Meador Inge added the comment:
This is a documented limitation for CPython:
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
FWIW, I see a win on OS X 10.12.6:
λ:[master !?](~/Code/src/python/cpython)=> cc --version
Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin16.7.0
Thread model: posix
Meador Inge added the comment:
Looks like a dup to me.
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Meador Inge added the comment:
Hmmm, not sure why I forgot to apply this myself. Thanks for committing it
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Nothing. I didn't have a Windows box handy to investigate at the time. I do
now and can look into this in the next day or so.
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
See also issue24340
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
Attached is a first cut patch for this. (CC'd haypo as a unicode expert).
assignee: -> meador.inge
keywords: +patch
nosy: +haypo, meador.inge
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Added file:
Meador Inge added the comment:
Strictly speaking, the stack size is calculated *after* the peephole optimizer
is run, but the code that computes the stack depth operates on the basic block
graph instead of the assembled and optimized byte code.
Anyway, the conclusion is the same as Brett
Meador Inge added the comment:
I'm not to crazy about the trailing padding syntax either. The behavior is
documented all the way back to Python 2.6. So, I would be hesitant to change
it now.
If the new 'T{...}' struct syntax from issue3132 ever gets added, then maybe we
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
Works fine on Darwin (OS X Yosemite 10.10.5):
drago:cpython meadori$ uname -a
Darwin drago 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Mon Jan 11 18:48:35 PST 2016;
root:xnu-2782.50.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
nosy: +meador.inge
Meador Inge added the comment:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
Overall, this patch LGTM. Some new tests would be nice. Especially since the
NEWS entry claims that we now support extended args.
As for for the compatibility concerns, I don't know.
nosy: +meador.inge
Meador Inge added the comment:
LGTM. I agree that the extra braces are a little gross, but nothing
immediately comes to mind as how to make that better.
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Thank y'all for the patch and help with testing.
resolution: -> fixed
stage: commit review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Xiang's patch LGTM. Given that Kees has verified it, I will apply today.
assignee: -> meador.inge
stage: needs patch -> commit review
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
If I follow this correctly, then it seems like there are two
main pieces to this patch:
1. Consolidating the following methods into `bytes_methods.c`:
a. {bytes, bytearray}_find_internal
b. {bytes, bytearray}_find
c. {bytes, bytearray}_count
Meador Inge added the comment:
I started poking at the patch a little and have a few comments.
My understanding of the issue comments is that the read error actually happens
when reading in the *source* file and *not* the bytecode file. This happens
because 'ferror' is not che
Meador Inge added the comment:
Thanks for committing this Victor. The patch looked good to me too. Sorry for
not getting around to update the tracker.
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Thanks Yury! I have committed my patches to 3.5 and default.
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Will do. Thanks for the review.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Meador Inge added the comment:
On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 12:04 PM, Stefan Krah wrote:
> I think with the ASYNC/AWAIT changes any code using
> will have to be updated anyway in 3.5 and in 3.7 (when ASYNC/AWAIT
> will finally be real keywords).
> So this is proba
Meador Inge added the comment:
This looks good to me. A few questions.
The patch is fixing an obvious bug, but there could be code that
depends on the current broken behavior (the table has been incorrect
since Python 3.3). How do we feel about such breaking changes?
I am OK with this one
Meador Inge added the comment:
I will review this today.
assignee: -> meador.inge
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
FYI, I posted a patch to handle this case and the regression
noted in issue24485 on issue24485.
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Here is a first cut patch that moves things back to using a syntax-level
analysis instead of a bytecode-level one. I extended `BlockFinder`
to skip decorators.
keywords: +patch
nosy: +meador.inge
stage: test needed -> patch review
Added file: h
Meador Inge added the comment:
> I think that the only way we can solve this is to revert the patch for this
> issue.
I agree with this. It seems like doing this analysis at the bytecode level is
wrong approach. Perhaps the syntactical analysis being used before should be
Meador Inge added the comment:
I did some regression testing and reviewed the code; LGTM.
As for the code structure issues, I agree that the duplication is undesirable
(the readability argument is not that convincing), but Serhiy's patch is
consistent with the existing design. As su
Meador Inge added the comment:
What is the exact GCC revision and what are the error messages? I just tried
GCC 4.9.3 and GCC 4.10.0 and don't see the errors.
Also, what configure and make parameters did you use to trigger the error?
I did './configure --with-pydebug' and
Meador Inge added the comment:
H, maybe I am missing some context, but why not avoid the casting and do?
diff --git a/Modules/_io/bytesio.c b/Modules/_io/bytesio.c
--- a/Modules/_io/bytesio.c
+++ b/Modules/_io/bytesio.c
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ typedef struct {
* exception and returns -1 on
Meador Inge added the comment:
Thanks for the review and reminder about this issue, jesstess. I will apply
the patch later today.
