pollute Usenet after a
longer time of inactivity.
Claudio Grondi
jd wrote:
> I am looking for python code (working or sample code) that can take an
> html document created by Microsoft Word and clean it up (if you've
> never had to look at a Word-generated html document, consider yourself
> lucky ;-) Alternatively, if you know of a non-python solution, I'd
> li
processing packages missing, that is worth to be
covered by a separate package?
(i.e. I checked http://filters.sourceforge.net/ out, but haven't yet
found the mentioned questions answered )
Claudio Grondi
Károly Kiripolszky wrote:
> You're right, thank you for the comment! I will look after how to
> avoid this.
And after you have resolved this 'small' ;-) detail you will probably
notice, that some full functional and in wide use being parser have
still trouble with this ...
> Marc 'Bla
e usable any more ;-) ?
> Every sort of feedback is appreciated!
Hope so ... :)
Claudio Grondi
image. See
for some further helpful hints towards speeding things up.
Claudio Grondi
at needs discussion with
>> author or an experienced user. Unfortunately a mail to author returned as
>> undeliverable.
>> Does anybody now about suitable visualisation tool?
> Have you looked at HippoDraw?
> http:
#x27;t have any link at my fingertips or even an idea where to
look after it, so Googling or waiting until someone else using such a
tool posts here is all I can offer.
Inbetween Frink is maybe an option?
Claudio Grondi
your own notes from what you have learned as a kind of contribution to a
better future documentation.
If nothing suddenly changed, I can assure you, that you can't get
anywhere else better support directly from the author as it is currently
available for UliPad. And as it is all Python, so you
Omar wrote:
> thanks for the suggestions, fellas
Would be kind of you to tell us which one you have decided to use and why?
Claudio Grondi
P.S. If you don't like any of already mentioned you can give SciTe a try.
def finishCreate (self): # New in 4.4.
File "D:\SftwLib\Leo\src\leoCommands.py", line 187, in finishCreate
c = self ; p = c.currentPosition()
TypeError: currentPosition() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
Claudio Grondi
easy because of lack of full documentation, but sure
worth to try, anyway.
Claudio Grondi
el in Python, the best solution for
you to start with and learn some Python basics will be :
>>> prices.split()[2]
>>> prices.split()[6]
>>> prices.split()[10]
>>> prices.split()[14]
>>> prices.split()[18]
Claudio Grondi
, the actual string will be:
['the string'][0].
Just use IDLE to test your ideas:
>>> ['the string'][0]
'the string'
Claudio Grondi
> ,
> $254.99
What have you tried?
Taking a look into regular expressions in the Python tutorial (4.2 re --
Regular expression operations) should give you all you need.
ll you load the document into the
Internet Explorer and then use its menu [File] -> [Print] to invoke
printing (don't forget to keep your eye on the Python shell...)
Claudio Grondi
P.S. There are many options to automate usage of MSIE from Python, so
maybe if you explain what you a
# ---
# Execution block:
fileLikeObjFrom_urlopen = urlopen('www.google.com') # set URL
mySGMLParserClassObj_withListOfHREFs =
n a file in IDLE?)
3) Plain text editor or IDLE are good. For more see Python website -
there are plenty options to choose from.
4) using 'import' (see recommendation in 1))
Claudio Grondi
2 min 41 s (of CPU time)
CPython+Psyco : 2 min 45 s (of CPU time)
IronPython 1.0 : 1 min 48 s (of CPU time)
Claudio Grondi
tjreedy wrote:
> "Claudio Grondi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>I also erroneously assumed, that the first problem was detected during
>>parsing ... so, by the way: how can I distinguish an error raised while
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Claudio Grondi wrote:
>>The context:
>> C:\IronPython> ipy.exe
>> IronPython 1.0.60816 on .NET 2.0.50727.42
>> Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Larry Bates wrote:
> Claudio Grondi wrote:
>>(just wanted to share my experience with IronPython 1.0)
>>The context:
>> C:\IronPython> ipy.exe
>> IronPython 1.0.60816 on .NET 2.0.50727.42
>> Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All right
re if it is a bug or a feature.
Can someone knowledgeable elaborate on it a bit please?
Claudio Grondi
can't understand here is, with which of my opinions you disagree
as one line below of my posting (you are responding to) I write: "I
haven't said, that it is not suitable [for low-medium
size projects]." ...
By the way: why is it so hard to develop a wxPython appl
HTML content, so if you need only to display and
not edit things it is a perfect one to use if you need to mix text with
images and control elements.
