No, I tried using a bunch of elif statements earlier and when I added more than
around 3 of them it threw errors. I just assumed that was some kind of limit.
We both agree that's piss-poor, lazy coding. I'm just trying to find something
that works though. To this point, everything I try fails.
On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 11:28:55 PM UTC-5, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 2:19 PM, Jordan Bayless wrote:
> > I get various errors no matter what I do to this to try and make it work.
> > Variable not defined. Referenced before assignment. etc etc. I'm
I'm trying to modify some code to suit my purposes and I'm just trying to
filter results as necessary. Basically, the code is returning one of a number
from a subset of 150 numbers. I want to only do anything with it if the number
is a 'good' one. I'm by no means a Python programmer (C# for me b
For this case the firewalls DO respond to TTL(in most cases) and will show in a
traceroute. The objective here is to colorize particular devices to easily see
what type of devices traffic would traverse across the network. I would be
using a database of device hostnames that when they match in t
I'm looking into writing a python script that colorizes particular hops when
using traceroute. Anyone run across something like this? I don't think it would
be extremely difficult to write but some example code would help.
Basically particular hops in traceroute output would match a table as eit
Object4]. I can't really see a
good way to get around this without true multiline comments.
- Jordan
I want dynamically place the 'return' statement in a function via user input
or achieve the same through some other means. If some other means, the user
must be able initiate this at runtime during a raw_input(). This is what I
have so far, this would be an awesome command line debugging tool if
Is it possible to make a directly executable (such as .exe on Windows) file
from scripts written in Python? So as to prevent the end-user from having to
download an interpreter to run the program.
That did the trick! Thanks!
I am in a computer science class in which I am supposed to be creating a
program involving a sine wave and some other functions. I understand the
concept of the problem, but I don't understand any of the "lingo" being
used. The directions might as well be written in a different language. Is
there a
Hey guys,
I am sorry if this is not the right list to post some questions. I have a
simple question please and would appreciate some answers as I am new to Python.
I have 2 D array: test = [[A,1],[B,2],[A,3][B,4]]
I want to arrang this array in different arrays so each one will have what is
On Mar 16, 3:07 pm, Christian Heimes wrote:
> Jordan Apgar wrote:
> > Hey all,
> > I'm trying to convert a string to a date time object and all my fields
> > convert except for month which seems to default to january.
> > here's what I'm
int date
print olddate
I get:
2010-03-16 14:46:38.409137
2010-01-16 14:46:38.409137
notice the 01 in the second date from what I could tell everything is
formatted correctly.
thanks for the help.
Hi all,
I'm trying to transfer a binary file over xmlrpclib. My test file is
a .jpeg file. I can transfer all the data over but when I go to open
the .jpeg I get "Error interpreting JPEG image file (Invalid JPEG file
structure: SOS before SOF)"
here's the code:
===Various Shared Funct
I'm trying to run two servers in the same program at once. Here are
the two:
class TftpServJ(Thread):
def __init__(self, ip, root, port=69, debug = False ):
setup stuff here
def run(self):
self.server.listen(self.ip, self.port
Hey all,
I'm trying to convert the encrypted data from RSA to a string for
sending over xmlrpc and then back to usable data. Whenever I decrypt
I just get junk data. Has anyone else tried doing this? Here's some
example code:
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto import Random
key = RSA
I'm trying to right a server that needs specific information for each
client accessing it. The easiest way I could think of doing this is
keeping this information based on ip address (the information is only
valid for a short time). I know there is no was to get the client's
address directly and
Hey guys,
I'm having some issues connecting to my Socket Server, I get this
traceback on the sever side:
Exception happened during processing of request from ('',
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/"
On Feb 9, 1:27 pm, Legrandin
> > gkey = RSA.generate(384,
> > string = str((gkey.publickey().__getstate__(),(333,444)))
> You are encrypting with RSA a piece of data which is way
> larger than the key size (48 bytes).
ah thanks Legrandin
On Feb 9, 1:51 pm, Jean-Michel Pichavant
> Jordan Apgar wrote:
> > thanks JM,
> > at this point i switched over to this scheme and now I'm getting an
> > error durring instantiation of the server:
> >
> > from Crypto.PublicKey im
I am trying to encrypt public data along with another tuple and then
decrypt it after sending. RSA is needed for negotiation of keys for
AES. But I just get garbage after I decrypt it. This is what I'm
attempting to do:
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto import Random
gkey = RSA.generat
thanks JM,
at this point i switched over to this scheme and now I'm getting an
error durring instantiation of the server:
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from ServerNegotiator import ServerNegotiator
from sharedComs import *
f = open("hostid")
tup = stringToTuple(f.readline()[0:-1])
> JM
each time a handler is spawned is it client specific? in other words
when two clients send something to the server do handlers spawn for
each of them or does everything just go into a single handler?
