Change by Andrés Delfino :
nosy: -adelfino
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Change by Andrés Delfino :
nosy: +adelfino
nosy_count: 11.0 -> 12.0
pull_requests: +27703
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Hi, no I'm no longer working on this.
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Andrés Delfino added the comment:
When I open a PR fixing mark-up it's because it has visual effects.
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Serhiy, could you take a look at this when you have some spare time? :)
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
nosy: +adelfino
nosy_count: 2.0 -> 3.0
pull_requests: +22838
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +22856
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +22857
Python tracker
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
I propose to let fnmatch.filter accept a tuple of patterns as its pat
parameter, while still supporting a single string argument (just like
str.endswith does).
The code to do this manually and efficiently pretty much involves copying
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +20812
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
nosy: +adelfino
nosy_count: 3.0 -> 4.0
pull_requests: +21235
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
types.NoneType was removed here:
The thing of adding NoneType to types that is somewhat unpleasing to me is that
it's named exactly a
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
ammar2 found this mail mentioning the changes in that commit
"I've removed the 'new' module from py3k and also removed a lot of types
from the 'types' mo
Change by Andrés Delfino :
nosy: +adelfino
nosy_count: 8.0 -> 9.0
pull_requests: +21317
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
nosy: +adelfino
nosy_count: 8.0 -> 9.0
pull_requests: +21316
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
nosy: +adelfino
nosy_count: 28.0 -> 29.0
pull_requests: +21315
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Hi, Patrick! Yes! It would be great if you could open a PR to document those
new types.
The documentation of types.Union should go to master only, and the
documentation of types.GenericAlias to both master and 3.9, so two PRs should
me opened to address
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Hi, Radim!
I've tested with 3.7.8 and got (None, None). I'm curious on how you got that
'image/jp2' output.
It seems jp2 was never supported by looking into the git history of
Would you like to open a PR to support it?
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Nice debugging!
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Change by Andrés Delfino :
nosy: -adelfino
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Change by Andrés Delfino :
nosy: -adelfino
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Change by Andrés Delfino :
nosy: -adelfino
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
As per I believe this issue can be
closed now.
My PR is not relevant to the problem stated by OP, so I'm "unlinking" it.
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Hi Windson Yang! Yes, I'm still working on it. I'll have it ready by the end of
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Great! I'll definitely give it a look.
I prefer not to make a PR until everything is in its place. You can check the
status though:
Fred was very helpful with his in
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
Both fnmatch.fnmatchase and fnmatch.filter (in Unix) do not support path-like
This is inconvenient, for example, when taking advantage of os.scandir and
working with os.DirEntry objets.
Also, fnmatch.filter in Windows does support path-like
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +10121
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Closing, as __fspath__ returns paths and fnmatchcase/filter deals with
resolution: -> rejected
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Also see #34085 that deals with the same issue in functions.rst.
nosy: +adelfino
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
nosy: +adelfino, yselivanov
versions: +Python 3.8
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Python-bugs-list m
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Closing with Victor Stinner's approval.
nosy: +adelfino
resolution: -> not a bug
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
Documentation on fnmatch.filter says:
Return the subset of the list of names that match pattern. It is the same as [n
for n in names if fnmatch(n, pattern)], but implemented more efficiently.
But the function actual accepts any kind of iterable. I think it
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +12958
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
Documentation states that, for walk, "errors from the listdir() call are
ignored". That's no longer the case since 3.5. Change mention to listdir() to
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 314786
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
Documentation says urllib.request.urlretrieve "might become deprecated at some
point in the future".
IMHO, it's better to provide examples that do not make users rely on API that
has this label.
I propose the example in the pull reques
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6148
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Hi Senthil! I signed the CLA several days ago. Got the "Python Contributor
Agreement Form between Python Software Foundation and Andrés Delfino is Signed
and Filed!" mail on April 1st (perhaps I chose a bad date to fill t
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
The agreement can be found at:;
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
My contributor form shows as received now :)
Don't know how to update the "CLA not signed" label on the PR.
Python tracker
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
There are two links to the Tcl/Tk documentation on tkinter.rst. One of them
points to 8.5 man pages.
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 315303
nosy: adelfino, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6172
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
PNG is supported since Tcl/Tk 8.6. Update the doc/source accordingly.
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 315324
nosy: adelfino, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Mention PNG as a supported
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6179
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
IMHO, it's important to provide the link of the specific version of Tcl/Tk that
Python actually uses. Otherwise, when 8.7 users might read the wrong
documentation. Also, users might read the 8.5 man pages.
Perhaps I didn't get yo
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
This brings the question: should the documentation follow what Python provides,
or the minimum supported version?
Maybe a compromise is to have a "requires Tcl/Tk 8.6" note?
Python track
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Replaces msg315327:
IMHO, it's important to provide the link of the specific version of Tcl/Tk that
Python actually uses. Otherwise, when 8.7 users might read the wrong
Perhaps I didn't get yo
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
I have updated the PR. Hopefully, it addreses Serhiy's comments.
