Ron Adam added the comment:
Yes, I will update it.
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Ron Adam:
Replaced Unicode literals in and it's tests files with byte
Added a compile step to the test to make sure the text file used in the
test are valid python code. This will catch changes that need to be
done in to the text (gold file) for f
Ron Adam added the comment:
George is correct. The changes are minimal.
The only addition is to run the tokenize_tests.txt file though compile()
as a way to force an exception if it needs updating in the future. The
results of the compile are not used
Ron Adam added the comment:
It looks like the disabling of \u and \U in raw strings is done. Does need to be fixed, to match?
While working on this I was able to clean up the string parsing parts of
tokenize.c, and have a separate patch with just that.
And an updated patch with
Changes by Ron Adam:
Added file:
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Ron Adam added the comment:
Instead of a get_instructions() function, How about using a DisCode class that
defines the API for accessing Opinfo tuples of a disassembled object.
So instead of...
for instr in dis.bytecode_instructions(thing):
You could use
Ron Adam added the comment:
There is a test for 'yield from' as a function argument without the extra
f(yield from x)
You do need them in the case of a regular yield.
f((yield)) or f((yield value))
Shouldn't the same rule apply in both cases?
* I
Ron Adam added the comment:
Thanks for the updated links Nick.
There is a comment in the docs that recommends putting parentheses around any
yield expression that returns a value. So it is in agreement with that in the
function argument case.
The grammar I used does keep it as a variant
New submission from Ron Adam :
The following changes cleanup the eval loop and result in a pretty solid 2 to
3% improvement in pybench for me.
And it is about 5% faster for long generators.
* Change why enum type to int and #defines. And moved the why defines to
opcode.h so that they can be
Ron Adam added the comment:
A simple test to show the difference.
$ python3 -mtimeit "def y(n):" " for x in range(n):" "yield x"
10 loops, best of 3: 3.87 usec per loop
$ python3 -mtimeit "def y(n):" " f
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Ron Adam added the comment:
New diff file.
The main difference is I moved the saved why value to the tstate object instead
of the frame object as why_exit.
I'm not seeing the time savings now for some reason. Maybe the previous
increase was a case of coincidental noise. (?) Still lo
Ron Adam added the comment:
I think the time benefits I saw are dependent on how the C code is compiled.
So it may be different on different compilers or the same compiler with only a
very minor change.
Some of the things I've noticed...
A switch is sometimes slower if it has a &qu
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Ron Adam added the comment:
Updated patch with suggested changes.
It also has a cleaned up fast_block_end section.
Concerning speed. What happens is (as Tim and Raymond have pointed out) that we
can make some things a little faster, in exchange for other things being a
little slower. You
Ron Adam added the comment:
What about having idle open a web browser session with pydocs new browse option?
python3 -m pydoc -b
We've added input fields to the pages that take the same input as help()
command does. It also links to the online help pages, and you can view the
Ron Adam added the comment:
The test in the patch isn't quite right. The following still fails.
Python 3.2a3+ (py3k:85719, Oct 18 2010, 22:32:47)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informat
Ron Adam added the comment:
Nick, I can update the patch and move the server back into if that
will help you get this into 3.2 beta.
I can also changed the docstrings of the new parts to # comments.
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Ron Adam added the comment:
Here you go Nick. One file with Underscores for the new class's and functions.
Where there was some overlap in names, like where some of the older server
class's were reused, but don't have exactly the same behavior, I started those
with undersco
Ron Adam added the comment:
> What about ?
Thanks for the reminder.
To Nick:
>However, the public (albeit undocumented) nature of the APIs >implementing the
>old Tk GUI means I'm not comfortable committing the >patch in a form
Ron Adam added the comment:
Ok, here is the latest patch for review. "issue2001_a.diff'
I restored the file and then put most of the new code in these two
_startserver(urlhandler, port)
_browse(port=0, *, open_browser=True)
This creates a bettor organized
Ron Adam added the comment:
This should be done or very close to done.
