex, sub) if not x.isspace()][1:-1]
> print res # -> ['a', 'b', 'c', '"d e"']
instead of slicing the result out,
Jim wrote:
> Is there some easy way to split a line, keeping together double-quoted
> strings?
using the re module I find this to probably be the easiest but in no
way is this gospel :)
import re
rex = re.compile(r'(".*?"|\S)')
sub = 'a b c "d e"'
res = [x for x in re.split(rex, sub) if not x.iss
> Let me assure you that it _won't_ be on paper this coming Saturday (two
> days from now).
I am absolutely certain it will be worth the wait. The Python in a
Nutshell book that covers 2.2 is so well written, it's practically
amazing the author was able to cram so much in so little space.
> After several years developing in Java, I've begun to switch to Python
> for several of my new projects as I have found the language quite
> interesting. I've read several tutorials and implemented a few sample
> programs and I've found that Python enables one to program in a variety
> of differ
> Ah, what I was referring to (somewhat in jest) was something to
> automatically *write* the code needed by the application. Simply
> executing it is easy enough and in fact Rapyd-Tk already does this via
> the save-build-run project-menu choice.
sorry I misunderstood you.
maybe you can tell your moms what to do and what binaries to download
or maybe you can download them for her and either send it to her
through email or put it on a disc for her... I understand the Windows
XP installation binary is easy enough for anyone to get going. Just
follow the prompts.
> Well, given that you did post it on purpose and had no "intent to mess
> anyone up over it", it is clear that the antecedent in Fredrik's
> if-statement is not satisfied and therefore your mind should've skipped
> the consequent statement when reading his response. Why get so upset
> about someth
I read the ten commandments. I enjoyed the link. I see my mistakes.
Thank you.
Steve, I have no qualm with Fredrik over this '''if you don't know how
to do things, you don't need to post.''' but this ''' if you know why
this is about the dumbest way to do what you're doing, and you're
posted this on purpose, you really need to grow up.'''.
The problem was I did post it on pu
> You perhaps shouldn't become so excited. Next time, if you're not sure of
> the correctness of your solution, try to wait a bit before posting it,
> and see if someone other comes up with the same thing you would have posted.
George, if Frederik's first reply was replaced with yours chances are
Fredrik_Lundh = 'wah'
I bet you enjoy stealing candy from babies and dunging on the little
guy every chance you get. You're suppose to be a role model in this
community? Your temper tantrum and unrelenting 'look at me look at me
i'm bigger and better' machismo attitude is nothing more than a decoy
> I guess Fredrik's message was more along the lines of ``don't try to
> "help" others after a week or two toying with the language because you
> might be offering disservice, despite your good intentions; leave this
> to more experienced users``. The words might have been a bit harsher
> but that'
I will not try and stop helping others because you don't like my
answers. I found a perfectly good way how not to do something that
wasn't exactly wrong anyway. if you can take another persons honest
attempt to help someone and twist it into something it is not, I can
only suggest you look in the
> if you don't know how to do things, you don't need to post.
> if you know why this is about the dumbest way to do what you're doing,
> and you're posted this on purpose, you really need to grow up.
If this was the case who then would post any questions? I not only made
my post with the best of i
the interactive shell will immediatly show the result of an expression
without you having to explicitly print the result. In all text editor,
you will have to print the result if you wish to see it.
> No, he'll have 100 items in the slice... 300, 301,... 399 that's 100 items.
you're right, sorry. [300:400] would return 100 items but the item at
index 400 would not return. I suggested if he wanted it to try
[300:401] as the last slice index is excluded from the return.
Thanks for that :)
> del list1[:]
thank you for that reply. I never thought of [:] cause to be me I
thought it would immediately make a copy of the list or if anything
that it would delete a copy so I never played with it. nice :)
> del list1[:-1000] # keep max. last 1000 appended items in the list
> list1[:]=r
> I have new a list , when it hava large number of values, I wonna to
> delete all the values in it,how to do?
something like this will probably help.
