Thanks for the link, Dieter. I found the NIST search interface to be
buggy, and there doesn't seem to be a way to search the Mitre site
effectively to get vulnerabilities just for the Python language and
standard libraries. I've downloaded the entire cor
On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 3:02 PM Barry wrote:
> Where do you get your python from?
Directly from python.org.
> You may find that the organisation that packages python that you use has such
> a list.
That's my hope. Just haven't found it yet. :-}
On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 1:35 PM Bob Kline wrote:
> Can someone point me to the official catalog of security vulnerabilities
> in Python
I did try entering "python security vulnerabilities" in the search box
of the python.org web site, but what I got back was "No resu
security-annou...@python.org, but there hasn't been anything posted there
in over a year as far as I can tell, and even before that it's pretty thin.
If there's a better place to ask, please advise.
Bob Kline
ect, with possible multiple
> names to it. We can change the object, using one of the names. That is one
> and only one operation on one and only one object. Since the different
> names refer to the same object, that change will of course be visible
> through all of them.
> >> Note that 'name' in that sentence doesn't just refer to variables (mx1,
> arr1, ...) but also things like indexed lists (mx1[0], mx1[[0][0], ...),
> loop variables, function arguments.
> >>
> >> The correct mental model is important here, and I do think you're on
> track or very close to it, but the way you phrase things does give me that
> nagging feeling that you still might be just a bit off.
> >>
> >> --
> >> "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved through
> understanding."
> >> -- Albert Einstein
> >>
> >> --
> >> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> >>
> >
> > --
> > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> >
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
Listen to my FREE CD at http://www.mellowood.ca/music/cedars
Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
EMAIL: b...@mellowood.ca
WWW: http://www.mellowood.ca
I am running this program and keep getting this error. Is this normal?
Invalid syntax. Perhaps you forgot a comma?
Also the t in tags is highlighted.
I even tried different versions of Python also.
Python 3.10.1 (tags/v3.10.1:2cd268a, Dec 6 2021, 19:10:37) [MSC v.1929
? I use kitty and copy to and from the clipboard all the time.
1) ctrl+shift+c Copy to clipboard
2) ctrl+shift+v Paste from the clipboard
3) Using mouse to select text automatically copies it to the primary
4) Middle-click of mouse to paste from the primary clipboard.
On 28 Oct 2021 at 18:52:26, "Avi Gross" wrote:
> Ages ago, IBM used a different encoding than ASCII called EBCDIC (Extended
> Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code ) which let them use all 8 bits and
> thus add additional symbols. =B1 =A6 =AC
IBM started using EBCDIC with System 360 and it is
On 2 Sep 2021 at 20:25:27, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 02/09/2021 20:11, MRAB wrote:
>>> In one of them (I can't recall which is which) they change on the 4th
>>> weekend of October/March in the other they change on the last weekend.
>> In the EU (and UK) it's the last Sunday in March/October
guments to install from the Microsoft
> Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution
> Aliases.
Unless you checked the checkbox to add Python to your path in the
installer then this is normal. To check your version, instead type:
PS C:\Users\boB> py --version
rses is available."
> Appears the easiest is to PIP "windows-curses" then track down
> piecemeal installs (it is unclear if UniCurses includes PDCurses, or needs
> that as a separate install).
windows-curses 2.2.0 has been working well for me so far on Win10:
with the Python
interpreter and the ">>>" prompt for typing in Python commands.
Hope this helps!
boB Stepp
On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 1:04 AM hw wrote:
> On 5/28/21 2:36 AM, boB Stepp wrote:
> >
> > Just as SMTP is the protocol for sending email, the Internet Message
> > Access Protocol (IMAP) specifies how to communicate with an email
> > provider’s server to retr
ink to
chapter 16 which discusses email is:
https://automatetheboringstuff.com/chapter16/ Hopefully this will
prove helpful to the OP.
boB Stepp
wing what units
you are using) and comparing with what is returned you should be able
to determine what angular units are currently set.
boB Stepp
On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 3:48 PM Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 5/20/2021 1:14 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
> > On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 11:43 AM Terry Reedy wrote:
> >>
> >> can you verify that the Algorithm chapter (near end in 2nd ed.) does
> >> *NOT* have an introduct
copy chapter 1 is "Data Structures and Algorithms".