The -g option, gui(), and serve() functions are deprecated.
The new features are browse(port, *, open_browser=True), and a '-b' option.
The '-p port' option does browse(port=port, open_browser=Fals
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Ron Adam added the comment:
You may also want to update help topics.
Identifiers (Names)
An identifier occurring as an atom is a name. See section
*Identifiers and keywords* for lexical definition and section *Naming
and binding* for doc
Ron Adam added the comment:
I just noticed I used "depreciated" in place of "deprecated" in one of the doc
strings. I can upload a new patch with that fixed.
Before I do that, is there any thing else I can do?
Do you agree that the browse function should be public?
Ron Adam added the comment:
I noticed in your patch, the disclaimer only prints when pydoc can find a doc
location (docloc is not None). So it may not get displayed at all depending on
how python is installed. I also think having it on every page may be a bit
overly cautious. (IMHO)
Ron Adam added the comment:
Thanks for the review Éric! The more eyes on this the better it will be.
I'm not familiar with rietveld yet. But no time like the present to get
started. Here's the link.
I didn't play around with th
Ron Adam added the comment:
Sense these features reuse other parts of pydoc, they are are covered to some
degree by the existing tests.
An easy test would be to just start the server and then shut it down after a
short timeout. Better than nothing.
I'll try reading and writing dir
Ron Adam added the comment:
Here is the patch in the current state which includes the changes in
issue2001_c.diff as well as most of the changes Éric suggested.
Still to do:
* Use the with statement in several places to ensure closing.
* Add tests for the server.
I did try to make the
On 11/19/2010 08:21 AM, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
Alexander Belopolsky added the comment:
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:37 AM, Ron Adam wrote:
I'll try reading and writing directly to the socket and working up some tests
from that.
I don't suppose there's something like
Ron Adam added the comment:
I added an empty _pydoc.css file. The server does read it and you'll be able
to play around with it, but don't expect it to be pretty if you do until the
rest of the html is updated.
Should I put that in the pydoc_data?
It just needs tests now, whi
Ron Adam added the comment:
Here is the latest patch with tests.
In order to test the html pages I separated out the URL handler. So now we
have three new functions.
pydoc._start_server(urlhandler, port)
pydoc._url_handler(url, content_type="text/html")
Ron Adam added the comment:
Is this a duplicate of issue 9319?
nosy: +ron_adam
Python tracker
Ron Adam added the comment:
Thanks for the review and style edits Éric. I think it's a much better patch
with the changes and suggestions from you, Nick, and Alexander.
I'll check my white space settings. Thanks for noticing it.
As Nick points out, parts of the patch was writte
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nosy: +ron_adam
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Ron Adam added the comment:
Pydoc skips the badsysntax_pep3120 file for now. When this gets fixed that
workaround should be removed. The work around is commented and refers to this
issue #.
Python tracker
Ron Adam added the comment:
I uploaded the css file I used in an experimental version of pydoc. It may
give some useful starting values.
Before this is done, the old server code should be removed (also for 3.3).
(another issue?) There are two files in the tools/scripts directory that may
Ron Adam added the comment:
Eric, most of what's in that file is what I figured out by trial and error in
order to get it to work on the different browsers at that time. (about 3 years
ago.) You are probably more experienced with css than I am, so you are more
than welcome to updat
Ron Adam added the comment:
I think that's how I ended up with the style sheet I uploaded. It works, but
it can be a slow process.
Another factor is the pydoc server will reread an external style sheet on
browser refreshes. So you can see the results of style sheet changes wi
Ron Adam added the comment:
Ok, I just looked at them again, I didn't remember how different it was. They
probably won't be much help other than maybe seeing how some things could be
done. Here's a zip file of some saved pages, so you can take a look.
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Ron Adam added the comment:
The problem is in the following line...
return ''.join(v).encode(encoding, "xmlcharrefreplace")
The .encode(encoding, "xmlcharrefreplace") is returning a bytes object.