I found my car ;)
here's the server:
class commServer:
"""Class to hold a tcp server and interact with with it
allows for a wrapper around socket class to keep code clean"""
def __init__ (self, host, hostid, port, buff =1024): = host
self.hostid = hostid #id
I have a simple tcp server and client where the server sits and waits
for a message and then processes it, my client sends its first message
to the server. On the server I receive:
socket.error: [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected
when calling
msg = self.socket.recv(self.buffer)
My c
my problem is that i can't get it to make the players have more than 1 turn
each, it accepts any value for playerChoice, (it is only supposed to accept
values from 1 to 4), and "
I am creating a game called Nim, but cannot get a loop going no matter what
I do. What i am trying to do is get it to only accept input from 1 to 4,
and keep asking for input from the same player if he/she enters in an
invalid number. I also want it to stop when there is 1 or no piece(s) left,
On Oct 16, 10:18 pm, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 17, 12:52 pm, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Oct 16, 9:20 pm, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Oct 17, 11:43 am, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wr
On Oct 16, 10:18 pm, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 17, 12:52 pm, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Oct 16, 9:20 pm, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Oct 17, 11:43 am, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wr
On Oct 16, 9:20 pm, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 17, 11:43 am, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've got a bunch of files with Japanese characters in their names and
> > os.listdir() replaces those characters with ?'s. I'm try
I've got a bunch of files with Japanese characters in their names and
os.listdir() replaces those characters with ?'s. I'm trying to open
the files several steps later, and obviously Python isn't going to
find '01-.jpg' (formally '01-ひらがな.jpg') because it doesn't exist.
I'm not sure where in th
Well this discussion is chugging along merrily now under its own
steam, but as the OP I should probably clarify a few things about my
own views since people continue to respond to them (and are in some
cases misunderstanding me.)
I *like* explicit self for instance variable access. There are
> You're not a lunatic.
> We, and Python itself, change quite readily.
> Neither of those mean your ideas in this instance have merit.
You're right, these premises don't lead to this conclusion. Neither do
they lead to its negation, of course.
As it happens, you're wrong on both counts. I d
> Then why do you write, let me quote:
> """
> (snip) coding __eq__ (snip) buys you
> nothing from the != operator. != isn't (by default) a synonym for the
> negation of == (unlike in, say, every other language ever); not only
> will Python let you make them mean different things, without
> docum
> I don't really mind, what you think about my response. Python will suffer
> from it as little as it will suffer from your complaints: These things
> will not change, whatever any of us says about them. So this discussion
> unlikely to produce any new insight, especially because this as been
> Personally, I think it has more to do with statements like "there are
> plenty of smart Python programmers who will
> justify all kinds of idiocy in the name of their holy crusade" than
> with your position. You don't begin a discussion by discrediting
> anyone who might disagree with you as some
On Jul 24, 8:01 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
> In message
> wrote:
> > Except when it comes to Classes. I added some classes to code that had
> > previously just been funct
> This is just plain wrong for at least C# and C++. C# wants you to
> explicitly overload "!=", if you have overloaded "==",
While this is as inconvenient as Python at least it doesn't catch you
unawares. C# 1 (or maybe 0.5), Python 0.
> C++ complains
> about "!=" not being defined for class A.
OK, it seems my original reply to Bruno got lost in the Aether
(apologies therefore if a paraphrased "quantum duplicate" of this
message is eventually forthcoming.)
Torsten has adequately responded to his second point, so I need only
replicated what I said for the first.
> Please get your facts,
On Jul 24, 7:40 pm, Torsten Bronger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hallöchen!
> Bruno Desthuilliers writes:
> > [...]
> > How would you handle this case with an implicit 'self' :
> > class Foo(object):
> > pass
> > def bar(self):
> > print self
> > = bar
> Just like this. H
Of course not.
I just think Explicit is better than Implicit is taken seriously by a
large segment the Python community as a guiding principle, and overall
its influence does more harm than good.
