Sounds nice. I'll see about checking it out later. Good luck with the project.
On Sep 16, 9:25 pm, Blaine wrote:
> Hello,
> Scripts that have "#!/usr/bin/python" at the top do not parse
> correctly. Bash treats scripts with that shebang as if they are bash
> scripts.
> E.g.:
> bla...@attila ~/apps/rs-mu $ /usr/sbin/env-update
On Sep 16, 9:25 pm, Blaine wrote:
> Hello,
> Scripts that have "#!/usr/bin/python" at the top do not parse
> correctly. Bash treats scripts with that shebang as if they are bash
> scripts.
> E.g.:
> bla...@attila ~/apps/rs-mu $ /usr/sbin/env-update
On Sep 16, 10:46 pm, Steven D'Aprano
> On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 21:35:21 -0700, Blaine wrote:
> > bla...@attila ~/tmp $ cat ./shebang-test
> > #!/usr/bin/python
> > import sys
> > sys.stdout.write("Hello, world.\n")
> > bla...@attila ~/tmp $ .
Chris Rebert, Rami Chowdhury:
bla...@attila ~/tmp $ which python
Ben Finney:
bla...@attila ~/tmp $ echo $SHELL
bla...@attila ~/tmp $ cat ./shebang-test
import sys
sys.stdout.write("Hello, world.\n")
bla...@attila ~/tmp $ ./shebang-test
./shebang-test: li
Scripts that have "#!/usr/bin/python" at the top do not parse
correctly. Bash treats scripts with that shebang as if they are bash
bla...@attila ~/apps/rs-mu $ /usr/sbin/env-update
/usr/sbin/env-update: line 6: import: command not found
/usr/sbin/env-update: line 8: syntax e
On May 28, 4:47 pm, "Phil Runciman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -Original Message-
> From: Jerry Stuckle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 28 May 2008 1:48 p.m.
> Subject: Re: php vs python
> Ivan Illarionov wrote:
> > On Wed, 28 May 2008 05:10:20 +0400
-1) # Is this a 'good' way to
'mutate' the value?
This is an evolutionary search, so mutate in this sense relates to a
genetic algorithm, perhaps a gradient decent?
On May 19, 8:16 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> En Mon, 19 May 2008 20:07:06 -0300, Paul Rubin
> <""@NOSPAM.invalid> escribió:
> > blaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> How is it that you recomme
dden neuron is
connected to another hidden neuron S that connects back to the input
of H. S would be interconnected with the other hidden neurons as
v--- S <--|
I ->H -> O
I ->H -> O
I ->H -> O
How is it that you recommend killing a pure python thread? And also,
when i use the 'threading' module am I creating a process, or a (gasp)
thread? (Is this an obvious question - and if so, how does one create
a 'process'?)
tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
On Apr 30, 10:41 am, Peter Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> blaine wrote:
> > Still doesn't work. I'm looking into using wx instead...
> > This is the full code - does it work for anyone else? Just do a echo
> > 'line 0 0 10 10' > dev.file
On Apr 30, 10:41 am, Peter Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> blaine wrote:
> > Still doesn't work. I'm looking into using wx instead...
> > This is the full code - does it work for anyone else? Just do a echo
> > 'line 0 0 10 10' > dev.file
On Apr 30, 1:14 pm, Mike Driscoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> blaine wrote:
> > The wxPython group is a bit stale compared to this group, so I'll give
> > it a shot :)
> What does that mean? The wxPython group is almost always very quick to
> respond wi
On Apr 29, 8:51 pm, Roy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article
> blaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Check out this cool little trick I recently learned:
> > >>> x=range(5)
> > >>> x.reverse()
Still doesn't work. I'm looking into using wx instead...
This is the full code - does it work for anyone else? Just do a echo
'line 0 0 10 10' > dev.file
import sys, os, time, Tkinter, threading
class nokia_fkscrn(Tkinter.Toplevel):
def __init__(self, file):
-mac/lib-scriptpackages', '/Library/
Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/lib-tk', '/
dynload', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/
python2.5/site-packages', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/
Any suggestions would be great - its probably something pretty
minor... Thanks!
On Apr 29, 10:36 am, "Eric Brunel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:22:12 +0200, blaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey everyone!
> > I'm not very good with Tk, and I am using a very simple canvas to
> > draw some pictures (th
... print i
> ...