Claudio Grondi
> Simon Forman wrote:
>>Jay wrote:
>>>This may be really obscure, but I had a dream about p
filippo wrote:
> thanks Fredrik and Claudio,
> probably structured coding paradigm is what I need. Claudio, could you
> explain better your sentence below?
> Claudio Grondi ha scritto:
>>Python/Tk for it in order to avoid programming in wxPython if not really
out how OO could be useful,
just be more self-confident and accept the enlightenment, that it
probably or even for sure can't.
Claudio Grondi
Is there a OO tutorial out there to help me?
> Thanks,
> Filippo
sually not much gain on USB when on Windows, especially in
case of a single file which fits into memory (and the file cache) to do
it 'simultaneously'.
This subject was discussed here already in the past:
Claudio Gro
Sorin Schwimmer wrote:
> I am thinking on something in the following form:
> import time
> import thread
> delay=True
> def fn()
> global delay
> time.sleep()
> delay=False
> thread.start_new_thread(fn,())
> while delay:
> ...
> while :
> ...
> Or,
Sorin Schwimmer wrote:
> to Fredrik Lundh
> I'm afraid Claudio Grondi can't use your solution, as
> he needs it hosted on Windows, which lacks
> signal.alarm.
> to Claudio Grondi
> How about splitting your loop in two? The first loop
> would check for your
Rob Williscroft wrote:
> Claudio Grondi wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] in
> gmane.comp.python.general:
>>Tim Roberts wrote:
>>>"Tim Peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>It is much simpler than that. With a multipr
rent problems occurred while
opening the file. The error message comes from Python (errnomodule.c),
not from Windows(errno.h). Concluding from this it becomes evident for
me, that this misleading error message is Python fault (even if
originated by misleading errno values set after fopen in the MSVC++
environment and Windows), right?
Probably also in Python 2.5?
Claudio Grondi
Tim Peters wrote:
> [Claudio Grondi]
>> Here an example of what I mean
>> (Python 2.4.2, IDLE 1.1.2, Windows XP SP2, NTFS file system, 80 GByte
>> large file):
>> >>> f = file('veryBigFile.dat','r')
>> >>> f =
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
> "Claudio Grondi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:
> | Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> | > Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> | >
> | >> A while loop has a condition. period. The only thing to change that is
> | >> to introduce a
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Claudio Grondi wrote:
>>Here an example of what I mean
>>(Python 2.4.2, IDLE 1.1.2, Windows XP SP2, NTFS file system, 80 GByte
>>large file):
>> >>> f =
uot;", line 1, in -toplevel-
f = file('veryBigFile.dat','r+')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'veryBigFile.dat'
Is it a BUG or a FEATURE?
Claudio Grondi
t. I think that is a huge
> mistake, since it renders QueryPerformanceCounter non-monotonic.
How does it come, that processors on same mainboard run at different
speeds? Do they have separate clock-pulse generators?
I can remember, that (at least on very old motherboards) the clock-pulse
cessary to choose the right one
to speed up sorting and actually _experiencing_ that you have to wait
for your results 18 hours and the machine is so busy that it is hard to
use it for other tasks at the same time. If the sorting took less than
one hour I would probably never make the effort
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Claudio Grondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>The Windows XP SP 2 '/> sort' (sorting of four Gigs of 20 byte records
>>took 12 CPU and 18 usual hours) has, from what I could observe on the
>>task manager, done the job in only two r
> count += 1
> print count
This above is exactly what I am looking for, except it does not work in
Microsoft Windows where the signal.alarm() function is not available.
So now the only thing I would like to know is how to achieve the same
functionality when running Python on a Microsoft Windows box.
Claudio Grondi
counter so was not a very time consuming one).
Just thought that for sure someone had already the same/similar idea and
might share here an elegant Pythonic solution addressing this issue.
Claudio Grondi
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Claudio Grondi schrieb:
>> Sometimes it is known in advance, that the time spent in a loop will
>> be in order of minutes or even hours, so it makes sense to optimize
>> each element in the loop to make it run faster.
>> O
n the
Windows 2000/XP system I am mainly working with.
What do you think about this idea? Does it make sense?
Claudio Grondi
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Claudio Grondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Does it mean, that in case of very large files:
>> the size of available memory for the sorting operation (making it
>>possible to work on larger chunks of data in memory) has less impact
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Claudio Grondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>Try the standard Unix/Linux sort utility. Use the --buffer-size=SIZE
>>>to tell it how much memory to use.
