> > An instance method works on the instance
> > A Static method is basically a function nested within a class object
> > A class method is overkill?
> If anything, a static method is overkill...
> class Foo:
>    def register(cls, listener):
>        cls.LISTENERS.append(listener)

When I learned about static methods, I learned they're a way to
tightly couple some functionality with a class without tying the
functionality to any of the instances. I see them as nothing more than
a design decision. To me they make some sense.

Other than a methods signature (classmethod(cls, l) and a
staticmethod(l)) a class method does anything that a static method
does and gets the CLS reference for FREE? Is this why a static method
is considered to be overkill? In other words, either one can be called
from either the class or the instance and both work pretty much the
same *but* only the class method includes the class for reference and
the static method does not?

The only real difference I see between an instance and either a class
or static method is the whole bound/unbound thing. Otherwise, even an
instance can do what the others do *just* the instance method can only
make those calls through an instance and not the class.

Instance methods make the most sense. A static method makes sense too
*but* I can see how a class method not only does what a static method
does but how a class method *also* gets the cls reference for free.

Am I correct?

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