i want to add raster functionality in django using postgis database using
django-raster package and this docs
here my code :
from django.contrib.gis.db import models
class RasterWithName(models.Model):
raster = models.RasterF
i have create a django app with REST JSON API and i fill html table in web page
from my JSON.
here some examples
javascript snippets :
var field22=document.getElementById('f22');
var field23=document.getElementById('f23');
tell some solution ?yes you are correct for some seconds show me the mark but
only for some seconds.can i update my pyqt4 to show me the mark ?
I want to create a simple python app using pyqt,QWebView and google maps with
The problem is that,the markers does not load inside the QWebView, as you can
see they load just fine in the browser.
here the simple code :
import sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui i
I want to create a simple python app using pyqt,QWebView and google maps with
The problem is that,the markers does not load inside the QWebView, as you can
see they load just fine in the browser.
here the simple code :
import sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui impo
I try to learn more about Django celery and rabbitmq to create some async tasks
and I have some question.
Some programs can provide PYTHON API to can some development to use modules
from this program in python.
one most way to take that PYTHON API from this program is to use batch file
like this
hello I want to use celery tasks in my Django project and I try to follow this
very good tutorial from Mr.Vitor Freitas.
but in my case and if try to run it that tutorial project i don't get results
back the functions don't execute and in my case and in tutorial(i take message
to wait and refre
Τη Κυριακή, 8 Οκτωβρίου 2017 - 10:48:38 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Richard Damon
> On 10/8/17 11:58 AM, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > Τη Κυριακή, 8 Οκτωβρίου 2017 - 6:35:28 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης MRAB έγραψε:
> >> On 2017-10-08 15:27, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >
Τη Κυριακή, 8 Οκτωβρίου 2017 - 6:35:28 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης MRAB έγραψε:
> On 2017-10-08 15:27, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> Do you mean "long reload"?
user can put some numbers in my html template and i take that numbers and i sue
it in specific mathematical algorithm that alg
> You can use the smtplib module to send an email.
ok but how to avoid pong reload on page ?can you help me ?
> You mentioned email, so why not just ask for an email address to which
> you will send the result?
i have user email from register i need to do all automate,how to use celery for
this ?
I have a website where the user can be put three numbers on my html template
and get some results from my personal mathematical algorithm. the result save
at user personal table on my database and can see in specific tab in my website.
my problem is where the algorithm to calculate result maybe t
I have three functions in the python that each one puts an image (image path)
as input and makes a simple image processing and creates a new image (image
path) as output.
in the example below, one function depends on the other, ie: the function of
alg2 takes as input the image that generates the
i have create a 4 function using python(f1,f2,f3,f4) and i have 4 cores in my
def f1()
def f2()
def f3()
def f4()
I need t define some values of fields automatically in my model using function.
my function get input image path and calculate and I need that calculation
results to define my database fields in Django.
but first the upload image need to get the path in server and after i can to
define the value
@MRAB tell me your proposal for this ?
@Ben Bacarisse i dont get some error,i have wrong map ?
i have create an image processing python function.
my system have 4 cores + 4 threads.
i want to use multiprocessing to speed up my function,but anytime to use
multiprocessing packages my function is not faster and is 1 minute slowly. any
idea why ?first time use multiprocessing packages.
i dont have 'operator.py' in my system only 'test_operator.py' and
if :
import sys
print sys.modules['operator']
i get this :
that say me
how to rename it?
hello i have python 7.13
DJANGO 1.11.2 version
django-crypto 0.20 version on windows 10.
i want to create a DJANGO app but anytime to try to migrate i take
that error :
from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\utils\crypto.py", line 8
I have a json url and i want from this url to update my table in microsoft
access,how to do that using python or some tool of microsoft access ?
Τη Παρασκευή, 16 Ιουνίου 2017 - 10:59:10 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> I have create a python script where use post gis queries to automate some
> intersection tasks using postgis database.
> in my database I have polygons,points and lines.
> here my
Τη Παρασκευή, 16 Ιουνίου 2017 - 10:59:10 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> I have create a python script where use post gis queries to automate some
> intersection tasks using postgis database.
> in my database I have polygons,points and lines.
