mystilleef wrote:

> People only contribute to things they understand and appreciate. More
> people would be writing Lisp libraries if it was worthwhile.
> Apparently, it doesn't seem to be. A few years ago, I tried to write an
> editor is Scheme. The experience was appalling. I was able to write a
> fully functional prototype editor in less than a week in Python.
> Shockingly, at the time, I had no experience in Python. Guess which
> community I was inclined to contribute to afterwards. I hear stories
> similar to mine time and again, yet the Lisp community won't take heed.
> They'd rather squeal about the superiority of macros and whine about
> their frustrations in Python news groups.

Hmm.. Here is my first prototype in Lisp.  It took 20 seconds
to write.

(defun display-editor ()
   (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:editor-pane)))

CL-USER 1 > (display-editor)




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