why ps/fname of a python interpreter changes across platforms?

2011-09-16 Thread keobox
Hello, I'm writing a little supervisor of some python scripts. To check if the scrips are running I'm using the ps -o pid,fname command on both RH Linux and solaris 10. All the scripts are launched using "python script.py" command, they are not launched with exec permissions. I don't know why the

Re: Problem with an huge dictionary

2010-05-21 Thread keobox
On 20 Mag, 12:58, Thomas Lehmann wrote: > > The question is: > > Is there a limit on the number of entries a dictionary can have i > > jython? > > > I wrote a little app where my data is stored in a huge dictionary > > (11746 entries) generated with a python script. > > When I try to import the di

[jython] Problem with an huge dictionary

2010-05-17 Thread keobox
Hi, I apologize if this is not the right group for posting question related to jython. Please give me the right directions if this is the case. The question is: Is there a limit on the number of entries a dictionary can have i jython? I wrote a little app where my data is stored in a huge diction