>>I am on Windows and it seems, that Windows XP SP2 'sort' can wo
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Claudio Grondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Is there a ready to use (free, best Open Source) tool able to sort
>>lines (each line appr. 20 bytes long) of a XXX GByte large text file
>>(i.e. in place) taking full advantage of available memor
remember it right, the cause of such a problem is updating the
clock by accessing a time server over a network. Just any such access
results in adjusting the time a bit and leads eventually to such problems.
Claudio Grondi
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Aug 2006 16:39:14 +0200, Claudio Grondi
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
>>The core of my problem was ... trying to use 'wb' or 'w+b' ... (stupid
>>me ...)
Tim Peters wrote:
> [Claudio Grondi]
>> I have a 250 Gbyte file (occupies the whole hard drive space)
> Then where is Python stored ;-)?
>> and want to change only eight bytes in this file at a given offset of
>> appr. 200
>> Gbyte (all other
I have a 250 Gbyte file (occupies the whole hard drive space) and want
to change only eight bytes in this file at a given offset of appr. 200
Gbyte (all other data in that file should remain unchanged).
How can I do that in Python?
Claudio Grondi
> -- Paul
And if the quality of the result is important maybe (maybe, because I
haven't used it yet myself)
an add-on to the PIL library that supports anti-aliased drawing
Claudio Grondi
> Hi
> I am new to python. I wanted to know if there is an opposite of "import"
If you mean 'import' adds something, so you ask how to get rid of
something? Here you are:
Look at the 'del' statement if it is what you ar
Gary Herron wrote:
> Gregory Guthrie wrote:
>>Sorry for a simple question- but I don't understand how to parse this use of
>>a list comprehension.
>>The "or" clauses are odd to me.
>>It also seems like it is being overly clever (?) in using a lc expression as
>>a for loop to drive the re
Anthra Norell wrote:
>>>>import SE# Available at the Cheese Shop
I mean, that OP requested:
'How can I translate this using standard Python libraries??'
so it's just only not on topic.
Claudio Grondi
John Machin wrote:
> Claudio Grondi wrote:
>>>Claudio Grondi wrote:
>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>Here is my script:
> Claudio Grondi wrote:
>>>Here is my script:
>>>from mechanize import *
>>>from BeautifulSoup import *
>>>import StringIO
>>>b = Browser()
>>>f = b.open
strUnicode = eval("u'%s'"%strUnicodeHexCode)
I am sure, there is a more elegant and direct solution, but just wanted
to provide here some quick response.
Claudio Grondi
napshots of the screen.
import ImageGrab
GrabbedImage = ImageGrab.grab() # store screenshot as "RGB" Image
GrabbedImage.save("TheScreenshot.jpg") # PIL evaluates extension
For more details see:
(works on Windows only)
Claudio Grondi
> self.drawImage = self.canvas.create_image(112.5, 100, image=
> self.cronoDefUp)
> root = Tk()
> root.title("GIF Animation Test")
> app = GIF(root)
> root.mainloop()
What about simple tracking of time (see above NOT tested rough draft) in
the keyboardPrsUp and keyboardRlsUp functions, so, that events raised
earlier than after a specified delay period will just become ignored?
Claudio Grondi
Tim Golden wrote:
> Claudio Grondi wrote:
>> I am aware, that it is maybe the wrong group to ask this question, but
>> as I would like to know the history of past file operations from
>> within a Python script I see a chance, that someone in this group was
Tim Golden wrote:
> Claudio Grondi wrote:
>> I am aware, that it is maybe the wrong group to ask this question, but
>> as I would like to know the history of past file operations from
>> within a Python script I see a chance, that someone in this group was
e hard drive(s) unnecessary wasting
much energy and getting hot.
Claudio Grondi
> Claudio Grondi wrote:
>>I am aware, that it is maybe the wrong group to ask this question, but
>>as I would like to know the history of past file operations from within
>>a Py
- deleting an existing file/directory
- creating a new file/directory
- _moving_ an existing file/directory (should _NOT_ be covered by the
event duo of deleting an existing and creating a new file/directory)
Any hints towards enlightenment?
Claudio Grondi
> and it didn't work...
> i used
> >>from import numpy *
> and it seems to accept the 'array' word.. .looks like it will work...
from numpy import *
makes numpy.array available as array in your code.
I would be kind of you
> I remember Gato:
> http://gato.sourceforge.net/
> It animates only algorithms on graphs, but it seems a starting point,
> and it works.
> I vaguely remember another system, but probably not very good.