The only thing comprising an introduction is a brief paragraph that
starts the chapter and has no attribution.
boB Stepp
web browsing was "a
> thing", but I'm sure he found a way to do that inside emacs also.
Of course there is a mode for that:
Listen to my FREE CD at http://www.mellowood.ca/music/cedars
Bob van der Poel **
Wishing you only the best,
boB Stepp
u do know that there is a 100% open source version of Microsoft VS Code
with absolutely no tracking? It is VSCodium: https://vscodium.com/
Perhaps it is more along the lines of what you are looking for?
Wishing you only the best,
boB Stepp
On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 7:28 PM Chris Angelico wrote:
> I love how "I think" is allowed to trump decades of usability research.
Can you recommend a good reference for someone relatively new to GUI
programming that is based on such research? Book or web reference
would be fine.
that it's not 100%.
> There are multiple reasons for this, but the first time that code is
> run, a .pyc will (presumably) be created - and we're back to
> considerations of Python environments, Python cf C, perhaps even
Oh no! Not these damned dragons again :)
But, seriously. No, I have no idea of moving installed stuff around between
/usr /.local and /usr/local. There lies no dragons but madness :) I meant
that I will pay more attention as to what the installer(s) are doing.
Thanks for the input.
Listen to my FREE CD at http://www.mellowood.ca/music/cedars
Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
EMAIL: b...@mellowood.ca
WWW: http://www.mellowood.ca
On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 12:17 PM DL Neil via Python-list <
python-list@python.org> wrote:
> On 1/2/21 6:35 AM, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> > Found it!
> Well done!
> >> I had the proper urllib3 installed. But, in my .local/lib/ a
> previous
> >
> That is where "python3.8 -m pip install --user" puts the packages you
> install.
> Barry
> Okay ... I'll take your word for it. But, I really don't think I've every
run that command :)
Listen to my FREE CD at http:/
On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 9:25 PM DL Neil via Python-list <
python-list@python.org> wrote:
> On 1/1/21 11:46 AM, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> > When I run python from the command line and generate an error I get the
> > following:
> >
> > Python 3.8.5 (default, Jul
['', '/usr/lib/python38.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.8',
'/usr/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload', '/home/bob/.local
/lib/python3.8/site-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages',
- running pyt
When I run python from the command line and generate an error I get the
Python 3.8.5 (default, Jul 28 2020, 12:59:40)
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> z
On Mon, Dec 21, 2020, 3:03 PM Vincent Vande Vyvre <
vincent.vande.vy...@telenet.be> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've an object that I want to serialise with pickle.
> When I reload the object the attributes of this object are correctly
> fixed except one of these.
> This attribute (value) define a simple s
text substitution I
> would
> > like to be able to do some calculations:
> >
> > $value+1 - If value is 16 this would insert 17 in the text. I would also
> > like to subtract.
> val = 2
Bob Gailer
download it. Please help.
What OS are you using?
Exactly what did you do to download?
Exactly what did the error.message say?
Bob Gailer
eems to catch the first
> throw, but the loop I think continues, throws the error again, and that
> second throw is not caught.
It would appear that get items is a generator which uses the token exactly
once when it is first started; subsequent calls to the generator all use
the same token. You need to test the token; if it fails,
obtain a new one, then start the loop.
Bob Gailer
On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 1:41 PM dn via Python-list
> On 26/11/2020 05:46, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> > I've got a program which accepts an optional env variable listing a
> single
> > or multiple directory for the app to use. I've done a bit of a search
On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 2:22 PM dn via Python-list
> > Ahha! Didn't know about os.pathsep. Seems simple enough to use that and
> be
> > done with it.
> >
> > I'm just using str.split() just now. Is there a os.splitpath()? I don't
> see
> > anything in the docs.
> https://docs.python.or
On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 12:43 PM Eryk Sun wrote:
> On 11/25/20, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> > I've got a program which accepts an optional env variable listing a
> single
> > or multiple directory for the app to use.
