[issue1188] universal newlines doesn't identify CRLF during tell()

2007-09-21 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: make that against r58227 __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.org/

[issue1188] universal newlines doesn't identify CRLF during tell()

2007-09-21 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- type: -> behavior __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.python.o

[issue1188] universal newlines doesn't identify CRLF during tell()

2007-09-21 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey : tell() will skip the next LF (after a CR sets f_skipnextlf) when universal newline support is enabled; essentially doing part of the work of read(). However it does not identify CRLF as

[issue13512] ~/.pypirc created insecurely

2011-11-30 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Something along these lines (untested) should do it. 2.6 and 3.x need the fix as well -- keywords: +patch nosy: +pjenvey Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file23824/pypirc-secure.diff ___ Python tracker <h

[issue13512] ~/.pypirc created insecurely

2011-11-30 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: It probably still needs to catch OSErrors which my patch doesn't do -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/is

[issue13512] ~/.pypirc created insecurely

2011-12-01 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: 2.5 is done http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-committers/2011-October/001844.html -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue13

[issue13597] Improve documentation of stdout/stderr buffering in Python 3.x

2011-12-13 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: I'm surprised to hear that stderr is line buffered by default. Historically stderr is never buffered (at least on POSIX) and for good reason: errors should be seen immediately Was this an oversight in migrating stdin/out/err to the new io m

[issue13402] Document absoluteness of sys.executable

2011-12-14 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: sys.executable can be None on Jython (and I believe IronPython) when ran in an 'embedded' mode -- nosy: +dino.viehland, pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.o

[issue13575] old style classes still alive

2011-12-15 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Is mro_internal's second call to type_mro_modified still needed? Its comment makes me suspect that it's not: type_mro_modified(type, type->tp_mro); /* corner case: the old-style super class might have been hidden from t

[issue9988] test_warnings fails with PYTHONFSENCODING=latin-1 on UNIX/BSD

2010-09-29 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue9988> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue9988] test_warnings fails with PYTHONFSENCODING=latin-1 on UNIX/BSD

2010-09-29 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: It sounds like you had PYTHONWARNINGS using the fs encoding before r84694, but reverted it due to bootstrapping issues. Indeed, the fs encoding isn't initialized until later in Py_InitializeEx. Maybe the PYTHONWARNINGS code should be moved there in

[issue9992] Command line arguments are not correctly decoded if locale and fileystem encodings are different

2010-09-29 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue9992> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue10073] calendar.isleap() not checking parameter type

2010-10-12 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Another option is to wrap the operations in a try/except. When a TypeError is raised have it throw a new TypeError with an improved error message and the original chained to it -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker

[issue10073] calendar.isleap() not checking parameter type

2010-10-18 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: -pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue10073> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue1724822] provide a shlex.split alternative for Windows shell syntax

2011-03-05 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: The code I linked to above implements those semantics in pure Python. It follows Microsoft's "Parsing C Command-Line Arguments" rules like CommandLineToArgvW does Here's updated links, the older links seemed to have broken: https://fi

[issue8685] set(range(100000)).difference(set()) is slow

2010-11-30 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue8685> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue7334] ElementTree: file locking in Jython 2.5 (OSError on Windows)

2010-12-24 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Florent, any chance of signing off on this for 3.2? I was waiting for the patch to go through your authorized elementtree fork -- assignee: pjenvey -> flox ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/iss

[issue3386] distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib prefix argument broken

2008-07-16 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: get_python_lib supports an optional prefix argument: If 'prefix' is supplied, use it instead of sys.prefix or sys.exec_prefix -- i.e., ignore 'plat_specific'. However the NT and OS2 platforms don'

[issue3389] [PATCH] Allow custom logging Handlers in logging config files

2008-07-16 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Python 2.5 added support for specifying a custom logging Formatter class in logging configuration files. Handler classes can also be specified, but your choice is limited to classes that live in the logging module. A current work

[issue3386] [PATCH] distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib prefix argument broken

2008-07-16 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- title: distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib prefix argument broken -> [PATCH] distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib prefix argument broken ___ Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http

[issue3888] [PATCH] Document more deprecated modules in What's New in Python 2.6

2008-09-17 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The What's New doc is missing a few of these, I've added the ones mentioned in PEP 361 that weren't already there. I also corrected popen2's entry; it's always deprecated in 2.6, not just in the 3.0 war

