ecommended book?
> Execuse my English.
> Thushanthan.
You can also take a look to `webpy` and `cherrypy`. These where not yet
David Van Mosselbeen
and French is not a problem for me.
David Van Mosselbeen
and buy...
Buy if you like it and if you use it...I hope is clearly enought !!!
N.B.: I have not make this page on Wikipedia.
David Van Mosselbeen - Debian Sarge user
ocket Reference
4) Python in a Nuteshell
5) Python Essential Reference
6) Python Cookbook
Try the first, second, third, ...
If you like it, buy the book, so you contribute for next devloppments of his
books ...
Other great books but not from O'Reilly
Think like a computer scientiste
can try
> ActiveState's distribution (ActivePython) instead.
When i work on Windows XP i use Python distributed by the ActiveState's and
find that ActiveState's included really good stuff into this package. It's
a really good when you plan to use it on a Windows box.
Sibylle Koczian wrote:
> David Van Mosselbeen schrieb:
>> Thanks for support.
>> I have read the refered page you show above. I try some piece of code
>> that im have copy and paste it into a blank file that i give the name
>> "
Lee Harr wrote:
> On 2005-06-13, David Van Mosselbeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Im a newbie in Python, and also in Fedora Core 3. (Yes, Linux is fine
>> man :-)
>> My question is : How can i rwite a script that show my current ip. If
piece of
code that realy work under Windows XP, but the same script wil not work on
Verry thanks to all vulunteers.
David Van Mosselbeen - DVM
Fedora Core 3 User