> In Unix one would use colon as the preferred de
On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 11:00 AM dn via Python-list
> On 26/11/2020 05:46, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> > I've got a program which accepts an optional env variable listing a
> single
> > or multiple directory for the app to use. I've done a bit of a search
On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 10:59 AM Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 4:36 AM Bob van der Poel wrote:
> >
> > I've got a program which accepts an optional env variable listing a
> single
> > or multiple directory for the app to use. I've done a
Listen to my FREE CD at http://www.mellowood.ca/music/cedars
Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
EMAIL: b...@mellowood.ca
WWW: http://www.mellowood.ca
I am not feeling well these days. It is sometimes difficult for me to
respond to others the way I would like to. This is a long reply; in my
humble opinion is important to read all of it
1-whenever you respond to an email from one of us please include the help
list what you can do by reply-all si
python. You also
might try from a terminal or command prompt typing py, which should start
up a python Interactive session. You should see>>> type 2 + 3 hit enter you
should see a new line displaying five. Let us know how it goes and we'll
give you a hand from there.
Bob Gailer
On Nov 9, 2020 5:59 PM, "Quentin Bock" wrote:
> grade = input("Enter your grade: ")
> if grade >= 90:
> print("You got an A ")
> if grade >= 80:
> print("You got a B ")
> if grade >= 70:
> print("You got a C")
> if grade >= 60:
> print("You got a D ")
> if grade >= 50:
> prin
tra-wide monitor: I open external
beam planning window for patient #1, resize it. Open same for next patient
-- must resize once again (...and again, and again, ...).
Wishing you only the best,
boB Stepp
f it does it would put the new user into a
program where they might actually start doing something useful. The person who
not want such a desktop shortcut can uncheck that default option.
Wishing you only the best,
boB Stepp
On Aug 9, 2020 11:41 AM, "Mats Wichmann" wrote:
> On 8/9/20 12:51 AM, Gabor Urban wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I have a quite simple question but I could not find the correct answer.
> >
> > I have twoo modules A and B. A imports B. If I import A in a script,
> > be B imported automatically?
rame, df.
> > > >
> > > > A strange thing is that it worked perfectly in the same Jupyter
> > > notebook
> > > > this morning.
> > > > But all of a sudden, it started not doing the replacement any
> more.
> > > >
> line 1Python 3.8.5 (tags/v3.8.5:580fbb0, Jul 20 2020, 15:43:08) [MSC
> v.1926 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> Please do let me know if I am missing out something very basic.
LE after multiple tries.
Have you looked in your start menu in the list of installed programs
for Python? If it is there did you expand it and see if there is an
entry for IDLE? How have you been trying (unsuccessfully) to open
d, but I
truly believe that is a minority. Can we make this easier for those
who really would like to try?
Just some thoughts that I hope will be constructively received.
is a Python Tutor mailing list designed for those learning
Python. Also, the main Python website has documentation, lists of
resources, tutorial, etc., to also help jumpstart your learning. Have
on you're trying to install,
What you tried,
Results you got that you weren't expecting.
Don't attach screenshots as they probably won't come through.
Bob Gailer
> If anyone feels keen please reply and I'll forward a copy.
I'm interested please forward me a copy.
Bob Gailer
and whatever error messages you got, or whatever
"still having problems" means.
I'm pretty sure this list does not take attachments, so you either need to
copy and paste what you might have typed and any results from that, or put
images in a place like pastebin and give us the link.
Bob Gailer
terminal you
Wishing you only the best,
boB Stepp
On May 8, 2020 2:15 PM, "boB Stepp" wrote:
> This may be a naive question on my part, but, as far as I can tell, most
> instructions that I have encountered for installing Python packages state
> installation instructions as "pip install ...", which seems
This may be a naive question on my part, but, as far as I can tell, most
instructions that I have encountered for installing Python packages state the
installation instructions as "pip install ...", which seems to repeatedly
lead to these type of OP questions. Has there ever been given tho
turn f
> return deco
> @static(called=0)
> def other_function():
> me.called += 1
> ...
> Obviously the name "me" can't be used, as it'd break a bunch of code,
> but conceptually this would be incredibly helpful. It'd also be a
one on the list gets to see your
Also let us know where you got the installer from and exactly what you did
to try to install from it.