[issue7301] Add environment variable $PYTHONWARNINGS

2010-04-06 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Looks good to me. Updated patch with a couple whitespace changes -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file16791/issue7301-2.diff ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue7

[issue7301] Add environment variable $PYTHONWARNINGS

2010-04-06 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: applied in r79878 - r79881, thanks! -- resolution: accepted -> fixed status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/

[issue7301] Add environment variable $PYTHONWARNINGS

2010-04-06 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: I committed a somewhat different version of this patch to py3k to handle the warn options now calling for wchars, but this needs more work. Some of the buildbots are unhappy Seems like the py3k version either needs to fully decode the env values to a unicode

[issue7301] Add environment variable $PYTHONWARNINGS

2010-04-07 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Here's a patch for py3k using the same char2wchar as the argv decoder for posix, and better windows handling. Plus an additional nonascii value test. Patch is against r79980 for clarity -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file16810/issu

[issue8347] string capitalize erroneously lower-case any non-first letters

2010-04-08 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: S.capitalize() -> string Return a copy of the string S with only its first character capitalized. You've misunderstood the docs, only the first character is indeed capitalized. You want string.capwords instead -- nosy: +pjenvey re

[issue7334] ElementTree: file locking in Jython 2.5 (OSError on Windows)

2010-04-09 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Patch with tests (which can only really test it on Windows) here http://bitbucket.org/pjenvey/et-2009-provolone/changeset/8292a06090a3/ -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue7

[issue7301] Add environment variable $PYTHONWARNINGS

2010-04-11 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: The pending patch for py3k fixes the modification of the env value (trunk already has a fix for that). That patch is also doing the conversion to wchar_t via the char2wchar function now, with that reusing a single buffer seems out of the question

[issue7301] Add environment variable $PYTHONWARNINGS

2010-04-14 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: py3k should be taken care of as of r80066+r80075 -- resolution: accepted -> fixed status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/

[issue8632] subprocess doesn't handle Windows built-in commands as os.system() does

2010-05-05 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: shell commands don't work because you're not specifying the shell=True argument to Popen. This is covered in the subprocess "Replacing os.system" documentation -- nosy: +pjenvey resolution: -> invalid

[issue1703] getpass broken in Py3k: must flush()

2007-12-27 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey: getpass (in particular _raw_input, used by unix_getpass and default_getpass) prints out a password prompt to a stream (by default stdout) but doesn't flush that stream. It assumes calling sys.stdin.readline() to read the password causes stdout to be fl

[issue2750] Add simplejson to Python 2.6/3.0 standard library

2008-05-04 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Bob, all of the simplejson tests have actually been passing on Jython trunk -- at least up until recently when you added a couple tests that utilize the 2.4 decimal module. I can also import simplejson.scanner with a recent build o

[issue4351] [PATCH] Better stacklevel for GzipFile.filename DeprecationWarning

2008-11-18 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: This should be a stacklevel of 2 so we're told who accessed the attribute -- components: Library (Lib) files: gzip-deprecation_r67276.diff keywords: patch messages: 76031 nosy: pjenvey severity: normal status: open ti

[issue4702] [PATCH] msvc9compiler raises IOError when no compiler found instead of DistutilsError

2008-12-19 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey : Python 2.6's new msvc9compiler misbehaves when it can't find a compiler (actually a utility of the missing compiler) in its query_vcvarsall() -- it raises an IOError instead of a typical distutils error build tools expect a consistent set of

[issue1757126] [PATCH] Fix ptcp154 encoding cyrillic_asian alias

2009-02-04 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- title: Fix ptcp154 encoding cyrillic_asian alias -> [PATCH] Fix ptcp154 encoding cyrillic_asian alias ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue1

[issue13903] New shared-keys dictionary implementation

2012-01-29 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue13903> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue13988] Expose the C implementation of ElementTree by default when importing ElementTree

2012-02-13 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: DeprecationWarnings aren't that annoying anymore now that they're silent by default. It should at least have a PendingDeprecationWarning -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.o

[issue13405] Add DTrace probes

2012-02-28 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Actually 10.5 was the last PowerPC release -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue13405> ___ ___ Pytho

[issue13405] Add DTrace probes

2012-02-29 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: -pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue13405> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue14161] python2 file __repr__ does not escape filename

2012-03-02 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: I think you want to decref the result of PyObject_Repr after the fact, too -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue14

[issue14126] Speed up list comprehensions by preallocating the list where possible

