On 01/24/2018 02:06 PM, jorge.conr...@cptec.inpe.br wrote:
I have some gridded 4Km satellite images. I don't have experience with
Python. The size of my image is (9896,3298) and I use this to read
f = open('merg_2018011100_4km-pixel', "r") # reopen the file
x = f.read()
print (x[0])
What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want the first byte? Do you
want data in a specific format (maybe a hex string like "FFABE6", etc)?
Also, when dealing with "binary" files, you may want to append a "b" to
"r". Assuming you are using Python 2 (from your print):
import binascii
with open('merg_2018011100_4km-pixel', 'rb') as f:
data = f.read()
hex_data = binascii.hexlify(data)
first_byte = hex_data[0:2]
print first_byte
~ Jugurtha Hadjar,