Re: [capi-sig] Deploying embedded Python

2007-12-20 Thread Jeff Rush
Andreas Raab wrote: > > 1) How to define a useful subset of the stdlib that can serve as an > initial basis for the installation but later allows upgrade to the > "full" library if desirable. There is no formal way of doing this, although you could at least start with the full library and remov

The Texas Python Unconference is Almost Here!

2007-09-03 Thread Jeff Rush
uston for hosting us. Let's roll up our sleeves and help them out! Involvement is key to making an unconference successful. For those not familiar with unconferences, check out this description: See you all there... Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Co Announces Winner of Most-Video-Plays of the Month

2007-09-03 Thread Jeff Rush
t showcasing a different web framework like TurboGears or Twisted Web? Or something about databases, either relational or object. Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Coordinator --

Python Trainers, Promote Thyself!

2007-07-23 Thread Jeff Rush
like cloning yourself and having more time for promotion. It's all about leverage. Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Coordinator --

Usergroups Forming: Arizona and Carolina US Regions

2007-07-23 Thread Jeff Rush
ities and a great way to enhance your programming and teaching skills. The Python Software Foundation and the experienced group organizers are ready to support you in your efforts. Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Coordinator --

Organizing Python Representation at OSCON 2007

2007-06-27 Thread Jeff Rush
year. Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Coordinator --

DFW Pythoneers Meeting THIS Saturday

2007-06-19 Thread Jeff Rush
For more info, check out: Patrick will present to us on the 2nd Saturday of July, the 14th. Patrick is the author of PGE, the parrot/Perl6 Grammar engine and is also the Perl 6 compiler pumpking. See you there! Jeff Rush DFW Pythoneers Organizer -- http://mail.pyt

Calling for Python Writers/Authors

2007-06-12 Thread Jeff Rush
ation of what you prefer to work on, your portfolio of work and your experience level: I'm open to creative ideas on how to format the information. A link to the page has been added to the sidebar menu under "Community". Jeff Rush

Calling Usergroup Organizers (and Wannabees)

2007-06-07 Thread Jeff Rush
p bring together these regions. In closing, please, for existing usergroups as well as new ones coming online, update the entry for your group on the roster of Python usergroups. Jeff Rush Advocacy Coordinator --

A Few More Forrester Survey Questions

2007-05-18 Thread Jeff Rush
I'll synthesize something out of everyone's answers. Thanks for any one-line answers you can dash off to me today. Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Coordinator --

Seeking Four Code Samples for Forrester Research Survey

2007-05-14 Thread Jeff Rush
d I'll get it included in the survey response. Forrester's deadline to us is by the end of this week, May 18th. Thanks, Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Coordinator --

A Call for Professional Trainers of Python

2007-05-14 Thread Jeff Rush
organizations. If your information is already there *and current*, no response is necessary. But if you are not mentioned, please update that wiki page so we can get an accurate accounting and perhaps send business your way. Thanks, Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Coordinator --

Need Help in Preparing for Study of Python by Forrester Research

2007-05-02 Thread Jeff Rush
s on analysis of the evaluation criteria at the above URL. Time is short as they'd like that feedback by May 3, so please get any responses to me as soon as possible. And be thinking who would best represent the executive view of Python in an interview. Thanks for your help, Jeff Rush Advo

Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-24 Thread Jeff Rush
e advocacy mailing list and also drop an email to Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, current champion of this idea and looking for encouragement. Ideas on how to evaluate contributions, how frequently to do this and critical thresholds of cash amounts necessary to induce YOUR participation are wa

A Pythonic Way to Measure and Improve Your Programming Skills?

2007-03-09 Thread Jeff Rush
rove him or herself, the conceptual map could have links/recommendations to training materials on specific topics. Join me on the advocacy list and let's discuss this further. You can join at: Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Coordinator --

Extracurricular Activities at PyCon This Year

2007-02-18 Thread Jeff Rush
r sprint wiki pages, to encourage them to happen. See you later this week. Get plenty of sleep beforehand, you won't get much at PyCon this year! Jeff Rush PyCon Co-Chair --

Game Programming Clinic and Online Gaming at PyCon

2007-02-17 Thread Jeff Rush
eady, check out the installation and testing instructions about half way down the page at: You can also check out the game Galcon at: See you later this week, Jeff Rush Co-Chair PyCo

About PyCamp - a Regional Python Unconference

2007-02-02 Thread Jeff Rush
like to meet face-to-face with kindred spirits there. I'll make sure it gets on the conference schedule. Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Coordinator Dallas-Ft. Worth Pythoneers Coordinator PyCon 2007 Co-Chair --

New vs Old Style Python Classes in C Extensions?