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
y = x
list([x.pop() for z in xrange(len(x))])
print x, y # [] []
> And, if a list have 801 values, I want to get its v
maybe I am a bit ignorant and love living in the bliss of it and maybe
I am a bit tired on the subject but may I ask you a question? if i
decided to use IronPython for strict cPython work, is this possible?
probably dumb when I can use cPython but is it still possible in case
maybe sometime down th
> Thanks vbgunz that was the reply I was looking for!
> Do you think it is wise to hold back for a 3rd edition?
No, 2nd edition is literally perfect. The reason why is because almost
nothing significant enough has changed since it's publication. In other
words, you will not learn a
Learning Python by Mark Lutz will be the most perfect book to get you
started! Perhaps there are others aimed at the non-programmer but after
getting through that book (2 times) I finally left it with wings... It
is a great book for the n00b in my humble opinion. After that, you'll
pretty much star
I am sure something much more elaborate will show it's face but this I
made in about 10 minutes. Didn't do much testing on it but it certainly
does convert your string modeled after a dictionary into a real
dictionary. You might wish to check against more variations and
possibilities and tweak and
> As for the code to actually make the application go, well,
> if there is some automatic way to make that happen it hasn't dawned on
> me yet.
why not execute 'python -u /pathto/module.py' I could be wrong but hope
I am not :)
>What are you building? I routinely do things like these by hand
>and I can't imagine using a builder for anything 'simpl
Thank you very much for the link and info. It looks promising but I am
still on the lookout for a drag-n-drop Gui builder like vltc so if
anyone has more links to new projects I am definitely interested!
PS. I do love the code generated from rapyd!
> I am a new beginner to python, would you like give me some
> advice on studying it?
http://www.python.org/doc/ is a real great place to start. Are you
looking for different advice?
Hello world,
I tried looking everywhere for a decent Tkinter GUI builder and the
closest I got to finding one before being horrified from looking at the
source was vtcl @ http://vtcl.sourceforge.net. The next closest thing
was page @ http://page.sourceforge.net/
Page just didn't cut it for me and
I forgot to explain my reason for over shadowing the 'string' built-in
within my iterator. To me, it doesn't matter because the string
identifier is temporary within the function and dies when the function
dies. Also, I personally don't use the string function and prefer
''.join('hi'), etc. Also, a
Hello John,
Thank you very much for your pointers! I decided to redo it and try to
implement your suggestion. I think I did a fair job and because of your
suggestion have a better iterator. Thank you!
def indexer(string, substring, overlap=1):
'''indexer(string, substring, [overlap=1]) -> int
The cookbook assumes you know some Python. if you know it, you're good
:) If you're new to Python and programming I would recommend 'Learning
Python' by Mark Lutz and David Ascher. if you're very familiar with
programming but need to catch up on Python syntax, I would recommend
the Python in a nuts
I thought this to be a great exercise so I went the extra length to
turn it into a function for my little but growing library. I hope you
enjoy :)
def indexer(string, target):
'''indexer(string, target) -> [list of target indexes]
enter in a string and a target and indexer will either re
to throw fire on the fuel (:P), you can get the value back to an
in-place mutable change with a single expression...
mylist = [2,3,4,1]
print mylist.sort() or mylist
might not be too pythonic or maybe it is. I guess depends on what side
of the glass you might wish to view the solution :)
how big is the set? 100MB, more? what are you doing with the set? do
you have a small example that can prove the set is causing the freeze?
