On 20 Mag, 12:58, Thomas Lehmann <t.lehm...@rtsgroup.net> wrote: > > The question is: > > Is there a limit on the number of entries a dictionary can have i > > jython? > > > I wrote a little app where my data is stored in a huge dictionary > > (11746 entries) generated with a python script. > > When I try to import the dictionary, jython complains with the > > following message: > > 1) You did not say what you have saved (content of your dictionary).
- As you can see I received the error when I tried to import jmoco_event_data.py module from the jython interpreter prompt. - The "import" will cause the module compilation, jython will produce a .class file instead of .pyc. - jmoco_event_data.py contains 4 dictionaries: typesValToName={ 220:'EMS_EVENT_EMS_INTERNAL_BASE', 221:'EMS_EVENT_INTERNAL_TYPE_BASE', 222:'EMS_EVENT_INTERNAL_N_E_P_M_EVENT', 223:'EMS_EVENT_INTERNAL_N_E_ALARM_RCVD', 224:'EMS_EVENT_NE_SPECIFIC_BASE', ... 11746 entries int key: string value } typesNameToVal={ 'EMS_EVENT_EMS_INTERNAL_BASE':220, 'EMS_EVENT_INTERNAL_TYPE_BASE':221, 'EMS_EVENT_INTERNAL_N_E_P_M_EVENT':222, 'EMS_EVENT_INTERNAL_N_E_ALARM_RCVD':223, 'EMS_EVENT_NE_SPECIFIC_BASE':224, ... total 11746 entries string key: int value } causesValToName={ 0:'NOT_APPLICABLE_UNKNOWN', 1:'SOFTWARE_CAUSE_UNKNOWN', 2:'ABSENT_MODULE', 3:'FAULTY_MODULE', ... 483 entries int key: string value } causesNameToVal={ 'NOT_APPLICABLE_UNKNOWN':0, 'SOFTWARE_CAUSE_UNKNOWN':1, 'ABSENT_MODULE':2, 'FAULTY_MODULE':3, ... 483 entries string key: int value } > 2) You did not say how you have saved. The dictionaries are in the jmoco_event_data.py module. > From the callstack - also I have never used jython - it looks like > that > there is a try to create a class. It looks like - I may be wrong - > that > you have saved user objects in your dictionary - have you? Nope, the dictionaries are only int to string mappings and string to int mappings > If so you might fail on loading those objects - especially when your > program > does not have the code for it. The failure happens during module's import, so my question is: Is jython able to handle such big dictionaries? > More details are required... jmoco_event_data.py has a size of roughly 700KB. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list