2007-01-27 Thread Jeff Rush
While I have a reasonable understanding of the differences in new-style versus old-style classes, tonight while working a C extension module I realized I don't know how to indicate which style my C extension module should appear as. I'm following the Python docs for extended modules, but it does

Re: [Edu-sig] automatically grading small programming assignments

2006-12-14 Thread Jeff Rush
Brian Blais wrote: > > I envision a number of possible solutions. In one solution, I provide a > function > template with a docstring, and they have to fill it in to past a doctest. Is > there a > good (and safe) way to do that online? Something like having a student post > code, > and th

A Call to Arms for Python Advocacy

2006-12-11 Thread Jeff Rush
to the extent possible by the delivery media. Make your mark. Jeff Rush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Python Advocacy Coordinator --

A Call to Arms for Python Advocacy

2006-12-07 Thread Jeff Rush
to the extent possible by the delivery media. Make your mark. Jeff Rush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Python Advocacy Coordinator --

A Call for Community Input re PyCon Slogans/Swag

2006-11-27 Thread Jeff Rush
e've tried to keep it short, to respect your time. Thanks! Jeff Rush Co-Chair PyCon 2007 --

Announcing: Keynote Speakers for PyCon 2007

2006-11-27 Thread Jeff Rush
The PyCon organizers would like to announce the slate of keynote speakers who have accepted our invitation to speak at PyCon 2007! PyCon 2007 is taking place in Addison (Dallas), Texas on Feb 23-25 2007. For photos, biographies and more, check out: Ivan

An Invitation to Get Involved in Python Advocacy

2006-11-13 Thread Jeff Rush
and near-term To-Do's for myself at: Jeff Rush Python Advocacy Coordinator --

Talks at PyCon that Teach How to Be Better Programmers

2006-10-23 Thread Jeff Rush
fully name-qualify all imports? I've included links to the wiki pages holding the outlines in hopes that people will suggest additional topics to cover. To give a talk, before Oct 31 visit the conference page at:

Call for Members of Panels on Web Technologies

2006-10-11 Thread Jeff Rush
Talks at previous PyCons have tended to be of the lecture format. I'd like to see if we can get some panel discussions going and am looking for participants. At PyCon 2005 in D.C. Michelle Levesque gave a wonderful talk, PyWebOff, contrasting a few of the web frameworks. However, it is a lot of

A Call for a Presenter on Python Eggs

2006-10-11 Thread Jeff Rush
Eggs are important to Python and will become more so over the next few years, if understood and embraced by the community. They are a key competitive feature - I've been asked so many times what is the Python equivalent to CPAN and finally we're developing an answer. At PyCon 2007 we need a solid

Seeking Publicity Coordinator for PyCon 2007

2006-10-11 Thread Jeff Rush
The PyCon organizers are looking for someone to volunteer as publicity coordinator for PyCon 2007. This year we have started planning sufficiently in advance that we'd like to get some press coverage in print magazines. What is involved, you ask? 1. Brainstorm/collect a list of candidate publica

Reminder re Talk Proposals for PyCon 2007

2006-10-07 Thread Jeff Rush
iki page of topic idea at: so add a link and create a subpage that contains the outline of your dream talk, and then shop it around to find a speaker to give it. ;-) Jeff Rush PyCon 2007 Co-Chair --- Python: Produce impressive results and have fun too! -- http:

Be Paid to Attend PyCon 2007!

2006-09-27 Thread Jeff Rush
eginning programmers, advanced users, core Python developers, etc.) * (Recommended) At least one previous presentation/teaching engagement reference So get cranking and let us see your best. Jeff Rush PyCon 2007 Co-Chair --

Re: Removing Non-Unicode Support?

2006-02-20 Thread Jeff Rush
Neal Norwitz wrote: > On 2/17/06, M.-A. Lemburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >>Neal Norwitz wrote: > > >>Another candidate for removal is the --disable-unicode >>switch. >> >>We should probably add a deprecation warning for that in >>Py 2.5 and then remove the hundreds of >>#idef Py_USING_UNICODE

Booksigning Party at PyCon This Year -- UPDATE

2006-02-06 Thread Jeff Rush
DO NOT BRING YOUR OWN BOOKS For inventory security reasons, please do NOT bring your own books to the bookstore to be signed. Mixing attendee books with store books in a party atmosphere would be difficult to manage and we need to be considerate of the store. I mispoke in the original announc

New Mailing List for PyCon Technology and Conference Software

2006-02-05 Thread Jeff Rush
I have arranged for the creation of a new mailing list under for the discussion of software development for PyCon, of any type and for any year. We've been sending a lot of email privately and making the process more visible would be good I think. There are a few disjoint efforts an

Booksigning Party at PyCon This Year!

2006-02-05 Thread Jeff Rush
Because many authors of books related to Python will be in attendance at PyCon, we would like to organize a book signing activity. It seems logical to hold it Saturday night at the party at the bookstore. Bring your own books or buy new ones in the store! And if you're an author

Wanted: Django Programmer Seeking PyCon Fame and Glory

2006-02-03 Thread Jeff Rush
Coming to PyCon 2006 in Dallas in a few weeks? Want to make a name for yourself before you arrive? Think Django is cool and want everyone else to know it? Whip up a Django app to slide into the PyCon website (already running Django in part) that hooks into Google's Map API. Provide a way for

Re: Which Python web framework is most like Ruby on Rails?

2005-12-22 Thread Jeff Rush
Kent Johnson wrote: >Luis M. Gonzalez wrote: > > >>The only problem with KARRIGELL, I guess, is that its creator is very >>humble and doesn't like to advertise his creature. He is not very fond >>of "marketing" ... >> >> >From my point of view the biggest problem with Karrigell is that it is

DFW Pythoneer Meetings This Week

2005-11-08 Thread Jeff Rush
The DFW Pythoneers maintain a club wiki/mailing list at: Hope to see you there, and especially some new faces! Jeff Rush, DFW Pythoneers Coordinator --

Request for Input re PyCon about Session Lengths

2005-08-02 Thread Jeff Rush
ly: Please read the archives to come up to speed on the various viewpoints. -Jeff Rush --