Here is the simplest change to resolve the problem.
Ron Adam added the comment:
Oops. You're right.
I miss understood how the encode method works in this particular case. ;-/
I agree with your comments as well.
Python tracker
Ron Adam added the comment:
The issue10573.diff file with the time stamp 20:03 has a lot of document
changes that don't have corresponding code changes?
nosy: +ron_adam
Python tracker
Ron Adam added the comment:
Here is a tentative start on this. (css_v1.diff)
The css file is much better. It's shorter, simpler and validated.
The header and navbar panel use it in the new server.
Added a markup call to the topic page contents. (The same markup call is
already use
Ron Adam added the comment:
The HtmlDoc class has methods that take colors. Can this be changed or does it
need to be depreciated first?
def heading(self, title, fgcol, bgcol, extras=''):
"""Format a page heading."""
Ron Adam added the comment:
It may be useful to change those to 'id=' and 'class=' if possible.
It isn't clear to me how much of pydoc is still part of the public api in
python 3.x. pydoc.__all__ is set only to ['help'].
Entering help(pydoc) just gi
Ron Adam added the comment:
Here is a new diff which updates all the new pydoc pages to use the css file.
The css file is simpler and cleaner. I also made a few adjustments to the url
handler error handling, and changed the titles in the head sections so they say
"Pydoc" instead
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Changes by Ron Adam :
Removed file: sample html
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Ron Adam added the comment:
> If the colors are passed directly to the HTML they should be
> removed >and left to the CSS(s) only. I don't know the code
> well enough to say if this is doable and/or if it requires a
> deprecation first;
We may have to do dome depreciating
Ron Adam added the comment:
To go forward I can create a new private api instead of changing HTMLDoc, that
would be preferable.
Should the -w option also use the new html pages? Or do we need a new option
for that?
Python tracker
Ron Adam added the comment:
No refactoring is needed.
The second copies are part of the new server. The old server was depreciated
in 3.2 and is supposed to be removed along with the tk panel for 3.3. After
that there will only be one of each again.
This issue can be used for that purpose
Ron Adam added the comment:
Here is a patch for this. Not much to it as the hard parts were already done.
Apparently there was no tests for this, test_pydoc still passes without it.
Does there need to be any messages for the -g option? Pydoc help is displayed
in the case -g is used. That
Ron Adam added the comment:
Why is this surprising?
>>> def foo(c, c=None):
... pass
File "", line 1
SyntaxError: duplicate argument 'c' in function definition
In the previous examples, it finds the duplicate at run time instead of compile
time due to no
Ron Adam added the comment:
Is this issue referring to something in Python's library, or a hypothetical
function someone may write?
If it's in the library, we can look at that case in more detail, otherwise,
it's just a bad program design issue and there&
Ron Adam added the comment:
Here is the whole method for reference...
def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
with self._shutdown_lock:
if self._shutdown_thread:
raise RuntimeError('cannot schedule new futures after shutdown')
Ron Adam added the comment:
"are never unpacked within submit."
Are completely separate.
It's the attempt to mix two function signatures together as one, that was/is
the problem.
Ron Adam added the comment:
Yes, you are correct. Pulling the first value off of args would work.
This is new for 3.2, can it still be changed?
One more thing to consider...
One of the things I look at for functions like these is, how easy is it to
separate the data from the program
New submission from Ron Adam :
A collection of small fix's that only effect the new browser mode.
* Change title of html pages from "Python ..." to "PyDoc ...".
* Fixed unterminated div float for items returned without a header.
example: str, None, True, Fals
Ron Adam added the comment:
new patch...
Adjusted a comment in the _gettopic method.
Everything else the same.
Added file:
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Ron Adam added the comment:
A few last minute changes.. I think this will be all.
Run topic contents through html.markup. That makes ref:, pep:, and html: links
if they exist. (I meant to this earlier.)
