(NULL) indicates no currently selected database.
To set the default database:
>>>c.execute("USE mysql")
Getting the database again:
>>>c.execute("SELECT DATABASE()")
A string indicates that a database is currently selected.
Hope this helps.
Jesse Hager
email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".decode("rot13")
> but it always give me first 2 lines, ie
> abcdefgh
> ijklmn
> What can i do to make it print all..?
> thanks
Change the 'break' statement to a 'continue'.
Jesse Hager
email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".decode("rot13")
.Display to find out about the displays on the system, it also
lets you query and set the current video mode for a display.
Hope this helps.
Jesse Hager
email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".decode("rot13")
Not sure if it uses lists or tuples, since I use it mainly for output
and I don't have MIDI input on this machine to test it...
Hope this helps.
Jesse Hager
email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".decode("rot13")
ion so unless a person moves the mouse or
keyboard within a minute or two of the wakeup, the system just goes back
to sleep.
You should be able to call the SetThreadExecutionState function using
Search for Power Management in the MSDN library for info on these functions.
Jesse Hager
#More normal output goes here
#Do whatever you want with captured_text here...
#When finished with string_io, close it to free up the memory buffers
Jesse Hager
email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".decode("rot13")
; -> ','
To put a separator between digits of the same character, put it between
the second set of empty quotes. '.' -> ''
This is probably slower than one based on lookup tables like the others
are proposing.
Jesse Hage
Try something like:
def capwords(words):
return ' '.join([x.capitalize() for x in words.split()])
capwords("here's my title!")
"Here's My Title!"
Jesse Hager
email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".decode("rot13")