On 04/15/2018 12:01 PM, Ho Yeung Lee wrote:
while 1:
runner = os.popen("tracert -d www.hello.com")
runner = os.popen("tracert -d www.hello.com")
runner = os.popen("tracert -d www.hello.com")
On 03/25/2018 12:07 PM, D'Arcy Cain wrote:
On 03/25/2018 05:10 AM, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:
print("I am {self.__class__.__name__} foo".format(self=self))
Unrelated to the original issue but why not one of the following?
print("I am {0.__class__.__name__} foo"
On 03/25/2018 04:31 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 9:01 AM, Jugurtha Hadjar
On 03/25/2018 03:25 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
None.foo will raise AttributeError.
Right.. As I said, I tried to assume as little as possible about OP's code
and namespace. Didn't want
issue a deprecation warning, and then use the
new API instead of having the code be rigid.
~ Jugurtha Hadjar,
On 03/25/2018 03:25 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 3/25/2018 7:42 AM, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:
class C2(object):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.parent = parent
Since parent is required, it should not be optional.
You can still call it the way you'd call it if it w
Erratum: "I can select C2, or C3 and I'll have the instance created with
my choice"
~ Jugurtha Hadjar,
On 03/25/2018 11:17 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 8:37 PM, Jugurtha Hadjar
On 03/24/2018 07:14 PM, D'Arcy Cain wrote:
class C1(dict):
class C2(object):
def f(self):
return X['field']
O1 = C1()
O1['field'] = 1
O2 = O1.C2()
foo() # I am C2 foo
# I am C1 foo
c1.adopt(c2) # I am C1 and I adopted C2
~ Jugurtha Hadjar,
c2 = C2()
c2.adoptme() # No parent yet
c1 = C1()
c2.adoptme(c1) # I am C1 and I adopted C2
c2.foo() # I am C2 foo
# I am C1 foo
c1.adopt(c2) # I am C1 and I adopted C2
~ Jugurtha Hadjar,
sleepy=", sleepy, " and groggy=", groggy)
~ Jugurtha Hadjar,
t;, groggy)
>>> f = Foo(1, 19)
>>> f.spam()
I am spam. sleepy= 1
>>> f.spam(sleepy=8)
I am spam. sleepy= 8
>>> f.ham(sleepy=8)
I am ham. sleepy= 8 and groggy= 19
>>> f.ham(sleepy=17, groggy=888)
I am ham. sleepy= 17 and groggy= 888
~ Jugurtha Hadjar,
On 01/29/2018 03:48 PM, alister via Python-list wrote:
On Mon, 29 Jan 2018 15:20:06 +0100, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:
On 01/28/2018 04:43 PM, Skip Montanaro wrote:
I've never been a Windows user, but at my current job, Windows is core
to just about everything, so I am forced to use it for
The CTO then said "Sorry.. I meant Ubuntu." and seeing my pale face, he
said in a reassuring tone "Don't be afraid, there are no Windows
machines here." which brought me back to life.
I hope to be as brave as you some day.
~ Jugurtha Hadjar,
. Assuming you are using Python 2 (from your print):
import binascii
with open('merg_2018011100_4km-pixel', 'rb') as f:
data = f.read()
hex_data = binascii.hexlify(data)
first_byte = hex_data[0:2]
print first_byte
~ Jugurtha Hadjar,
for bin in range(10):
for i in range(len(self.list_of_items)):
for k in range(self.K2):
for f in range(4096):
~ Jugurtha Hadjar,
return OutputB(_b_result)
def c(list_from_b):
_c_result = you_get_the_point
return OutputC(_c_result)
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
r to distribute Python code without an interpreter, and
let people get their own interpreters.
I just found this:
It's a talk titled "Deep Freeze: building better stand-alone apps with
Python". I'll watch it later.
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
nores the because it doesn't have "ip=" in front of it, and
was just lucky to have an IP address structure.
You can then split "ip=" out of each item to have the IP address.
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
; that shows
how websites exchange your data between them and let me tell you: It's
not reassuring.
Joel Goldstick
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
l take years and I don't think you'll ever hit 100%,
not even after decades. Sorry :)
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
> ''.join(filter(lambda x: x==x.lower(),email))
Nice ! As well as Vlastimil's suggestions. The things I found on the net
weren't that well written. There were *way* too many lines that made me
think "No way. There's gotta be a better way".
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
address? Maybe a function with no inverse
function ? Generating an image that can't be converted back to text, etc..
If this is off-topic, you can just answer the "what is a better way to
do that" part.
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
then, n also doesn't need to be in the loop and list.count(i) gives
the occurrences of i in your list, which you don't need.
list.count(15) gives 1.
thesum/list.count(15) doesn't change.
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
, why ?
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
multiply by coefficients, and these coefficients (the
percentage the state charges) is less likely to change than the costs of
ingredients or your margins (money moves faster than legislation).
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
he script you used. I can Google the guy's name, but he might
have written dozens of things, so .. which one).
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
On 09/12/2013 02:08 AM, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:
Try this on your python prompt
mystring = "ThIs Is ThE wAy SoMe StUpId PeOpLe WrItE i DoN't KnOw WhY!"
This should return:
"You shouldn't treat people of stupid, but I feel your pain", or let&#x
On 09/11/2013 08:33 PM, William Bryant wrote:
@Jugurtha Hadjar
What does user_input.lower() mean/do?
As did other people point out, it returns the lower case of a string.
It's not user_input.lower(), it's any_string.lower()
For example:
Try this on your python prompt
On 09/11/2013 02:09 PM, Roy Smith wrote:
Nice one!
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
issue ? How sensitive is the information you are querying
? Must it be Telnet ?
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
s with that
But some questions:
1 - Why does the user have to specify that, why doesn't the program
itself tell if it is a string or a number ? You just give it the data
and it's up to him to tell.
2 - What is it you are trying to accomplish: Maybe there are shortcuts
or better ways to do things.
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
rom a book, and feeling that you're
"intermediate", you started reading from chapter 28 in a 29 chapters book.
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
On 06/06/2012 07:45 PM, MRAB wrote:
On 06/06/2012 18:23, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:
"range returns a « generator », convert it to list to see.." -->
"converts" instead of "convert".
No, "convert" is correct here; it's the imperativ
;for" is a meaningful english word.. So
specifying you are talking about the reserved word would be nice.
"storage of data on disk, and read back" --> maybe something like
"storing data on disk, and reading it back".
"memorisation" --> "memorization" (most used spelling).
"initialisation" --> "initialization"
Thanks you,
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
utput = open(dest_file, 'w')
You can execute it this way:
python script.py data.txt
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
to stick with, by the way ?
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
On 16/02/2012 01:34, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:
Hello gentlemen,
I'm writing these words to give you a heads up. My computer has
recently been infected with "1.exe", and I am doing what I can to
contain it. It spreads via mail and I fear it will send SPAM to lists
I am subscrib
ress, thank you to report it to
me. I will not send you an executable, so if you receive one from me,
please do not open it and it would be nice to report it.
I will send an e-mail to this list once I think it is no longer in the
Thank you all.
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
the first place. Brilliant list, by the way.
Gentlemen, I wish you a good night.
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
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