Fix case where topic reference links are to objects rather than another topic
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nosy: +eric.araujo, rhettinger
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Ron Adam added the comment:
George, My apologies to you for the late corrections. And thanks for doing
Eric, I replied to your comments on Rietveld. Thanks for taking a look.
I'll wait until you have a chance to reply and test it, then upload a new patch
with any needed ch
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Ron Adam added the comment:
Ok, after input from Eric, Here is another patch.
Removed a set of unneeded parentheses.
Changed the title of the pages from PyDoc to Pydoc.
A better fix for the uncaught floats. Wrap the main content in div with
style="clear:both;". Should work
Ron Adam added the comment:
New and hopefully last patch... pydoc_misc_fix_e.diff
I removed the .html in the ?key= links as Eric suggested.
I checked the navbar float behavior on Multiple versions of
MSIE, firefox, opera, chrome, and safari were tested on Ubuntu and
Ron Adam added the comment:
A reminder: Check for instances where html.escape is not called on data
inserted into the html pages.
I'll update the patch as the non-css (error handling) parts made it into python
3.2. :-)
Python tr
Ron Adam added the comment:
I agree. It is close enough to be a duplicate. I suggest closing it.
As Ka-Ping noted in the other issue:
"There's a link to the base class provided if you want to find out what the
base class does."
This is easy to do if your viewing pydoc output i
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New submission from Ron Adam :
There doesn't seem to be any references to it in any other part of pydoc, or
the Library for that matter. Searching for it on google code search (and also
google web search) only turns up auto generated API references for python
editing tools like VIM, a
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Ron Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
New patch to replace outdated patch due to other changes to pydoc.
The easies way to try this out is to:
>> import pydoc
>> pydoc.gui()
Try it before and after the patch. I think most people will prefer the
Changes by Ron Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
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Changes by Ron Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
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Changes by Ron Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
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Ron Adam added the comment:
Missed a buffer write in the gettopic() method. Fixed.
Plus some minor doc string changes.
Can someone change the stage to "patch review". I can't do that myself.
Or is there something else I need to do first?
Added file: http://
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nosy: +ron_adam
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New submission from Ron Adam:
This patch removes the gui tk control panel and replaces it with a
navigation bar on the served web pages.
This offers a nicer user experience because one no longer needs to jump
back and forth between windows.
The navbar supports getting specific modules
Changes by Ron Adam:
versions: +Python 2.6
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Ron Adam added the comment:
Added a topics and keywords index choices to the navbar.
This gives the web interface the same functionality as the cli interface.
Fixed the -p option which I had missed.
Added file:
Ron Adam added the comment:
Remade the diff with correct directory name so it patches correctly.
Is there a way to add the patch keyword?
Added file:
Ron Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
The following patch also fixes this along with other improvements.
Maybe someone can review it.
nosy: +ron_adam
New submission from Ron Adam:
This patch adds a 'symbols' link after the 'topics' and 'keywords' links in the
html browser menu bar.
help('symbols') worked, but there was no way to get to it in the html browser.
This also adds unquote_plus() to the ur
Changes by Ron Adam :
title: Add 'symbols' link to html menu bar. -> Add 'symbols' link to pydoc's
html menu bar.
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Ron Adam added the comment:
New slightly improved patch. Combined the topic index's, topics, keywords, and
the new symbols case, into a single html_topicsindex(title) function.
Added file:
Ron Adam added the comment:
Regarding opertor.get_op:
Look at help("symbols") output for consistancy. There may be items in one that
can be included in the other.
The operator.get_op addition would be useful for improving help on the symbol
information for help/pydoc. Currentl
Ron Adam added the comment:
Thanks for catching that. I had used unquote_plus instead of unquote. That is
needed for multi-field form data, pydoc doens't need it.
Removed the back tick from the pydoc symbols list. The topic link for that
symbol was already removed.
I also attempt
Ron Adam added the comment:
Updated the patch.
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