2012-03-03 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: iter(range(1)) should also see a speedup because range's iter supports __length_hint__ -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/is

[issue26858] setting SO_REUSEPORT fails

2017-09-16 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Note that this isn't an android specific issue: See issue19901, and 9791c5d55f52 for an appropriate solution patch. (Renaming title) -- nosy: +pjenvey title: android: setting SO_REUSEPORT fails -> setting SO_REUSEPO

[issue14609] can't modify sys.modules during import with importlib

2012-04-17 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: __import__ needs the actual module on hand so it can e.g. attach it to its parent module -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue14

[issue14895] test_warnings.py EnvironmentVariableTests is a bad test

2012-05-23 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Jython's sys.warnoptions should probably just contain strs instead of unicode. Otherwise I suspect unicode values could break the warnings module's usage of it -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python trac

[issue15354] _PyObject_LengthHint only accepts longs

2012-07-14 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey : The __length_hint__ optimization was broken a while ago for many iterators due to a bug introduced in 44c090c74202. It only accepts longs as valid hints, not ints This affects 2.6 too (but that's in security-only fix mode), but not 3.x -- ass

[issue15354] _PyObject_LengthHint only accepts longs

2012-07-14 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: attached a fix for review -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file26383/lengthhint-fix.diff ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue15

[issue16336] Check input in surrogatepass error handler

2012-10-29 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Thanks for picking this and the warning/slowdown up, Serhiy. The patch LGTM, for whatever that's worth =] -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/is

[issue21173] WeakKeyDictionary.__len__ fragile w/ _IterationGuards

2014-04-07 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey: len() on WeakKeyDictionarys can fail with ValueErrors when _IterationGuards are kept alive Attached is a test showing this: == ERROR: test_weak_keys_len_destroy_while_iterating (__main__

[issue21173] WeakKeyDictionary.__len__ fragile w/ _IterationGuards

2014-04-07 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34751/issue21173-test.diff ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue21

[issue16389] re._compiled_typed's lru_cache causes significant degradation of the mako_v2 bench

2012-11-02 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey: #9396 replaced a few caches in the stdlib w/ lru_cache, this made the mako_v2 benchmark on Python 3 almost 3x slower than 2.7 The benchmark results are good now that Mako was changed to cache the re itself, but the problem still stands that lru_cache seems

[issue16390] re compilation slow in Python 3.3 due to functools.lru_cache overhead

2012-11-02 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Sorry Brett, beat you to it w/ #16389 =P -- resolution: -> duplicate status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/i

[issue16585] surrogateescape broken w/ multibytecodecs' encode

2012-11-30 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey: surrogateescape claims to be "implemented by all standard Python codecs" http://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#codec-base-classes However it fails w/ multibytecodecs on encode: Python 3.2.3+ (3.2:eb999002916c, Oct 26 2012, 16:11:03) [GCC 4.

[issue15031] Split .pyc parsing from module loading

2012-12-03 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: >From the perspective of Jython we'd want the easiest way to hook into this as >possible of course, but I think that overriding marshal to handle a $py.class >or whatever format would be a misappropriation of the marshal module Jython actua

[issue16651] Find out what stdlib modules lack a pure Python implementation

2012-12-10 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: zipimport -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue16651> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsub

[issue16651] Find out what stdlib modules lack a pure Python implementation

2012-12-14 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: PyPy had a pure python itertools until recently (it's been deleted): https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/src/c1aa74c06e86/lib_pypy/itertools.py?at=py3k -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/is

[issue16651] Find out what stdlib modules lack a pure Python implementation

2012-12-21 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: The guidelines for this are in PEP 399. Basically, adding 'accelerated' implementations when necessary isn't a bad thing as long as there are pure Python equivalents (unless it's a special case) and both are tested. issue14373's

[issue16835] Update PEP 399 to allow for test discovery

2013-01-02 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Hey Ezio, you forgot to attach the patch -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue16835> ___ ___ Pytho

[issue15881] multiprocessing 'NoneType' object is not callable

2013-01-22 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Targeting this for 2.7.4. If Alexander doesn't get to it, ping me and I'll do it -- nosy: +benjamin.peterson, georg.brandl, larry, pjenvey priority: normal -> release blocker ___ Python t

[issue19516] segmentation fault using a dict as a key

2013-11-06 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: +ned.deily ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue19516> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue19725] Richer stat object

2013-11-22 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey: With discussion of the new Pathlib API there's been suggestion (and maybe even already consensus) that some of the convenience APIs provided by it should exist on stat result objects. It's maybe too late for 3.4, but let's track exactly wha