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Perhaps a comment in the lines of:
You can find the relevant Tk man pages by checking what version is installed in
your system:
python -c "import tkinter; print(tkinter.TkVersion)"
at the top of the page, and then removing all version s
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6201
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
Given that the default list of supported formats is quite limited, IMHO we
should point to Pillow, or any other package that provides support for more
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 315393
nosy: adelfino, docs
Change by Andrés Delfino :
type: -> enhancement
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +6238
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
I believe this issue can be closed, right?
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New submission from Andrés Delfino :
IMHO, the wording of is somewhat
confusing regarding the "skip issue" label.
I thought that I (with no commit access) should add the label, but, as far I
understand, that is a responsibility of devel
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6242
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: -6242
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
This is the PR:
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Currently cherry picking the commit for 2.7.
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +6257
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
I have updated the PR:
* Now we mention that python -m tkinter shows the installed Tcl/Tk version so
users can read the right man pages.
* Only mention the link to documentation page (sadly, there doesn't seem to
exist an "Archived man p
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +6297
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +6299
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +6303
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
There's still an open PR to backport this to 3.6:
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6350
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6353
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
I just made a PR to start working on the right wording.
nosy: +adelfino
Python tracker
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
Right now we are using|file|symlink) in shutil.copytree, but
taking advantage of os.scandir's is_(dir|file|symlink) seems the way to go.
I'll make a PR with to start the discussion with a proof of concept.
components: Li
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Guido, now that we are working on this, perhaps you can list what other terms
related to type hints/annotations you were thinking for addition.
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
To be frank, I just searched the tree for uses of listdir() combined with
isdir()/isfile()/issymlink(). Thought that using scandir() would make sense,
and didn't think of a reason for not using it. That being said, I cannot state
a case and I'll b
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Great, I'll look into them.
It will take me some time to make a list of the new terms and write proper
descriptions. Perhaps we could deliver the updates to the glossary by waves so
people can make benefit of it? As in multiple PR being merged
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
Right now, for string/byte literals help() shows, for example:
No Python documentation found for 'r'.
Use help() to get the interactive help utility.
Use help(str) for help on the str class.
PR fixes the quotation mark removal and updates the l
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6393
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
*While the list is still incomplete
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Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Eric, I entered "r'" in the interactive prompt.
Serhiy, using the code in tokenize, I got a total of 144 combinations. For
comparison, the list of symbols help() shows, after the proposed change, has 67
IMHO, we should comprom
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
To get the 144 combinations I used the logic in
import re
def _combinations(*l):
return set(
x + y for x in l for y in l + ("",) if x.casefold() != y.casefold()
_strprefixes = (
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
And what should symbols show in pydoc?
Should symbols show:
1. All legal combinations with ("'", '"') (48 possible combinations)
2. Only b/f/r/u with ("'", '"') (IMHO, this is the most reasonable opt
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
I have updated the PR. Now symbols show:
Here is a list of the punctuation symbols which Python assigns special meaning
to. Enter any symbol to get more help
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +6405
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
I was exploring pydoc, saw the literals as available help "terms" on the
sysmbols section, and tried reading the help for one of them.
I learnt about IDLE debugging to trace this bug :)
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6416
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
I believe you are right about being conservative with changing working code,
specially when there's no proof about performance being improved.
I think its best to close this ticket. I'd do it myself, but I know what
resolution ap
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
Expressions mentions "tuple displays" in 6.16 (Operator precedence).
AFAIK, there ano "tuple displays". Expressions mentions list, dict, and set
displays, and then talks about generator expressions.
I guess "parenthesized expres
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6447
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
The thing is that "tuple displays" like:
nums = (n for n in range(10))
Yield a generator expression instead of a tuple.
Also, unparenthesized "tuple displays" like 1, 2, 3 can't be used in
expressions, AFAIK:
>>> if
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Ignore the previous comment.
The thing is that "tuple displays" like:
nums = (n for n in range(10))
Yield a generator expression instead of a tuple.
Also, unparenthesized "tuple displays" like 1, 2, 3 can't be used in
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
The documentation says a display may or may not have a comprehension :/
[1, 2, 3] is a list display too.
[x for x in range(3)] is a display that has a comprehension. Acoording to the
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Yes, Ivan, I was thinking about that.
I think it makes sense, and I'll be glad to do it.
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +6506
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Shouldn't we have this on 3.6 also?
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Andrés Delfino added the comment:
I see a conflict here in that annotations can be used for other purpouses, for
example variable annotations, they are heavily intended for type hinting (PEP
526 says "This PEP aims at adding syntax to Python for annotating the types of
variables (incl
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +6513
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Andrés Delfino :
versions: +Python 3.6, Python 3.7
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Andrés Delfino :
I think PEP should be mentioned in the glossary, as it is an important piece of
how Python is developed and learned.
The PR's wording is taken from PEP1, mostly verbatim.
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 316653
Change by Andrés Delfino :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6534
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Hopefully I address your comments with the last PR update.
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
Guido, could you point out what parts make it sound that way to you so I can
change them?
Python tracker
Andrés Delfino added the comment:
I'm sorry, because of your comment, I believe you haven't read the last update
on the PR. Could you take a look at it?
Python tracker
Change by Andrés Delfino :
pull_requests: +6604
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