Clearly self being in every argument list was a decision arrived at
long before the Zen was ever coin
On Jul 24, 3:41 pm, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm a big Python fan who used to be involved semi regularly in
> comp.lang.python (lots of lurking, occasional posting) but kind of
> trailed off a bit. I just wrote a frustration inspired rant on m
Hi everyone,
I'm a big Python fan who used to be involved semi regularly in
comp.lang.python (lots of lurking, occasional posting) but kind of
trailed off a bit. I just wrote a frustration inspired rant on my
blog, and I thought it was relevant enough as a wider issue to the
Python community to po
On Jul 22, 12:26 pm, Catherine Heathcote
> If I create a new class inherited from another with a constructor, what
> happens with the new class's constructer?
> Thanks for your time.
Well, the __init__ method of the subclass is called, and from within
it you can call the
n syntax uses of
> non-alpha-or-digit ascii symbols. When I finish and upload it
> somewhere, I will post an announcement with the link.
> tjr
That sounds great Terry! I look forward to seeing this.
On Jul 15, 3:43 pm, Alexnb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, I already made this post, but it kinda got lost. So anyway I need to
> figure out how to test if the user is able to connect to a specific website.
> Last time I got pointed to the urllib2 page, but if I do urlopen() and and
> am not con
Let me take a stab:
I figure you either want to save something that is showing up in the
standard output in which case you can:
instead of using the print command to print to standard output, open a
file and append to that instead of printing, and then you can open
that up when you are done and s
There are several different modules for graphing in Python which you
can find easily by searching, but to my knowledge none of them will
simply take in a set of tuples and turn them into what you want,
although I am sure that it is certainly possible to program a app that
could do that for you...
I could seem to find a built in function that would serve the purpose
of System.arraycopy() in java.
I was able to accomplish it with something like this:
def arraycopy(source, sourcepos, dest, destpos, numelem):
dest[destpos:destpos+numelem] = source[sourcepos:sourcepos
is there
Well, that about wraps this up...MRAB was 100% correct, that solution
worked...not sure how I managed to mess it up when I tried it early.
Based on the incoming values of u here is the code with the minimal
number of maskings:
def findit(u):
mask = 0x
u += 0xe91aaa35
u ^= u >>
On Jul 10, 4:04 pm, Harald Luessen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 Jordan wrote:
> >On Jul 10, 1:35 pm, MRAB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Jul 10, 4:56 am, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > I am try
On Jul 10, 1:35 pm, MRAB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 10, 4:56 am, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am trying to rewrite some C source code for a poker hand evaluator
> > in Python. Putting aside all of the comments such as just using th
Well, I have figured out something that works:
def findit(u):
u += 0xe91aaa35
u1 = ~(0x - u) ^ u >> 16
u1 += ((u1 << 8) & 0x)
u1 ^= (u1 & 0x) >> 4
b = (u1 >> 8) & 0x1ff
a = (u1 + (u1 << 2) & 0x) >> 19
r = int(a) ^ hash_adjust[int(b)]
if after the first step (u += 0xe91aaa35) you apply this function:
invert = lambda x: ~int(hex(0x - x)[0:-1],16)
it returns the correct value (corrected the overflow)
but there is still something wrong, still looking into it, if someone
knows how to do this, feel free to comment :)
I realize I did a pretty bad job of explaining the problem. The
problem is the python version is returning an r that is WY to big.
Here is an example run through that function in each language:
u starts at 1050
u += 0xe91aaa35;
u is now -384127409
u ^= u >> 16;
I was actually just going through an example to show what was
happening each step of the way and noticed the overflow!!! bah, stupid
tricks tricks tricks!!!
The problem is def the overflow, I notice that I start to get negative
numbers in the C version, which makes me think that the & 0x
I am trying to rewrite some C source code for a poker hand evaluator
in Python. Putting aside all of the comments such as just using the C
code, or using SWIG, etc. I have been having problems with my Python
code not responding the same way as the C version.
C verison:
unsigned find_fast(unsign
Joshua Kugler wrote:
"Beautiful is better than ugly."
And I think putting parenthesis around a multi-line statement is much
So there! :)
And PEP 8 agrees with you. Another vote for parens.
I'm trying to write a simple program to calculate permutations. I created a
file called "" and put the following in it:
def factorial(n):
a = n
b = n
while a>0 and b>1:
n = (n)*(b-1)
b = b-1
def perm(n, r):
a = factorial(n)
b = factorial(n-r)
q =
weightings is 100.)
Not sure if it satisfies the conditions in my last post either do
some empirical testing, or some mathematics, or maybe a bit of
On Nov 17, 12:02 pm, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe it would help to make your problem statement a litte rigorous so
;t think of any other obvious way of generalising the behaviour
of the N = 1 case.
