Tech HR wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> On Feb 26, 6:32 am, Tech HR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Our
>>> website is currently a LAMP appication with P=Python. We are looking for
>>> bright motivated people who know or are willing to learn Python and/or
Paul Rubin wrote:
> "nif" is even cleaner in Haskell, if I have this right:
> nif x p z n | (x < 0) = n
> | (x == 0) = z
> | (x > 0) = p
> All Haskell evaluation is automatically lazy, so no lambdas etc. needed.
You can use that style in CL.
(defun n
mystilleef wrote:
> People only contribute to things they understand and appreciate. More
> people would be writing Lisp libraries if it was worthwhile.
> Apparently, it doesn't seem to be. A few years ago, I tried to write an
> editor is Scheme. The experience was appalling. I was able to writ
tmh wrote:
> This is from the perspective of an aerospace engineer who passed
> through python several years ago on the way to lisp. Futhermore, this
> is a 2 glass of wine response.
Thanks for the comments. I think it is great that you took a "harder
and less travelled way". It may be that
Mark Tarver wrote:
> How do you compare Python to Lisp? What specific advantages do you
> think that one has over the other?
Since the late 1950's Lisp has participated in the development of
modern (present day) programming practises. It has shaped and been
shaped by the minds of just not pro
Oops, problems cutting an pasting, should be,
;; Wade Humeniuk
(defclass odometer ()
((base :initform 0 :accessor base)
(meter :initform nil :accessor meter)
(n-digits :initarg :n-digits :accessor n-digits)
(digit-set :initarg :digit-set :accessor digit-set)))
7;s just assume they're a given.
Another attempt. I have made no special attempt to create an
exclusion language, just used an anonymous lambda predicate.
;; Wade Humeniuk
(defclass odometer ()
((base :initform 0 :accessor base)
(meter :initform nil :accessor meter)
Without much testing. Common Lisp
Pattern exclusions are made lispy.
(defun all-lists (list length)
(unless (zerop length)
(if (= length 1) (mapcar #'list list)
(loop for elt in list
(mapcar (lambda (rest)
(cons elt rest))