Bob Gailer
t; On 4/27/20 10:39 AM, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> > Thanks Chris!
> >
> > At least my code isn't (quite!) as bad as the xkcd example :)
> >
> > Guess my "concern" is using the initialized array in the function:
> >
> >def myfunct(a, b, c=a
e in a
function? Is there a PEP?
On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 8:47 PM Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 1:39 PM Bob van der Poel wrote:
> >
> > Does this make as much sense as anything else? I need to track calls to a
> > function to make sure it doesn't
Does this make as much sense as anything else? I need to track calls to a
function to make sure it doesn't get called to too great a depth. I had a
global which I inc/dec and then check in the function. Works fine, but I do
need to keep a global around just for this.
So ... instead I wrote a short
uestion as to whether or not this is a
turing complete problem.
If you succeed in coming up with a sample input and output then how about
trying to write a program to process that input to get that output. Post
those results to this list and we'll see what we can do to help you.
Bob gailer
On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 4:30 AM Barry Scott wrote:
> > On 18 Apr 2020, at 21:00, boB Stepp wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 2:04 PM Barry Scott wrote:
> >> What are your thoughts on the installer changes and reply text?
> >
> > I w
re is no point in
annotating it. Can you give guidelines or point to a good article how
to best and most efficiently use type annotation without
over-annotating? Bear in mind that I have yet to fully grasp all of
what mypy (What I am currently using.) can correctly infer from the
not accept attachments so you will have to copy and paste any text you want
to share with us.
Bob Gailer
etup similarly to launch the program being installed. This is a
little different as IDLE is not Python, but that is a minor quibble, I
3.8.0 (tags/v3.8.0:fa919fd, Oct 14 2019, 19:37:50) [MSC v.1916 64
bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Bob Gailer
have 'repaired' itself when I ran the
setup again but the interpreter still won't run.
Is there a reason for this? Do you require a screenshot?
Which operating system are you using?
Exactly what do you do to "run the intepreter"? Copy and paste your
actions and any message
DLE (Much more), but you will need to have a
beginner's Python book or tutorial to guide you in what to do next.
By the way, there is a Python Tutor list that exists to help newcomers
to Python and/or programming. Its subscription page may be found at:
lick on it and you will get
repair/uninstall links. Earlier versions of Windows are similarly
ou should first address the issue of actually doing something that
will take a little time. Also it is not a good idea to duplicate code,
so I would put those 2 lines in a function and call that function from 2
Am I going in the right direction? Am I missing something?
class Application():
:> You talk only about downloading - and the link you gave leads to the
download page as a whole, so we can't guess the OS you - or your daughter -
the subject line explicitly states "download for Windows"
Bob Gailer
On Mar 9, 2020 5:22 AM, "Hilary Ilsley"
> Hello
> We have been asked to download python so our daughter can complete her
homework, only once we have down loaded it keeps going to "set up" and even
after completing "modify" or "repair" it goes back to set up.
You're getting that respons
meone to write the program for you then one of us will
be glad to act as a paid consultant and do that for you.
Bob Gailer
s putting the program?
Exactly what did you do to try to open python? Exactly what results did you
Bob Gailer
On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 2:57 AM Z wrote:
> what is PLR?
Python Language Reference?
Or, perhaps, Python Library Reference?
end me
> that software direct link
Try this link:
Windows x86-64 executable installer
Bob Gailer
Listen to my FREE CD at http://www.mellowood.ca/music/cedars
Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
EMAIL: b...@mellowood.ca
WWW: http://www.mellowood.ca
writing Python code, for your own
> future reference.
A question: As these behaviors being discussed are CPython
implementation details, is it true that CPython itself is free to
implement these behaviors differently in its own future versions?
This list is for Python, not C/C++.
On Dec 13, 2019 3:50 AM, "Karthik Sharma" wrote:
> The `CURL` command that I am using is shown below.