> here my
I have create a python script where use post gis queries to automate some
intersection tasks using postgis database.
in my database I have polygons,points and lines.
here my snippet code of my script :
if str(geomtype) == 'point':
geomtype = 1
elif str(geomtype
i have an .exe file where file compiled by py2exe in my .exe folder i have some
.dll files one .exe file and library.zip file and inside this zip i have to
many .pyccombile files.
i have decompile this files from library.zip using this program and that
program create me new file where i can s
How to decompile an exe file compiled by py2exe?
in my file i have a library.zip file i dont if that help this work.
i need some easy because i am very new i try some programs but without results.
hello i have create a select django form with list of images for per user.
How to take that select request in my views.py ?
i have success only to create correct that select list but i need take that
select request but i dont know how.
class MyModel(models.Model):
user = models
i have create a simple django form where the authentication user can select one
of personal images where have upload before and i want do something with that
request in my views.py.
but i dont know how to take the image url from that request in my view because
first i using request.user in the
if i want to create a query in django with to take all images and preview that
list in html like easy work.
but if want in html page preview only the personal images where login user what
changes i need in my code ?
class MyModel(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User,
I have read this code in this question and look nice. but if I have user auth
and I want user select only your odjects how to change that code ?for ex
chooses your personal upload images.
from django.forms.widgets import Select
class ProvinceForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
I create a simple Django authentication app and work fine. now I want to add a
python script where to can do some simple image processing. my python script
for processing work fine and I put in the views.py. my question is the new
image created from the script how to can add back to image from m
I have create I simple Django auth project and I need to add the user to can
upload some images. multi upload images from internet
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse
def Form(request):
return render(request, "index/form.html", {})
def Upload(req
want to create a simple image processing using Django. my tasks is easy I have
some user a simple model and that user can upload images in my project using
html form or django form and then that images saves to upload_to='mypath' in
upload from my model. but I have some questions :
I have a simp
Τη Δευτέρα, 20 Μαρτίου 2017 - 7:05:33 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> i have a little confused problem. i want to store some paths from images
> using python 2.7 in windows 10.
> i have some relative path like this var1='C:/my/store/path' and in the final
i have a little confused problem. i want to store some paths from images using
python 2.7 in windows 10.
i have some relative path like this var1='C:/my/store/path' and in the final
folder where in my example is the name 'path' inside that folder i have some
images like this :
Τη Κυριακή, 19 Μαρτίου 2017 - 7:38:19 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
@Terry non-ascii in pathnames i need for ex :var1="C:\Users\username\Desktop\my
language\mylanguage\myfile" and for the blank ?
Τη Κυριακή, 19 Μαρτίου 2017 - 7:38:19 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
yes that i know but i need python 2.7 for my task
Τη Κυριακή, 19 Μαρτίου 2017 - 7:38:19 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
how to define my script with encoding of ISO-8859-7 or UTF-8?and for the
blanks ?
hello i have create a python script when read some files using paths and do
something with that files.
if that paths for files is in english likes this "c:/my_path/english " then
python script working but if that paths is in my main language or the path
have some blank character then not workin
Τη Τρίτη, 14 Μαρτίου 2017 - 9:59:42 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
first thx for response second i cant use additional packate because i build
tool for other python program and that use standar python only,
sqlite is in standar python 2.7 @Irmen de Jong ?
can use quyries in CSV
I have a database in microsoft ACCESS with about 150 records.. if I want to
get some data from this database using a query in python and i want to store
in some variables in python that will do this ? to avoid the 150 if ...: Using
the standard library the python? know easily put it an SQL que
i will want to create a simple python script with pyqt4 and Q designer where
the user put a number (line_edit) and if that number is something the user take
back three new codes(lineEdit_2,lineEdit_3,lineEdit_4) and if user press
ok(buttonBox) then plugin do something else in the some GUI.
for t
i want to create a very simple python plugin using QT designer but i an not
sure how to connect my variable from gui to my python script.
my gui is simple have only one lineEdit and ok or cancel.