[issue5329] os.popen2 and os.popen3 in python 2.6 incompatible with os.popen* in python 2.5

2009-09-03 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: The subprocess docs (in Doc/library/subprocess.rst and the module itself) need to also reflect this change -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue5

[issue5329] os.popen2 and os.popen3 in python 2.6 incompatible with os.popen* in python 2.5

2009-09-03 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Sorry, I meant the docs describing how to convert os.popen* calls to subprocess calls. They assume the shell arg is always True regardless of the cmd arg type. Those docs are probably the original source of this bug

[issue6990] threading.local subclasses don't cleanup their state and it gets recycled

2009-09-24 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey : When threading.local subclasses are cleared during a reference cycle the local's internal key is nulled before the local is deallocated. That's a problem because local only deletes its state (ldicts) from threads during deallocation, and doesn&

[issue6990] threading.local subclasses don't cleanup their state and it gets recycled

2009-09-25 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Great, though I think it still needs to deallocated: Index: Modules/threadmodule.c === --- Modules/threadmodule.c (revision 75050) +++ Modules/threadmodule.c (working copy) @@ -244,7

[issue6990] threading.local subclasses don't cleanup their state and it gets recycled

2009-09-25 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Also I've tagged this as a (potential) security issue. E.g. if a web app were affected, one user could potentially access another's data. I actually noticed it in the Beaker sessioning/caching middleware (used by Pylons and other web frameworks).

[issue6990] threading.local subclasses don't cleanup their state and it gets recycled

2009-09-28 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: applied in r75123-r75127, including a backport to release25-maint -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue6

[issue5329] os.popen2 and os.popen3 in python 2.6 incompatible with os.popen* in python 2.5

2009-09-29 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Here's the doc change with a lil more clarification, and I've also applied it to the module's own docs -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file14996/subprocess-conversion-doc2.patch ___ Python

[issue5329] os.popen2 and os.popen3 in python 2.6 incompatible with os.popen* in python 2.5

2009-09-29 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: applied in r75143/r75144, in time for 2.6.3. thanks! -- resolution: accepted -> fixed status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/

[issue1724822] provide a shlex.split alternative for Windows shell syntax

2009-10-09 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: FYI I've implemented a Windows command line parser for use by subprocess on Jython, it's available here: http://fisheye3.atlassian.com/browse/jython/trunk/jython/Lib/subprocess. py?r=6636#l554 tests: http://fisheye3.atlassian.com/browse/jython/tr

[issue7120] 2.6.4rc1 regression

2009-10-13 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: App engine shows up after every import statement, so it must have some kind of import hook -- which can do evil things -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue7

[issue7120] 2.6.4rc1 regression

2009-10-13 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: +vinay.sajip ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue7120> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue7146] [PATCH] platform.uname()[4] returns 'amd64' on Windows and 'x86-64' on Linux

2009-10-15 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: +lemburg, loewis ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue7146> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue7240] subprocess.Popen.stdout.flush fails os OS-X 10.6.1

2009-10-29 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Why are you flushing stdout? It's read-only and flush is for writing. This behavior is dependent on the underlying platform's fflush, which really *should* be raising EBADF when fflushing a read only file, anyway -- nosy

[issue7240] subprocess.Popen.stdout.flush fails os OS-X 10.6.1

2009-11-03 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- resolution: -> invalid status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue7240> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list

[issue7301] Add environment variable $PYTHONWARNINGS

2009-11-10 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue7301> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue7301] Add environment variable $PYTHONWARNINGS

2009-11-13 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: test_warnings is probably the best place since test_cmd_line ignores environment variables -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue7

[issue7333] Add initgroups to the posix/os modules

2009-11-16 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: The test should skip when not hasattr(os, 'initgroups') since it's optional -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.py

[issue1757126] [PATCH] Fix ptcp154 encoding cyrillic_asian alias

2009-11-16 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: fixed in r76337, r76338 -- resolution: -> fixed status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/iss

[issue7334] XML file locking in Jython 2.5 (OSError on Windows)

2009-11-16 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- assignee: -> pjenvey nosy: +pjenvey versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.2 -Python 2.5 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/iss

[issue7349] StringIO.StringIO, io.BytesIO, and io.StringIO accept None in places where other file-like objects don't

2009-11-18 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: The original pure-python impl. of io accepted None, and still does. This is a regression in C impl. -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue7