- Jordan
On Nov 17, 10:50 am, Bruza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 16, 4:47 pm, Bruza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Nov 16, 6:58 am, duncan smith <[EMAIL P
T. Crane wrote:
> Hi,
> If I define a class like so:
> class myClass:
> import numpy
> a = 1
> b = 2
> c = 3
> def myFun(self):
> print a,b,c
> return numpy.sin(a)
> I get the error that the global names a,b,c,numpy are not defined. Fairly
> stra
g open() over file() (although I admit to
using file() myself more often than not)
>>for filename in matching_file_list:
>> infile = open(filename,'r') # add 'r' for clarity if nothing else
>> outfile = open(filename[:-4] + '.out.txt','w') # assumes file ext of
>> original file is .txt
>> # Process the input file line by line...
>> for line in infile:
>> pass # do thing --> you don't have to iterate line by line, if you
>> specified what you wanted to do to each file we could probably help out here
>> if you need it.
>> # Be explicit with file closures
>> outfile.close()
>> infile.close()
Might also add some try/except statements to be safe ;).
On Mar 14, 1:52 am, hg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I read that logging was thread safe ... but can I use it under a GUI timer ?
> Thanks,
> hg
That was barely enough information to be worthy of a reply. Need more
than that. What do you mean under a gui timer? What gui? What type of
On Mar 8, 12:46 pm, "Jordan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 8, 11:52 am, "Rune Strand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mar 8, 5:12 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I am using a script with a single file containing
On Mar 8, 11:52 am, "Rune Strand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 8, 5:12 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I am using a script with a single file containing all data in multiple
> > sections. Each section begins with "#VS:CMD:command:START" and ends
> > with "#VS:CMD:command:STOP". There is a
x27;t log the keystrokes of someone who is logged onto your
machine from another; that would be a major security flaw. The only
way (I think) this would work is if you wrote your own remote desktop
program that logged keystrokes, and then sent it to the remote
computer when logging off.
t search for taskmanager extensions
on or look at the msdn on taskmanager to see how it
gets all of its information (which is essentially what you want -- a
taskmanager). Either way you'll almost defitely need pywin32, so look
there first.
em if you know the syntax for
each of these files. What you need to do is research each syntax and
write a regexp or other string searching function to determine each
format based on the archive header syntax. While you're at it, open a
few archives with a hex editor or using open(...,'rb') and take a look
at the syntax of each file to see if you can determine it yourself.
using C++ over Python for gui
building is if for some obscure reason Python wasn't fast enough. On
the other hand, this brings up the argument of which is faster: Python
or C++ ;) so let's not get into that. Python + WxPython = Good
Language with Good GUI Toolkit.
> --
> LinuX Power
Take a look at the subprocess module, which is meant to replace
popen[1,2,3...](). Also, please try to explain the problem again,
because I just can't decypher everything you're trying to do (and
On Feb 13, 12:51 pm, "Jordan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 13, 8:09 am, NOSPAM plz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey,
> > My problem is, is it possible to download parts of a file while. i think
> > is it is called thread
> In my example it just download the whole file, and then print it.
> Any suggestions?
> Regards
> Andreas
That's because urllib.urlopen() is not a low enough level function to
allow what you want, it will simply open the . Take a look inside of and maybe you'l
On Feb 6, 8:26 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to write a python cgi that calls a script over ssh, the
> problem is the script takes a very long time to execute so Apache
> makes the CGI time out and I never see any output. The script is set
> to print a
help. Good luck.
On Jan 25, 12:18 pm, Indy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings.
> I am writing an asynchronous server, and I use the standard library's
> module asyncore.
> I subclass asyncore.dispatcher. handle_accept works just right, that
don't really need to redirect input/output/errors or
other aspects of the opened application.Also, you'll probably want
something more like: retcode =, so that you can check the
return code to see if it was successful. Check out the subprocess
On J
Why are you trying to make this asynchronous? I think part of the point
of ftp using two sockets was to make it multithreaded. If you're going
to make it asynchronous, It's probably going to be easier to do the
"select"ing yourself, instead of relying on asyncore or asynchat.
Unless you have an i
really on topic anymore but what's the method for tar.gz? And
even more off the topic, does anyone know a good lossless compression
method for images (mainly .jpg and .png)?
Wolfgang Draxinger wrote:
> Jordan wrote:
> > When using python to create a tar.
h must end in "\\" for this to
info = archive.gettarinfo(nthing)
entional keyloggers built in C/C++ which
hide themselves from the OS - the purpose was not actually to spy on
the user but to create backups of what was typed - it still does a very
good job and the latest release has a lot of options and
extendability). If your OS is linux, unix, or mac... good
> Hi,
> Any ideas of what could be the problem?