in the gui (widget):
def run(self):
I want to create a django app with the base64 help where the users can upload
images(specific ".tiff" ext) using DJANGO forms without model and without that
images store in my server. and i will the users can be get back new processing
i have success with encode/decode image with base64 a
i want to do some image processing using Django and now work and on the image
handling(donwloading/display) using Django. first on my task i dont want to
store that images on my server. but i have some problems.
that my code :
from django.conf.urls import url
from . import views
who is the better method to take images from uses(visitors) on my web site
and to return the new images(processing) back to users using DJANGO?
i am new i dont know how to connect my python script with the html templetes to
take the images and how to return?
for example my script take images paths
tell your proposal to count
i tried to count points from the point shapefile where is within in the polygon
shapefile but i fail.Maybe my code is complete wrong but i tried.
any idea how to fix my code ?
i want fast method because i have big data features
from shapely.geometry import shape
import fiona
filepath1 = "point.sh
how to understand that ?solution ?
i am a python 2.7 and ubuntu 16.04 user and i have unexpected error when try to
excute some python scripts . i use pycharm and i have the some error when i try
to run python script from the ubuntu terminal. the error :
*** Error in `/usr/bin/python2.7': corrupted double-linked list: 0x0b83c880 *
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 8:09:53 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης duncan smith
> On 14/01/17 14:59, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 4:38:39 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης duncan smith
> > έγραψε:
> >> On 14/01/17 11:18, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 6:33:54 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >> I suggest that you file a bug report.
> >
> > Mr.Peter Otten do you see my shapefiles ?have instersection 100 to 100 i
> > use instersection
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 6:01:39 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 4:30:48 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> > έγραψε:
> >> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >>
> >> > Τη
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 4:38:39 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης duncan smith
> On 14/01/17 11:18, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > i want to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so
> > geopandas has bug ?
> >
> >
> >
> > geopanda
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 4:30:48 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 3:43:10 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> > έγραψε:
> >> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >>
> >> >
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 4:30:48 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 3:43:10 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> > έγραψε:
> >> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >>
> >> >
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 3:43:10 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > i want to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so
> > geopandas has bug ?
> Have you tried the examples on <http://geopandas.
i want to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so
geopandas has bug ?
geopandas code :
from geopandas import gpd
import geopandas
points = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp') # or geojson etc
polys = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
i want to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so
geopandas has bug ?
geopandas code :
from geopandas import gpd
import geopandas
points = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp') # or geojson etc
polys = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
I have a PostGIS database with shapefiles lines, polygons and points and I want
to create a topology rules with python.
Any idea how to do that ?some packages ?
I like some easy way to do that because I am newbie but its OK.
Some topology rules when I want.
shapefile must not have gaps
Τη Δευτέρα, 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2016 - 9:29:38 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> hello i want to install sip on windows bit using python
> 32 bit.
> i download sip from this link https://www.riverbankcomputing.com
> i try to install from cmd line :
hello i want to install sip on windows bit using python
32 bit.
i download sip from this link https://www.riverbankcomputing.com
i try to install from cmd line :
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd C:\Users\username\Desktop\sip-4.17
C:\Users\username\Desktop\sip-4.17>python configure.py install
and take th
Τη Σάββατο, 19 Νοεμβρίου 2016 - 10:45:16 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> hello
> i using python 2.7.12 on ubuntu 16.04 and i have that error with SIP :
> Couldn't load SIP module.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", li
i using python 2.7.12 on ubuntu 16.04 and i have that error with SIP :
Couldn't load SIP module.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sip.so: undefined symbol:
('Qt version:', '4.8.7')
How can i get left lower X,Y left top X,Y right lower X,Y and right Top X,Y
from a raster image like dem(digital elevation model).