> curl -F 'file=@/home/karthik/Workspace/downloadfile.out'
> --verbose
> The response from the server is shown below
ning Python 3.8.0
In example, Mosh 12 hr course, he did an exercise on sending email from
within Python, so here is the code :
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import smtplib
message = MIMEMultipart()
On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 12:47 PM DL Neil via Python-list <
python-list@python.org> wrote:
> On 8/12/19 5:50 AM, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> > On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 4:00 AM Barry Scott
> wrote:
> >>> On 6 Dec 2019, at 18:17, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> >>>
On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 4:00 AM Barry Scott wrote:
> > On 6 Dec 2019, at 18:17, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> >
> > I have some files which came off the net with, I'm assuming, unicode
> > characters in the names. I have a very short program which takes the
oping for a guideline!
Listen to my FREE CD at http://www.mellowood.ca/music/cedars
Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
EMAIL: b...@mellowood.ca
WWW: http://www.mellowood.ca
rement of functionality
-- How small and ugly the changes can be to make the new tests run
-- How often the tests are run
-- How many teensy-weensy steps make up the refactorings"
Try Googling python pentesting. That will give you some relevant links.
On Nov 10, 2019 6:40 AM, "nixuser" wrote:
> Hello,
> can someone tell about good resource for python related pentesting
> scripts?
> any extensive list?
> Thanks
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-lis
decided that using the work of others was more
productive. I've been using parallel with good success. Depends on how much
you need to share with the different components. For details see
**** Listen to my FREE CD at http://www.mellowood.ca/music/c
On Nov 5, 2019 1:35 PM, "Spencer Du" wrote:
> Hi
> I want to execute at least two python files at once when imported but I
dont know how to do this. Currently I can only import each file one after
another but what i want is each file to be imported at the same time. Can
you help me write the c
later if I am
refactoring my code in the direction I am trying to coerce it to go
for the end product.
I am probably far from thinking/coding in a proper Pythonic fashion,
but the TDD back-and-forth process seems to get me closer to being
es to read the tutorial (or
> relevant parts of it) as that teaches you some things you have to know
> in order to use Python. I'm sorry that rather than do that you chose to
> react poorly to the good advice you were given.
Thank you very much Michael and Chris! That was very k
mentals. Otherwise
you are essentially Easter-egging through a code sample that you have
no true understanding of.
If you must continue to Easter-egg Python instead of reading the
tutorial (or something equivalent) then check the section of the
tutorial on files. You will find examples of the use of "with" there.
this year.
dth is often less capable than what I have at home.
Also I believe it is a paid service.
The length of the list produced by the comprehension also give you good
The function IMHO must be returning a generator. I would look for a problem
in the generator code.
I might be able to help.
I'd need to understand a bit more about the configuration and scripting
languages. Do you have any reference material?
Or some way to look up the titration device on the internet?
Bob Gailer
On Sun, May 26, 2019 at 11:05 AM Grant Edwards
> On 2019-05-23, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 5:37 AM Bob van der Poel
> wrote:
> >>
> >> I've got a short script that loops though a number of files and
> >> processes them
no one else has brought it up yet, that rather
> than manually creating threads and/or process pools for all these
> things, this is exactly what the standard concurrent.futures module is
> for. It's a fairly brilliant wrapper around all this stuff, and I feel
> like it often
Ahh, 2 really excellent ideas! I'm reading about parallel right now. And, I
know how to use make, so I really should have thought of -j as well. Thanks
for the ideas.
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 12:02 AM Christian Gollwitzer
> Am 23.05.19 um 23:44 schrieb Paul Rubin:
> > Bo
ay 23, 2019 at 4:24 PM MRAB wrote:
> On 2019-05-23 22:41, Avi Gross via Python-list wrote:
> > Bob,
> >
> > As others have noted, you have not made it clear how what you are doing
> is
> > running "in parallel."
> >
> > I have a similar need where I
nd, but that is just a guess.
Maybe I need to set my sights on bigger, slower programs to see a
difference :)
Listen to my FREE CD at http://www.mellowood.ca/music/cedars
Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
EMAIL: b...@mellowood.ca
WWW: http://www.mellowo
please copy everything from the command you entered through the end of the
error message. Then paste that into a reply email. Also let us know what
your operating system is. Be sure to reply all so a copy goes to the list.
Bob Gailer
On Apr 19, 2019 6:56 PM, "Kiranpreet Kaur" wro
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