hacker1017 wrote:
> im just asking out of curiosity.

It appears to me, that the natural language is not enough to record 
thoughts/observations/enlightenments for being reviewed and used with 
ease after a longer time, as for this purpose it is necessary to include 
in such records some sort of activity and/or interactivity and this 
requires utilization of a computer and a programming language.

Usage of Python (on top of the English language I am not native speaker 
of and HTML way of formatting texts) saves me the work of documenting 
the very basics of the programming language add-on used on top of 
natural language for above purpose as it comes with documentation of own 
[i.e. keywords and concepts in form of definitions like: global_stmt ::= 
"global" identifier ("," identifier)*]
from the very basic parser point of view.
Python makes an intuitive way of expressing algorithms and processes 
easier by having many of for this purpose useful concepts already built-in.
By the way:
   Which other programming languages provide documentation also via 
giving definitions of keywords and concepts? Are there e.g. similar 
[i.e e.g.: global_stmt ::= "global" identifier ("," identifier)*]
available for C/C++, Java, JavaScript?

Short expressed:
I use Python (and its huge amount of available modules) mainly as an 
extension on top of natural English language and HTML formatted texts 
leveraging this way the (re)use of textual recordings of ideas by 
turning plain ASCII texts into interactive and searchable multimedia 



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