> 4
> 3
> 2
> 1
> 0
Check out this cool little trick I recently learned:
>>> x=range(5)
>>> x.reverse() or x
[4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
Useful for returning lists that you need to sort or reverse without
wasting that precious extra line :)
What it does: x.reverse() does the reverse and returns None. or is
bitwise, so it sees that 'None' is not 'True' and then continues to
process the next operand, x. x or'd with None will always be x (and x
has just been changed by the reverse()). So you get the new value of
x :)
On Apr 29, 5:32 am, Duncan Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> =?ISO-8859-15?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (FWIW, in 2.x, x>=4?, it's None < numbers < anything else;
> > numbers are ordered by value, everything else is ordered
> > by type name, then by address, unless
args[3], fill=color)
I've tried self.root.set_focus(), self.root.force_focus(),
self.canvas.update(), etc. but I can't get it.
On Apr 28, 6:30 am, Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> blaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to write a string matching algorithm for genomic
> > sequences. I'm pulling out Genes from a large genomic pattern, with
> > certain sta
On Apr 27, 10:24 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Apr 27, 8:31 pm, blaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey everyone,
> > For the regular expression gurus...
> > I'm trying to write a string matching algorithm for genomic
> > sequ
r more genes. This would
hypothetically yield different genes, since the frame would be
This might be a lot of information... I appreciate any insight. Thank
On Apr 24, 3:38 am, "A.T.Hofkamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2008-04-23, blaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Apr 23, 2:01 pm, "Martin Blume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> "blaine" schrieb
> >> No,
On Apr 23, 2:01 pm, "Martin Blume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "blaine" schrieb
> > > while 1:
> > > r = self.fifodev.readline()
> > > if r: print r
> > > According to my docs, readline() returns an empty
On Apr 23, 12:27 pm, "Martin Blume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "blaine" schrieb
> > # Fake Nokia Screen Emulator
> > import sys, os
> > class nokia_fkscrn:
> > def __init__(self, file):
> > if not os.
On Apr 23, 11:17 am, "Ville M. Vainio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> blaine wrote:
> > example usage: echo 'line 0 0 10 10' > /dev/screen
> > On the actual embedded device this is handled by a kernel module. We
> > can spit commands into it as
nto it as fast as we can and the kernel module can
keep up. This is typical unix device file behavior.
Any suggestions or advice would be splendid. Thanks!
probably these were missing.
> Diez
Thank you for our response. Do you mean that the ncurses header
should be in /usr/include upon compilation of python? Will python
automatically pick up on these headers, or would I need to change
compilation options? Thanks! -Blaine
I hope this is trivial, and I apologize ahead of time if so. Would
this perhaps be a compilation issue? Something we have to turn on in
the python compile?
Thank you,
Blaine Booher
University of Cincinnati
> Because it is NOT 0x10007... It is OCTAL 010007 -- which just
> happens to map to hexadecimal 0x1007
> --
> WulfraedDennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
> HTTP://
uld like to contribute to the python
source tree by updating termios.h to handle the higher baud rates by
default. Is this a good opportunity for me to submit a patch? I've
never done this before but have always been interested in doing so.
Thanks again!
/* Set the input baud rate stored in *TERMIOS_P to SPEED. */
extern int cfsetispeed (struct termios *__termios_p, speed_t __speed)
the termios.h and const.h in the linux/ folder aren't much help. I'm
sure I'm just looking at the wrong file.
Thank you again for all your help!
tion) and is
what the supplier recommends. When I try to set the rate using
termios.tcsetattr(), I get an Argument Error. I do not get this when
I use an existing baud rate, such as termios.B9600. Is there a way I
can get around this? We would like to use it at full speed.
Thank you,
tick to built-in modules
since cross compiling to an arm processor is being a little bit of a
pain for us. Thank you for the suggestion though!
n linux2
uname -a:
Linux gumstix 2.6.21gum #1 Wed Feb 20 02:53:01 EST 2008 armv5tel
Blaine Booher
University of Cincinnati
Any suggestions? Right now my solution is to just pipe the output from
my java program since I only need to crunch the numbers one time. Is
there a python implementation of java's Modpow?
University of Cincinnati
I see what's wrong. Me. Wow am I ever rusty.
Jeff Blaine wrote:
> It's been a year or so since I written Python code, so maybe
> I am just doing something really dumb, but...
> Documentation
> =
> class DictReader(csvfile[,fieldnames=None
It's been a year or so since I written Python code, so maybe
I am just doing something really dumb, but...
class DictReader(csvfile[,fieldnames=None,
[,restkey=None[, restval=None[, dialect='excel'
[, *args, **kwds])
We have a GCC in /usr/rcf that was not built with --disable-shared.
As such, there is a /usr/rcf/lib/
We also have a (preferred) GCC in /afs/rcf/lang/gcc/current that
was built with --disable-shared. As such, there is no
/afs/rcf/lang/gcc/current/lib/ and binaries built
42 matches
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