[issue7177] Unclear warning for subprocess.call

2009-12-02 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Improved in r76640 / r76641 to explicitly mention this applies to stdout/err=PIPE -- resolution: -> fixed status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/

[issue7697] os.getcwd() should raise UnicodeDecodeError for arbitrary bytes

2010-01-13 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Right, this is an intentional change in behavior in Python 3.1, non-decodable characters are now decoded to utf8b (via the surrogateescape error handler). The unicode string returned from getcwd furthermore can be passsed around to other fs functions, they

[issue4351] [PATCH] Better stacklevel for GzipFile.filename DeprecationWarning

2009-05-07 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: this and more applied in r72458 -- status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue4351> ___ ___ Py

[issue6082] os.path.sameopenfile reports that standard streams are the same

2009-05-21 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: They are the same file, namely your tty Python 2.6 (r26:66714, Oct 8 2008, 22:16:30) [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> impo

[issue1559298] test_popen fails on Windows if installed to "Program Files"

2009-05-25 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: subprocess also needs this fix applied Does the w9xopen command line below not need this? -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue1559

[issue6107] Subprocess.Popen output fails on Windows

2009-05-25 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Exactly what command line are you passing to subprocess? Does stderr contain anything? -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue6

[issue1704474] optparse tests fail under Jython

2009-06-01 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: This looks like it was against Jython 2.2? Jython 2.5 passes 2.5's test_optparse with only fixing __builtins__ and disabling the weakref test So uses of __builtins__ should should be importing __builtin__ and use that instead. sys.platform.startswith(

[issue6217] Add _io._TextIOWrapper.errors

2009-06-05 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey : _pyio.TextIOWrapper provides the encoding and associated errors values, but _io._TextIOWrapper only provides encoding. Patch adds errors and has it show up in repr in both places, against py3k -- components: IO files: textiowrapper-errors.diff

[issue6226] Inconsistent 'file' vs 'stream' kwarg in pprint, other stdlibs

2009-06-06 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey : It'd be nice to eventually standardize on the kwarg name used for basic file-like args in the stdlib. print, warnings.showwarning and some others take a file= argument whereas pprint, getpass.getpass take stream= print and pprint in particular should

[issue6301] Error in tutorial section 7.2

2009-06-18 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Jython 2.5 behaves in the same way -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue6301> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue17198] dbm.whichdbm references non-existent 'ndbm'

2013-02-12 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey: There are a couple references to an 'ndbm' variable/module in this function on Python 3.2 and above (and just one reference on default). It appears to be leftover from the 3.x reworking of this module -- components: Library (Lib) messag

[issue17032] Misleading error message: global name 'X' is not defined

2013-02-19 Thread Philip Jenvey
Changes by Philip Jenvey : -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue17032> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue17442] code.InteractiveInterpreter doesn't display the exception cause

2013-03-16 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey: The code module claims to emulate Python's interactive interpreter but it fails to emulate displaying of the exception cause. It can utilize traceback._iter_chain to do this (see traceback.print_exception) -- components: Library (Lib) mes

[issue17442] code.InteractiveInterpreter doesn't display the exception cause

2013-04-18 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: PyPy's fixed this here: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/commits/1341a432e134 The tests just need to be adapted to the stdlib test suite -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/is

[issue14805] Support display of both __cause__ and __context__

2013-04-20 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: and the code module (after #17442 is resolved) -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue14805> ___ ___

[issue19725] Richer stat object

2014-12-08 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: I can't find the paper trail of what I originally thought was a "consensus" or even that many clear pronouncements about it, but I recall Nick being originally opposed to it but he later changed his mind, you can see his approval here: https://

[issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2

2016-04-18 Thread Philip Jenvey
New submission from Philip Jenvey: Basically a reopen of the older issue8485 with the same name. It was decided there to drop support for bytearray filenames -- partly because of the complexity of handling buffers but it was also deemed to just not make much sense. This regressed or crept

[issue26754] PyUnicode_FSDecoder() accepts arbitrary iterable

2016-04-18 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: See issue26800 for reasoning to go with #4 -- nosy: +pjenvey ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue26754> ___ ___ Pytho

[issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2

2016-04-20 Thread Philip Jenvey
Philip Jenvey added the comment: Thanks Serhiy, I did not see the python-dev thread. This coincidentally came up recently in pypy3. +1 for some kind of deprecation period needed -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue26