The first regional Python unconference is coming to Houston on September 15-16
(Sat-Sun).  Being held at the Texas Learning & Computing Center on the
University of Houston main campus, this is a FREE event for Pythoneers from
all over the Texas region.

And being an unconference, participation by those who attend is welcome and
greatly sought.  The topics to be presented are purely up to the attendees.

Details about the facility and a sign-up registration list is available on the
wiki.  Please add your name if you think you might attend, so that we can have
some estimate of who is coming.

Also add to the wiki topics on which you are coming prepared to present, or
that you would like to see.  Often people can present on many topics but don't
know what others are interested in.

And a big thanks go out to Robin Friedrich and those in Houston for hosting
us.  Let's roll up our sleeves and help them out!  Involvement is key to
making an unconference successful.

For those not familiar with unconferences, check out this description:

See you all there...

Jeff Rush
Python Advocacy Coordinator

P.S. Please repost this to other Texas Python organizations.

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