> Bye,
> bearophile
Yes, I have noticed Gato already before, b
done in the mentioned above example at pre-defined points in
code called there
/* visualisation step */
Any hints towards getting or constructing such a framework are welcome.
Claudio Grondi
Bo Yang wrote:
> Hi everyone ,
> I have join this list for about 4 months , and everyday I receive
> hundreds of
> mails . There is no means to read all of them , so I just read something
> interesting
> for me . But if so , there are too much mails pile up in my inbox , I
> want to ask
> how do yo
>>Claudio Grondi wrote:
>>>>I am doing alot of reading and trying to teach myself how to program.
>>>>I can not figure out how to make "Write
Scott David Daniels wrote:
> Claudio Grondi wrote:
> <<>>
>> When necessary to skip first line _and_ indentation:
>> message = """
>> This is line 1
>> This is line 2
>> This is line 3
>> """.rep
> I am doing alot of reading and trying to teach myself how to program.
> I can not figure out how to make "Write a program that continually
> reads in numbers from the user and adds them together until the sum
> reaches 100." this work. If someone could show me the correct
Hari Sekhon wrote:
> Is it better to do:
> message = """This is line1.
> This is line2
> This is line3\n"""
> or
> message = "This is line1.\n
> message = message + "This is line2\n"
> message = message + "This is line3\n"
> Since the first method does not follow python's clean and e
med for causing it. Remember, if you do follow up you are talking to
an idiot. Treat them with the ill-respect they deserve.
Claudio Grondi (a past 'gullible idiot' who learned to enjoy the fun of
being the audience)
> I found a way to create "Open File" or "Open Folder" windows dialog
> boxes, but not to create an easier Yes / No dialog box...
> Maybe someone has a solution for this?
Do it just the same way as you did it with the "Open File" or "Open
Folder" windows dialog. What is
Stan Cook wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how to get the length of a number. I know
> len(string) will get the length of a string, but it doesn't like
> len(int). I seem to remember something like %s string. I tried to set
> a variable = to %s int, but that doesn't work. Is there a function I've
hacker1017 wrote:
> im just asking out of curiosity.
It appears to me, that the natural language is not enough to record
thoughts/observations/enlightenments for being reviewed and used with
ease after a longer time, as for this purpose it is necessary to include
in such records some sort of ac
>>does anyone know a module or something to convert numbers like integer
>>to binary format ?
>>for example I want to convert number 7 to 0111 so I can make some
>>bitwise operations...
> Use the gmpy module.
Tim N. van der Leeuw wrote:
>>I agree there are limits to you right to free speech, but I believe Xah
>>Lee is not crossing
>>any boundaries. If he starts taking over newspapers and TV stations be
>>sure to notify me,
>>I might revise my position.
> Pe
sturlamolden wrote:
> Julien Fiore wrote:
>>Thanks for your remark, Sturlamolden.
>>Is there a free version of the "Visual C++ 2003" compiler available on
>>the web? I have found "Visual C++ 2005 Express edition"
>>(http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/visualc/). According to
mardif wrote:
> I've found the solution: ( effectly, a friend of mine has found the
> solution )
> import os
> os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, "c:\programmi\internet
> explorer\iexplore.exe",'"C:\Documents and
> Settings\michele\Desktop\ciccio.html"','"C:\Documents and
> Settings\michel
Christophe wrote:
> mardif a écrit :
>> Hi guys.
>> I've a very big big big problem:
>> I've in my windows computer a file named cicciobello.html, located in
>> c:\documents and settings\username\desktop\cicciobello.html.
>> Now, I MUST open this file with os.spawn(os.P_WAIT , because
Chris Foote wrote:
> Richie Hindle wrote:
>> [Chris]
>>> Has anyone written a fast hash module which is more optimal for
>>> large datasets ?
>> PyJudy might be what you're looking for, though I've never used it:
>> http://www.dalkescientific.com/Python/PyJudy.html
>> "Judy's key benefit
Chris Foote wrote:
> Claudio Grondi wrote:
>> Chris Foote wrote:
>>> Klaas wrote:
>>>>> 22.2s 20m25s[3]
>>>> 20m to insert 1m keys? You are doing something wrong.
>>> I've put together some sim
Chris Foote wrote:
> Klaas wrote:
>>> 22.2s 20m25s[3]
>> 20m to insert 1m keys? You are doing something wrong.
> Hi Mike.