I am not the sharpest tool in the shed but it sounds like you might be
multiplying your set in/directly either permanently or temporarily on
purpose or acciden
to catch and recover from StopIterations, use this:
raise StopIteration
except StopIteration:
print 'caught StopIteration!' # verbose: sys.exc_info() requires
import sys
sequence = ['','2']
for index, line in enumerate(sequence):
if line.isspace():continue
if line[:1].isdigit():
print 'index %s: starts with digit %s' % (index, line[:1])
Thank you Razvan. You're right. I downloaded the 1.7.1 source and built
it and the links do work just fine. Thank you for pointing that out!
this is the main error:
navigation link images broken here:
when I first open up the docs, the main page and Global Module Index
links in the tree
pay attention to Ryan. Do not use 'str' as an identifier as you will
over write the built-in doing so. this seems easiest so far.
s = "tyrtrbd =ffgtyuf == =tyryr =u=p ff"
s = s.replace('=', '=#')
print s # -> tyrtrbd =#ffgtyuf =#=# =#tyryr =#u=#p ff
you don't have to say:
if True == l_init
it is suggested you simply say:
if l_init:
Remember the and operator requires expressions on both sides to be true
to continue. If you notice, your expression on the right side of the
'and' is an assignment and so this is forbidden (SyntaxError).
seed = [1,2,3]
print seed # [1,2,3,4]
many of the list methods are in place methods on a mutable object. In
other words, doing the following results in None.
seed = [1,2,3]
seed = seed.append(4)
print seed # None
you also just wiped out your list... The append method like many o
what errors are you getting? Could it be an indentation error? I don't
see anything wrong with the script except the value of fruit is
missing. if fruit is a string, it should work like a charm. double
check the length of the fruit with print len(fruit) and check fruit
with print type(fruit) and ma
I am sorry I couldn't reply sooner! Alex, Python in a nutshell is my
bible and I take it virtually everywhere! Seriously, I would highly
recommend it to anyone with a little to a lot of Python experience.
I apologize for misinterpreting your passage on page 80. I will look
much closer at your exam
Hello everyone.
I own two books. Learning Python and Python in a nutshell. When cross
referencing the two books to try and clarify the ideas behind extending
methods and delegates, this is where confusion veered it's ugly head :(
Learning Python explains on page 324: Class Interface Techniques
OK. I hope my understanding of the yield keyword and generators in a
general sense are now better understood. When a generator function is
assigned to an identifier, no code is executed and a generator is
immediately returned. When the next() method is called on the new
generator, code from top to
I believe I understand now. the yield keyword is sort of like a cousin
to return. return will bring back an object I can work with and so does
yield *but* yield's object will most likely support the .next() method.
So, if I worked with a function that ends with the return keyword and
it returns a
I am afraid that this is the first time in which I would probably need
something explained to me as if I were a little child. I am having a
hard time getting this through my thick skull. What in the world is
wrong with this!?
''' ### '''
Hello, Steven D'Aprano, Terry Jan Reedy!
I would really like to extend my thanks to you guys. I hope I've got it
right this time!
def posKeyArgs(a, b=2, c=3):
print a, b, c
#posKeyArgs(b=20) # too few positional arguments. a needs an arg.
#posKeyArgs(10, c=30, 20) # pos_args cannot follow
Please allow me some time to look at your examples. I get hung up over
the smallest details because in my mind, my approach should have just
worked... I learned about these parameters reading "O'reilly Learning
Python 2nd Edition". On page 217 of the paperback or Chapter 13.5.6 in
the ebook, topic:
I am sorry I hung you up on a typo Peter Hansen. On line 5 *arg4 should
have been *par4. I hope it makes complete sense now. Sorry.
Hello all,
I am just learning Python and have come across something I feel might
be a bug. Please enlightenment me... The following code presents a
challenge. How in the world do you provide an argument for *arg4?
def argPrecedence(p
Please forgive my call()
Change this:
argPrecedence('arg1', arg3='arg3', arg2='arg2', arg5='arg5')
to this:
argPrecedence('arg1', par3='arg3', par2='arg2', arg5='arg5')
Hello all,
I am just learning Python and have come across something I feel might
be a bug. Please enlightenment me... The following code presents a
challenge. How in the world do you provide an argument for *arg4?
def argPrecedence(p
Hello all,
I am just learning Python and have come across something I feel might
be a bug. Please enlightenment me... The following code presents a
challenge. How in the world do you provide an argument for *arg4?
def argPrecedence(p
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