Hard to say without seeing your code.
Jordan Greenberg
Posted via a free Usenet account from
Ben Finney wrote:
> Jordan Greenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> This is a test message, please ignore.
>> I could do that, but reminding you that test messages go in *.test
>> groups is way more fun.
> I'
er up my (and everyone else's) newsreader with your garbage.
Posted via a free Usenet account from
ly just to
download python and tinker with it, maybe try making some python
equivalents to whatever you've made in other languages.
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
> "Chris Brat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've seen a few posts, columns an
Your post was definitely the most helpful for me. For some reason,
smtp for gmail seems to require that you call server.ehlo() a second
time, after having called server.starttls(), otherwise, the server
won't accept authorization. Thanks.
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> At Wednes
I don't thnk you should have any problems using Slut with wxpython - wx
would be much less amazing if it couldn't do something like that. On
the other hand, I thought that you were looking for something that
doesn't use openGL and I think that Slut is built around it.
> 3
> 2
> 1
>>> def printreverse(lst):
if lst:
print lst[:1][0]
>>> printreverse([1,2,3,4])
No good reason at all to do it this way. But recursion is fun.
-Jordan Greenberg
Posted via a free Usenet account from
or just an auto-inc)
name, etc...
Table Students2Education:
studentID (id from Students)
EducationID (id from Education)
Table Education:
id (probably just some auto-inc)
This way, if you have
loopholes, such as if there is more than one pdf
utabintarbo wrote:
> Jerry wrote:
> > On Oct 17, 12:43 pm, "kilnhead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am opening a file using os.start('myfile.pdf') from python. How can I
> >
on't think that's covered), or for detecting system or
dead keys (unless pyHook has been updated recently, the last time I
checked the docs said it didn't capture those keys).
Good Luck,
TheSeeker wrote:
> bryan rasmussen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'
SpreadTooThin wrote:
> If you are deriving a new class from another class,
> that you must (I assume) know the initializer of the other class.
> So in myClass
> import array
> class myClass(arrary.array):
>def __init__(self, now here I need to put array's constructor
> parameters..., then
Has the addition of a Universe Set object ever been suggested. Like U
= set(0), so that any object was a member of U? Maybe this gets into
some crazy Cantorian stuff since U is in U. But it seems like it would
be useful and would have a nice symmetry with emptyset:set([]), that
for any obje
be able to
use a 2.5 interactive interpeter).
Good Luck
Damian wrote:
> Sorry about the multiple posts folks. I suspect it was the "FasterFox"
> FireFox extension I installed yesterday tricking me.
> I had a brief look at libxml(?) on my Ubuntu machine but haven't r
If your using python 2.4.3 or essentially any of the 2.3, 2.4 series,
i'd test out PyScripter as an IDE, it's one of the best that I've used.
Unfortunately, they have yet to fully accomedate 2.5 code (you can
still write 2.5 code with almost no problems, but you won't be able to
use a 2.5 interact
If you're going to need win32 system access use the win32all python
extension (very, very good extension). Do you need single frame image
capture, or constant video stream? PIL can be used for the first, it
might also be usable for video, I'm not sure. For sound, python comes
with some built in li
If making a usb version of python was that easy, movable python would
be open source. Check out if
you need a portable usb version of python for work or something.
Copying the Python24 directory is a good start, but doesn't include the
enormous number of r
Assuming your function works, the overwriting
should be the only issue. Just want to point out that total_data +=
data is not advisable for this example (speed/efficiency issue,
although i'm sure it could probably be even faster than what I replace
it with if u decided to u
Hey Peoples,
I'm wonderg if there is a way to make a subclass of wx.grid.Grid in
which the coloumn labels for the grid appear on the bottom of the grid
instead of the top.
1 2 3 4 5
a| | | | | |
b| | | | | |
c| | | | | |
d| | | | | |
e| | | | | |
ect (or medium sized, or anything more then a few lines,
really) this gets really unwieldy really quickly (imagine if you had
thousands of functions! Madness!) Terry's suggestion is a much better
solution then this. If this looks easier, consider changing the rest of
your program before klud
e standard directories.
If this isn't the case, what are you using for TARGET_DIR?
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Adam Blinkinsop
Sent: Mon 7/31/2006 5:42 PM
Subject: ImportError raised in script, not interactive session.
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