> I've put together some simplified test code, but the bsddb
> module gives 11m for 1M keys:
I have run your code for the bsddb on my P4 2.8 GHz and have
Chris Foote wrote:
> Claudio Grondi wrote:
>> Chris Foote wrote:
>>> However, please note that the Python bsddb module doesn't support
>>> in-memory based databases - note the library documentation's[1] wording:
>>> &quo
Chris Foote wrote:
> Claudio Grondi wrote:
>> Chris Foote wrote:
>>> p.s. Disk-based DBs are out of the question because most
>>> key lookups will result in a miss, and lookup time is
>>> critical for this application.
>> Pytho
MrBlueSky wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to use IDLE to develop My First Python App and my head
> hurts...
> I've a file called spalvi.py with this in it:
> from Test import *
> firstTest("Mike")
> And a file called Test.py with this in it:
> def firstTest(name):
> print "Yo",nam
Chris Foote wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have the need to store a large (10M) number of keys in a hash table,
> based on a tuple of (long_integer, integer). The standard python
> dictionary works well for small numbers of keys, but starts to
> perform badly for me inserting roughly 5M keys:
> # keys
DeepBlue wrote:
> Hi all,
> can any1 please tell me how to install pyTrix?
> thx!
The first step should be to get it, but how can it be got?
Ben Sizer wrote:
> connyledin wrote:
>>Im trying to create a version of the game Wumpus. Mine is called
>>Belzebub. But im STUCK! And its due tuesday 2 maj. Im panicing! Can
>>some one help me??
>>here is the file:
>>What i ha
Ian Ozsvald wrote:
> Summary:
> At http://ShowMeDo.com we have 3 new videos by Jerol Harrington
> introducing Python Objects:
> http://showmedo.com/videoListPage?listKey=IntroductionToPythonObjectsUsingIPython_JerolH
> and 5 videos for beginners to wxPython:
> http://showmedo.com/videoListPa
dmh2000 wrote:
> I am experimenting with the interactive interpreter environments of
> Python and Ruby and I ran into what seems to be a fundamental
> difference. However I may be doing something wrong in Python. Please
> comment and correct me if I am wrong
> In both languages, you can start up
Douglas Douglas wrote:
> First of all. Thanks Claudio and nikie for your fast answers.
> What I want to do is process the forms automatically. Each circle match a
> letter (like in a quiz). So if the user select option A in a row, he fills the
> first circle. If he select option C in the next ro
Douglas Douglas wrote:
> Hi everybody.
> I have a paper form that I scan into an image. My user fills some circles in
> this paper form using black ink. Every form has ten rows with five circles
> each
> and the user fills only one circle for each row.
> I was wondering if I could use the Py
John Salerno wrote:
> Ok, here's a problem I've sort of assigned to myself for fun, but it's
> turning out to be quite a pain to wrap my mind around. It's from a
> puzzle game. It will help if you look at this image:
> http://www.johnjsal.devisland.net/switches.jpg
> Here's the situation: E
Sergey wrote:
> import win32com.client
> loc = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
> svc = loc.ConnectServer("srv", "root/cimv2", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "**")
> sys = svc.get("Win32_Process")
> sys.create("notepad.exe")
> =>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File
rh0dium wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having a bit of difficulty in figuring out an efficient way to
> split up my data and identify the unique pieces of it.
> list=['1p2m_3.3-1.8v_sal_ms','1p2m_3.3-1.8_sal_log']
> Now I want to split each item up on the "_" and compare it with all
> others on t
haxier wrote:
> All the info you need is in the kinterbasdb module. I've worked with it
> under windows and Linux and... "it just works". Really well indeed. I'd
> recommend it a lot.
> http://kinterbasdb.sourceforge.net/dist_docs/usage.html#faq_fep_embedded_using_with
> --
> Asier.
Ray Cote wrote:
> At 5:07 PM +0100 2/27/06, Magnus Lycka wrote:
>> I'm still interested
>> in experiences from Pythonistas using Firebird--
>> especially embedded.
> Works great.
> Python and Firebird embedded (at least on Windows) is very simple to use.
> Not currently using it on ot
Klaas wrote:
> Claudio writes:
>>I am on a Windows using the NTFS file system, so I don't expect problems
>>with too large file size.
> how large can files grow on NTFS? I know little about it.
No practical limit on current harddrives. i.e.:
Maximum file size
Theory: 16 exabyt
> Let's say I have two dictionaries:
> dict1 is 1:23, 2:76, 4:56
> dict2 is 23:A, 76:B, 56:C
> How do I get a dictionary that is
> 1:A, 2:B, 4:C
Just copy/paste the following source code to a file and run it:
sourceCodeToExecute = """
dict1 = { 1:23,2:76,
1 - 100 of 350 matches
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