I am nembie sorry if i have stupid quest
Τη Σάββατο, 8 Οκτωβρίου 2016 - 12:25:28 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> hello
> i have one .txt file and i want to create python script with sys.argv or
> argparse or other package to define some variables in the txt file and i take
> some result.
i have one .txt file and i want to create python script with sys.argv or
argparse or other package to define some variables in the txt file and i take
some result.
txt file maybe like this :
input number 1= %var1%
input number 2= %var2%
result = %vresult(var1-var2)%
how can i write a
some programs allow to export tools to dos .bat files for running from command
my question is how can i do to running .bat files and how can i do to define
some variables from the .bat file before the running.
for example i want to define 4 variable and run this .bat file with the p
i want to follow this scipy tutorial
http://www2.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~plewis/geogg122-2011-12/dem2.html to calculate
slope/aspect and more.
first question,this is a good way to calculate slope/aspect with scipy ?
can i find more easy way for this calculate ?
second question and most important
Τη Σάββατο, 1 Οκτωβρίου 2016 - 8:52:13 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> hello team
> i want to calculate slope and aspect from some RASTER
> IMAGE(.grid,tiff,geotiff)
> who is the better method to can i do this ?
> with numpy and scipy or with some package
hello team
i want to calculate slope and aspect from some RASTER IMAGE(.grid,tiff,geotiff)
who is the better method to can i do this ?
with numpy and scipy or with some package?
thnx you team
i use some programs where support python api.
but to can use that api from programs need to define some paths(pythonpath
program and more) and call some batch files(if i not do that i cant access api
support).create an .bat file where if i run i can use api.
set ROOT=C:\pa
i use some programs where support python api.
but to can use that api from programs need to define some paths(pythonpath
program and more) and call some batch files(if i not do that i cant access api
support).create an .bat file where if i run i can use api.
set ROOT=C:\path\p
hello i want to ask if a python is a good for to do it a complete program(.exe)?
with user interface,module interface,background scripts where compile if
the users calls some scripts,windows with interaction with the users?
how can i do that with the python?
how can libs need for this ?
some tutor
i want to use python API from the QGIS in my python idle out from QGIS program
, but i have some errors if i try to import qgis.core in my idle. i have python
2.7 64 bit (my version) and i install QGIS via OSGeo4W64.
first i try to set two PATHS PYTHONPATH =
Τη Τρίτη, 19 Απριλίου 2016 - 9:19:33 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> I want to ask for hydrology python packages with complete function to
> calculate hydrology tasks like fill,flow direction,flow accumulator and
> more?or how can i find genetic algorithms for to do t
I want to ask for hydrology python packages with complete function to calculate
hydrology tasks like fill,flow direction,flow accumulator and more?or how can i
find genetic algorithms for to do this tasks to finaly create a complete hydro
model with python.
can someone tell me some documentatio
Τη Δευτέρα, 18 Απριλίου 2016 - 6:53:30 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> guys i have big proplem i want to install scipy
> but all time show me error
> i have python 2.7 and windows 10
> i try to use pip install scipy and i take that error
> raise NotFoundErr
Τη Δευτέρα, 18 Απριλίου 2016 - 6:53:30 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> guys i have big proplem i want to install scipy
> but all time show me error
> i have python 2.7 and windows 10
> i try to use pip install scipy and i take that error
> raise NotFoundErr
Τη Δευτέρα, 18 Απριλίου 2016 - 6:53:30 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
after google search to many post propose install lapack and atla
bt=ut i dont know
> guys i have big proplem i want to install scipy
> but all time show me error
> i have python 2.7 and windows 10
guys i have big proplem i want to install scipy
but all time show me error
i have python 2.7 and windows 10
i try to use pip install scipy and i take that error
raise NotFoundError('no lapack/blas resources found')
numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: no lapack/blas resources found
i have windows 10 and python 3.5.1 and i want to install open cv.
first i go to http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#opencv
and download the opencv_python-3.1.0-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl
from command prompt i install with pip.
pip install \opencv_python-3.1.0-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl
and sho
i am python user and i have some projects,programs and sites with django
in python.
i want one more step deeper,i want to test my programs for
bugs,weaknesses,vulnerability,security or penetration test,on my sites for
crashes(because use python apps).because the user i am now on the featur
Τη Παρασκευή, 1 Απριλίου 2016 - 1:56:52 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> hello,
> i have windows 10 and python 3.5 and i want to use
> open cv but i think so opencv work only on python 2.7 ?
> and i install this http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#opencv
Τη Παρασκευή, 1 Απριλίου 2016 - 1:56:52 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou
> hello,
> i have windows 10 and python 3.5 and i want to use
> open cv but i think so opencv work only on python 2.7 ?
> and i install this http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#opencv
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