Ron Adam <> added the comment:

Thanks for the review and style edits Éric.  I think it's a much better patch 
with the changes and suggestions from you, Nick, and  Alexander.

I'll check my white space settings.  Thanks for noticing it.

As Nick points out, parts of the patch was written with the idea of having the 
text server as a separate module.  So I made the example in it runnable as a 
doctest, as if it was going to be a public module.  As Nick also suggests, the 
server example could be changed to a comment, and it could be condensed quite a 
bit by removing the command line doctest formatting/tutorial style and 
replacing it with a nice single example as it would be seen in a file.

Originally I was  hopping to get a complete rewrite into python 3.0. Then it 
was suggested I try for 2.6.  While doing that, I went way overboard with 
making it have plug in html formatters and converters. (Some people suggested 
they wanted that). In the end, I found that these parts in this patch, (and 
some additional stuff), can be used without the complete rewrite.  And these 
parts really help make pydoc much more usable.  Not the document generating 
parts.  Maybe we can move some of those parts to a file at some 
point, and have an API for creating document generators rather than try to have 
pydoc do everything it self.

As you noticed, I used an html style that is similar to what was in the other 
parts of pydoc.  And yes, it's not pretty.  As Nick points out, "those things 
should be fixed", and I agree.  But I feel it should be a separate patch.  That 
will make it easier to review and keep the html code changes separate from any 
functional changes.  Hopefully, we can update the html so it makes good use of 
the style sheet at that time as well.  ie... a lot of the html code will 
probably be changed in the near future, so don't be too nit-picky about it 
right now.

Other things that I hope to add later, are to have more references in the 
topics and keywords be links.  That one is fairly easy. The function to do that 
is already in pydoc.  Add line numbers and color output to the file view page.  
And eventually look into detecting and using reST to enhance both the html and 
text output in docstrings, topics, and keywords.

As for the imports that arn't at the top of the module, I followed the usage 
that was in pydoc.  It seemed to me that there was probably a conscious reason 
for why it done that way.

I can't find anything I disagree with. 



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