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Ah, okay, this looks in reference to the opcode generation stuff in issue17861.
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
I am not sure I follow. In I see one check for Python:
AC_CHECK_PROGS(PYTHON, python$PACKAGE_VERSION python3 python, not-found)
if test "$PYTHON" = not-found; then
ASDLGEN="@echo python: $PYTHON! canno
Meador Inge added the comment:
Apologies for not getting around to applying this myself. I had an extremely
busy week with the day job last week. Thanks for applying Martin.
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Apologies for not replying over the weekend. I am still looking into this one.
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Sure. I will refresh it tonight or sometime tomorrow.
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Larry, nice. I am verified that your latest patch fixes my third sqlite3
nit from issue20178.
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
I audited the other 'ZipFile.debug' uses and agree that the others are
mainly useful in debugging the zipfile implementation itself.
Since it isn't that critical of a change, the default branch should be
nosy: +m
New submission from Meador Inge:
It has been noted a few times that someone might forget to re-run after updating the argument clinic comments. The attached
patch adds a new check to to note when files containing
argument clinic comments have been changed. You could
Meador Inge added the comment:
Attached is a first cut for sqlite3. It is generally OK, but I have the
* As is probably expected, __init__ and __call__ procs can't be converted.
* sqlite3.Connection.{execute, executemany, executescript} don't use
Meador Inge added the comment:
Will do, but in this case I didn't think a one character diff was worth
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
None of the sites in Modules/_curses_panel.c look convertible.
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
Larry, the attached patch converts what is convertible of
Modules/_ctypes/_ctypes. Although, I ran into an odd case
with this conversion: the converted functions are each used
in *multiple* PyMethodDef tables. So while clinic can generate
equivalent code, the
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
I will pick this one up.
assignee: -> meador.inge
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
> Larry, I don't want to scatter patches for these related modules and merge
> them with patches for totally unrelated modules. And I think it would be
> cumbersome to Nadeem Vawda to make reviews in such circumstances.
Maybe so, but it will more
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
Looks like the changes from 78ec18f5cb45 attempt to skip the signature,
but can't handle multi-line signatures.
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
The monkey-patched version breaks the auto-close on __del__ feature:
[meadori@li589-207 cpython]$ ./python
Python 3.4.0a1+ (default:c41c68a18bb6, Sep 5 2013, 17:51:03)
[GCC 4.7.2 20120921 (Red Hat 4.7.2-2)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright
Meador Inge added the comment:
I was experimenting with something similar to what Jakub has. Rebinding the
call the the wrapper seems like a simple and clean way to do it. Although, I
wasn't absolutely sure whether this approach covers all
Meador Inge added the comment:
Reopening to rework test cases.
resolution: fixed ->
stage: committed/rejected -> needs patch
status: closed -> open
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
My last commit caused some buildbot failures
I am investigating.
Python tracker
Changes by Meador Inge :
resolution: -> fixed
stage: commit review -> committed/rejected
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Changes by Meador Inge :
assignee: -> meador.inge
stage: patch review -> commit review
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
I see some regressions when reference leak hunting with -j './python -j8 -R :'
test test_ast crashed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/meadori/src/cpython/Lib/test/", line 1265, in
Meador Inge added the comment:
'tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile' returns an instance of '_TemporaryFileWrapper'
that wraps the created file object. The wrapper object implements
'__getattr__' and we end up with a situation like the following simplified
example wh
Meador Inge added the comment:
Confirmed in trunk:
>>> tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=".",delete=False).write(b"hello")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
ValueError: write to closed file
nosy: +meador.inge
Meador Inge added the comment:
Using 'ctypes.wintypes' on non-Windows systems is most likely a bad idea. Most
of the types are defined in terms of the types for the target that the
interpreter is built for. Comparing serializations thereof in a cross platform
manner doesn't m
Meador Inge added the comment:
On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 7:11 AM, Ezio Melotti wrote:
> Even if the patch is applied only on 3.4, I would still like to see the
> ValueError turned into ImportError for 2.7/3.3.
Why not raise an ImportError for all versions? I don't see how
Meador Inge added the comment:
On Linux gcc and ld are used to implement 'find_library' and 'dlopen' is used
to implement 'CDLL'. ld searches /usr/local/lib. 'dlopen' might not if the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH isn't set up to do so. For example:
Meador Inge added the comment:
> Are you sure the PEP 3118 changes will land in 3.4? It would be a pity
> to lose a simple improvement because it was deferred to a bigger
> change.
