Lee Harr wrote:

> On 2005-06-13, David Van Mosselbeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Im a newbie in Python, and also in Fedora Core 3. (Yes, Linux is fine
>> man :-)
>> My question is : How can i rwite a script that show my current ip. If i
>> have more than one network card, the script must then show all used ip.
>> It's important that this will work on a linux. i Have rwite some piece of
>> code that realy work under Windows XP, but the same script wil not work
>> on Linux.
>> Verry thanks to all vulunteers.
> This comes up at least once a month. Google. Is. Your. Friend.
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2005-January/258883.html

Thanks for support.
I have read the refered page you show above. I try some piece of code that
im have copy and paste it into a blank file that i give the name
"ip_adress.py" to test it.


import commands

ifconfig = '/sbin/ifconfig'
# name of ethernet interface
iface = 'eth0'
# text just before inet address in ifconfig output
telltale = 'inet addr:'

def my_addr():
    cmd = '%s %s' % (ifconfig, iface)
    output = commands.getoutput(cmd)

    inet = output.find(telltale)
    if inet >= 0:
        start = inet + len(telltale)
        end = output.find(' ', start)
        addr = output[start:end]
        addr = ''

    return addr
# End python code

But now, it's fine to have some piece of code but this wil not work on my
computer. I'm sure that y do somethings bad.
To run the python script on a Linux machine. How to proceed it ?

1) I have open a terminal
2) then i type "python ip_adress.py" (to run the script)

But nothings, i not view the current ip of my computer.
What happend ?

David Van Mosselbeen - DVM
Fedora Core 3 User

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