Will Hurt wrote:
> Hi
> Ive been using midipy in my blender3d python scripts on windowsXP, now
> im trying to run them from ubuntu and i cant find the midipy.py module
> compiled for linux anywhere. 
> Is it possible to complie it under linux and how would i go about doing
> it --or--
> Is there another module which does the same thing available for linux[ie
> i can get raw midi data in as a list] and thats why no-ones bothered to
> compile midipy under linux?
> Thanks
> Will

The MIDI IO module I use pyPortMidi, supposedly supports Linux, but I
have only ever used it on Windows.

The links in the Python Cheese Shop seem broken, so here's the site address:


The C library it is based on is here:


There doesn't seem to be any documentation for pyPortMidi, so you will
need to read the comments in the portmidi.h from the original C library
and the test.py file included in the distribution.


The Read() method of the input stream object returns a list of events,
each event consists of 4 bytes of data and a timestamp. Each event
contains a single MIDI message (not all of the 4 bytes will be used for
most messages).  Sysex commands are broken up into 4 byte pieces and
returned as multiple events, one for each 4 bytes.

Format is like this:


Not sure if it uses lists or tuples, since I use it mainly for output
and I don't have MIDI input on this machine to test it...

Hope this helps.

Jesse Hager
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