No, I am not sure. That is why I said that I understand if others felt
this bug was critical to fix now
Meador Inge added the comment:
> I don't think Serhiy's patch should be blocked by a larger issue.
> I suppose you could rebase easily over his changes.
Where rebase=undo, sure. The changes for issue3132 are pretty
extensive (the basic data structures are changed). And
Meador Inge added the comment:
> Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:
> So what about more compact Struct object?
I already implemented the count optimization as a part of my patch for
PEP 3188 in issue3132. I need to rebaseline the patch. It has gotten
stale. Hop
Meador Inge added the comment:
I think this will be useful information. I tend to doing benchmarks
rather infrequently. Whenever I do them I forgot how I setup the suite
the previous time around.
In fact, I found this issue just now while googling for how to setup and
run the official
Meador Inge added the comment:
This seems reasonable to me to. So +1.
Small bikeshed on the name: I think 'unpack_iter' would be more
consistent with what is already there, e.g. 'unpack' and 'unpack_from'.
In fact, when experimenting with this patch I found mysel
Meador Inge added the comment:
Here is a version which implements the subprocess method for testing
suggested by Éric.
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Meador Inge :
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> committed/rejected
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
I will go ahead and commit the patch as is. Thanks for the review y'all.
Python tracker
Changes by Meador Inge :
stage: -> needs patch
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
I will take a look. As it stands the current patch fixes way too many
issues. Patches should fix *one* issue at a time. I will look at fixing
the original assert problem and at opening new issues for the others
(assuming there aren't already issues for
Meador Inge added the comment:
The current behavior seems consistent with the lexical definition for
blank lines [1]:
A logical line that contains only spaces, tabs, formfeeds and possibly a
comment, is ignored (i.e., no NEWLINE token is generated).
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Meador Inge :
stage: -> needs patch
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
I agree that it is better to cover both cases in one test irrespective of the
interpreter command line options. I will take a look at creating a subprocess.
Thanks for the review.
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Ezio Melotti wrote:
> That really depends on the situation. I think the point of that sentence is
> to make clear that some time might
> pass before someone can look at the issue, and I'm not sure it's neces
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
This seems like a reasonable addition to me. Although, I don't like the
"substantial amount of time" part (yes I know it was already there). That
should probably be replaced with something more concrete, e.g. one week.
Meador Inge added the comment:
The EpollSelector and PollSelector implementations are basically identical.
You might want to refactor these to share more code.
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
I suppose asserting the type wouldn't hurt, but I don't consider it that
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -164,12 +164,16 @@ class TestInterpreterStack(IsTestBase):
Meador Inge added the comment:
This case works fine on 64-bit Linux (Ubuntu) and OS X 10.7.5. I suspect this
is due to the fact that 64-bit Windows uses the LLP64 data model and we are
using longs somewhere. I am investigating further now.
stage: -> needs patch
versions: +Pyt
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
Serhiy, did you mean to mark this as "patch review"? I don't see a patch.
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Changes by Meador Inge :
assignee: -> meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
Thanks for the feedback everyone -- that helped. Here is a new patch
which addresses issue (3) by not requiring os.__file__ to exist.
The patch from issue11824 fixes freeze for 3.2 completely. The patch
from issue11824 plus this patch fixes freeze for 3.3 and
Meador Inge added the comment:
After applying the fix for issue11824 to tip there ended up being three more
1. should have been updated in d777f854a66e when changing
imp to _imp. Without this change a reference to 'PyInit__imp'
was being generated
Meador Inge added the comment:
As mentioned, the ABI issues are being handled in issue11824. I believe the
linking problems in this issue have to do with the changes that were made in
3.3 to bootstrap importlib into Python. I will look into it more.
assignee: -> meador.i
Meador Inge added the comment:
I don't think the current patch is correct. It breaks the usage of `
-p $path` since LIBDIR and LIBRARY are blindly used.
Maybe something like the attached that respects -p and -P can be used instead?
As for the testing, I think a reasonable sol
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Meador Inge :
nosy: +meador.inge
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Meador Inge added the comment:
Is the attached OK?
keywords: +patch
nosy: +meador.inge
stage: test needed -> patch review
Added file:
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
This patch looks good to me with the exception that "versionchanged" should be
assignee: -> meador.inge
nosy: +meador.inge
stage: needs patch -> commit review
Python tracker
Meador Inge added the comment:
On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 4:50 AM, Serhiy Storchaka
>> The cleanup of BYTESTR_DEPS and UNICODE_DEPS seems reasonable, but can you
>> explain the rationale behind removing the additional dependencies on
>> formatter_unicode.c?
> T
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